Sunday, November 1, 2015

Sweeter, Richer, Louder

Close friends contribute to our personal growth. They also contribute to our personal pleasure, making the music sound sweeter, the wine taste richer, the laughter ring louder because they are there. 
~ Judith Viorst

So now that the chilly month of November is here, I figure it's a good time to reintroduce the balmier days of summer. Mostly, I happen to have a lot more photos from the period of time when I suspended my blog and so I'm going to inflict some of them upon you from time to time. This is one of those times.

Bonus foggy dawn5
A familiar site from the past. A foggy morning in May with the sun just beginning to peek over the hill and a graceful bird on the wing.

Bonus May evening sky2
And here's the same spot at the end of a different day.

clouds forming2
Later in the summer, this is the view from one of the bridges in Peterborough. On this August evening, friends and I were about to head over to a free Kruger Brothers concert in the park. Their amazing banjo and guitar strings weave classical music with bluegrass and folk. I had seen them perform with Steve Martin on Letterman a while back and was looking forward to this evening's performance - minus the wild and crazy guy. The forecast called for a likely rain shower and we were equipped with raincoats and umbrellas. You can see that although it was still dry, the clouds were beginning to form.

kruger brother before the rain
It was difficult to take the imminent rain seriously when sun and clouds painted the sky such a friendly shade of pink. The music hadn't begun yet, and neither had the rain. Oh, but both of them did - at around the same time.

Kruger Brothers
I didn't take any photos of the rain because I was trying to keep my camera and myself tucked under the umbrella because it didn't just rain - it POURED! The downpour started early on during the music and only let up a bit before the Kruger Brothers were done. Most of the people who sat around so casually during the pink sunset were long gone. A diminished number of us sat it out and enjoyed the show immensely, in spite of the wet weather. These guys managed to stay dry on stage and neither their spirits nor ours were dampened. The show was fantastic.

folk festival
A couple of weeks later, I joined the same friends at a different park for a different show - the folk festival. I was tired and didn't stay for very long but enjoyed the music and the people-watching while it lasted. It wasn't any more crowded than this but I still had a hard time finding Carol Anne and Michael. They were somewhere on that hill. And I still can't find them in this picture. It's not them - it's me!

folk festival beagle
I did find them eventually - seated not too far from this cutie.

frisbee focus
This pooch was hyper-focused on his person - waiting to get the signal which would allow him to grab the frisbee.

folk festival6
The view toward the stage was lively. Music was good. Kids were happy. The weather was dry!

folk festival2
The sun bathed the hill with gold as it began its descent.

folk festival3
In between performances, folks chatted, daydreamed or read. Some went off in search of food. Many just enjoyed the last rays of sunlight.

folk festival9
A quick photo on my way out.

More (perhaps even more current) photos coming up soonish.


Pauline said...

Glad to see you out and about. Thanks for sharing it all with us :)

Out on the prairie said...

Music always sounds better outside. A neighbor built a nice screen house to have weekly sessions at her home.It is always fun to see who shows up.

Shammickite said...

Ah... concerts at del Crary Park, I saw Gordon Lightfoot there a few years ago. I'll meet you there for a concert next summer. Check out the 2016 lineup!!
That beagle has a very funny look on his face.
I like the way you've personalised your pictures, what a good idea.

Marie Smith said...

The beautiful pictures of summer make me wish winter wasn't on the horizon. Oh well, such is life in our great country. We take the good and the snow.

The Furry Gnome said...

We saw the Kruger Brothers twice at the Goderich folk festival - awesome banjo playing!

Leah J. Utas said...

Ah, it's good to visit summer. Thanks.

OmaLindasOldeBaggsandStuftShirts said...

The outings look and sounded like you had a good time. Summer snippets are always welcome when winter is knocking at the door. xoxo Oma Linda

joeh said...

I love me some guitar and banjo music.

ellen abbott said...

it's been a long long time since I went to any outdoor performance. living in the 4th largest city in the US the crowds were huge and traffic was always a nightmare.

Kat said...

Beautiful photos! I miss summer already.
Although I don't think I can complain. We've had really mild weather so far. And this week is supposed to be close to 70 the entire time. Love it!

Jackie said...

