Kindle the taper like the steadfast star ablaze on evening's forehead o'er the earth, and add each night a luster till afar an eightfold splendor shine above thy hearth. ~ Emma Lazarus
So we're a little past the holiday season and as usual, I'm behind in posting my photos. I hope you'll bear with me as I share images from the the eight nights of Hanukkah. A few photos from a recent day trip to Mississauga will be sprinkled in with them.

On Hanukkah, the first dark night, light yourself a candle bright. I'll you, if you will me invite, to dance within that gentle light.
~ Nicholas Gordon
First Night: The menorah is all set to share the scene with a small Christmas tree in the background and a bottle of wine closer at hand.
Bare branches of each tree
on this chilly January morn
look so cold so forlorn.
Gray skies dip ever so low
left from yesterday's dusting of snow.
Yet in the heart of each tree
waiting for each who wait to see
new life as warm sun and breeze will blow,
like magic, unlock springs sap to flow,
buds, new leaves, then blooms will grow.
~ Nelda Hartmann
Beautiful Lake Wabukayne. My son, Alex and I took a tour around my old neighbourhood. This was the small lake in Mississauga where I spent countless hours photographing creatures of all kinds - just steps from my old door. We were in town for a family Hanukkah party and had a bit of time to kill. What better way than to take a walk around the paths of our past?
Better to light a candle than to curse the darkness. ~Chinese Proverb
Second Night: Night number two landed on Christmas. Alex was with me and you can see that plates were piled high with turkey, potatoes and other goodies. Wine and gravy each wait their turn to be poured, and a wine goblet makes a nice home for my spiced orange flavoured cranberry sauce.
I prefer winter and fall, when you feel the bone structure of the landscape - the loneliness of it, the dead feeling of winter. Something waits beneath it, the whole story doesn't show. ~ Andrew Wyeth
Here's a new addition to my old surroundings. Many of the trees around the lake have acquired bird houses. That should help encourage nesting for the winged lovelies.
Put on your yarmulke, Here comes Hanukkah! So much funukah, To celebrate Hanukkah! ~ Adam Sandler
Third Night: Hanukkah humour to tickle the funny bone. Both cards came from neighbours.
The trees down the boulevard stand naked in thought,
Their abundant summery wordage silenced, caught
In the grim undertow; naked the trees confront
Implacable winter's long, cross-questioning brunt.
~ D. H. Lawrence
My beautiful trees, still standing sentry for those who walk the paths of Wabukayne. I have photographed this spot so many times - in every season.
The darkness of the whole world cannot swallow the glowing of a candle. ~ Robert Altinger
Fourth Night: Reminders of dragonflies in summer - and an owl that doesn't give a hoot which season we're in.
The Winter frowned
Its icy eyebrows
~ Florentin Smarandache
There are far better seasons to stop and sit.
A candle is a small thing. But one candle can light another. And see how its own light increases, as a candle gives its flame to the other.
You are such a light. ~ Moshe Davis
Fifth Night: This fan belonged to my maternal Grandmother. It adorns a window ledge along with other keepsakes - a tiny set of brass goblets and decanter from my mother, tea candle holders and an old oil can from yard sales.
In the bleak midwinter
Frosty wind made moan,
Earth stood hard as iron,
Water like a stone;
Snow had fallen, snow on snow,
Snow on snow,
In the bleak midwinter,
Long ago.
~ Christina Rossetti
I'm so grateful that I have the opportunity to revisit my beautiful oasis, from time to time.
Now, near the Winter Solstice, it is good to light candles. All the nice meanings of bringing light to the world can be beautiful. But perhaps we are concentrating on lighting the world because we don't know how to light up our own lives. ~ Ralph Levy
Sixth Night: A different window ledge and a small collection of turquoise and blue.
I please myself with the graces of the winter scenery, and believe that we are as much touched by it as by the genial influences of summer.
~ Ralph Waldo Emerson
The Spindle berries were only beginning to fade around the edges. They keep their colour so beautifully through the earlier part of winter.
Most Texans think Hanukkah is some sort of duck call. ~ Richard Lewis
Seventh Night: Once again the tree makes its appearance in the background and a couple of birds enjoy the glow of the almost-full menorah.
It is deep January. The sky is hard.
The stalks are firmly rooted in ice.
It is in this solitude, a syllable,
Out of these gawky flitterings,
Intones its single emptiness,
The savagest hollow of winter-sound.
~ Wallace Stevens
A solitary milkweed pod soaking up some of the winter afternoon sunlight.
Colourful candles burning bright, each lit on eight very special nights. ~ Unknown
Eighth Night: This is the first year that I can remember being home for all eight nights of Hanukkah. On this final evening, I am glad to be able to share the kindling of the candles with all of you. Thank you for joining me for this season of light - here on the blog and in Facebook.More winter photos coming up before you can say "Jack Frost."
Your pictures are beautiful, even though I've grown tired of snow.
I loved the candles and sharing your tradition! Beautiful!
Although I love every post you've made, I think I love this one best. Thank you for sharing the season with us, Hilary, and so beautifully. <3
Beautiful. Warm.
Such a lovely celebration as you had! That card with the cat is too funny!
Beautiful pictures.
What beautiful holiday photos!
Lovely memories captured. :)
That lake isn't too far from where my aunt and uncle live.
You are a beautiful soul who kindles beauty in my own
These are beautiful!!
Thank you so much for sharing this lovely gift of your menorah and beautiful pictures, as always. Sending you much love. :-)
Nicely done! May the light shine bright throughout the year.
A nice combination of winter ad Hanukkah. I always like the poems you select.
A winter holiday review...maybe a nice collage for a Hanukkah card. I really like those spindle berries and wonder if we have something like that here, but with a different name.
I love how you have a different setting each night for the menorah.
Your Hanukkah photos are pure loveliness. So glad Alex could come for at least part of the holiday.
Just lovely. You always make me smile, but these images are sweet in juxtaposition to the sadness of missing your old home.
Your pictures are always a welcome sight!
See the bottle of wine with the red label in your first picture? I couldn't remember where I'd seen that label before, then I went to the kitchen, and there's the same bottle of wine on the counter. DIL brought it on New Year's Day and we didn't open it.
i love that we have the same menorah ... and i too have some little brass tsotchkes that belonged to my grandmother .... now i have to look for where i put them ... x
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