You are such a wonderful photographer!
I could look at your photos forever. I enjoy the moods you capture....happy movements of children, peacefulness of the fog ("on catlike feet")...reflections that mirror the majesty of God's creation. And on and on....
Sigh. Thank you so much for sharing.

Lori Buff said...

Beautiful summer photos, they make me feel warm inside.

Bob Bushell said...

Beautiful festival, excellent images, and, of course, the dovecote from the past.

stephen Hayes said...

That last one looks like a wonderful venue for folk music.

Tabor said...

I must attend more outdoor concerts. Been too lazy and a bit too busy. That expression on that hounds face if rather interesting!!

Shady Del Knight said...

Hi, dear Hilary!

The more you show and tell me about Peterborough, the more evident it becomes that you live in a clean, picturesque and friendly community. Some of my favorite memories are of spreading a blanket on the ground and experiencing concerts in the park. Surely I would have enjoyed the Kruger Brothers show and the folk concert, especially if there were dogs present. It amazes me how the intelligent breeds can be trained to restrain their impulses and await a command.

Thank you for this uplifting post filled with inspiring images, dear friend Hilary!

sage said...

Nice shots. I love the dogs and folks listening to the music, but I find myself wondering when winter will arrive here as it was 80 degrees with 80% humidity this morning at 7 AM.

Daryl said...

awesome photos ... i especially like the one with the BIG building in the background 'cause up till this moment i had this image of Petersborough as a teeny tiny town

photowannabe said...

Great photos of fun times in your new place.
I do love those from the Lake too. there is such beauty all around us.
You made me giggle when reading your comment on my blog.
Thanks for stopping by.

Rita said...

The Kruger Brothers sounded fantastic on Letterman and I bet they sounded even better without Steve. I'm glad you put that link in. I haven't been to a summer concert in decades, but you never forget them. They have their own smells and sounds. You captured the essence well in your photos. :)

Karen said...

Crary Park is just the greatest Venue. I took my Dad and nephew to see the Rankin Family there ages ago.

L. D. said...

A lot of wonderful shots around the rain. The dogs add a flavor to the occasion with there being on site and watching everything or being bored.

EG CameraGirl said...

Sounds like you are enjoying your new life in Peterborough and that's great. The Judith Viorst quote is so true. Having close friends makes all the difference!

Linda said...

Great free entertainment in the parks.

William Kendall said...

The second shot's my favourite, and the dogs are adorable!

TexWisGirl said...

nice that folks come out for the concerts - rain or shine. :)

Kathleen's Blog said...

Love all these photos----gives a nice glimpse of your area. The first two pics, however, took my breath away-----wow,so beautiful.

Theresa said...

Concerts and summer are forever linked in my lexicon that's for sure. Great pics all of them. The beagle is a handsome fellow, a bit portly but he is a beagle after all!
Amazing how the light truly does become golden.
And now we are heading into festival season. Oh for some of those wonderful Finnish cookies I used to get. :-)

Red said...

It's good that you have outdoor concerts in the summer. There's lots of good music around the enjoy. Your photos show some good people watching.

Jenn Jilks said...

Such poignant photos. I like Peterborough. It's a great spot, too.
We miss our lakeside home, too. All the best.

Linda said...

Outdoor concerts are great... until the rain starts. Still, it didn't stop Woodstock!

Anonymous said...

Ah - those photos of the dock and the lake are gorgeous!

Gary's third pottery blog said...

Looks like there is a perfect hillside for concerts at the park!

Musings of a Creative Writer said...

Amazing pictures! Next spring I should suspend my blog and just photograph as well. This is such a great idea! Living life and enjoying all it has to offer.

Anvilcloud said...

What a nice update post.

Anita said...

It's good to see people outdoors enjoying music, nature, animals, and other people. Looks like you had fun times!

Mage said...

Wunnerfula woderfulla. I love folk music, and you captured much of my past in these pictures. Thanks.

Shammickite said...

I bet you miss that lovely view across the lake.

Unknown said...

Very nice to see the celebration of music here. Hilary! :)

Becca said...

The folk festival looks like a lot of fun. I just moved to a new city and can't wait to check out all of the local festivals! :)

Linda said...

That beautiful sunset belied what was to come. Sorry you got rained on, but sounds like you still had a good time. There certainly is no lack of interesting things to do there, with lots of people (and pet) watching opportunities.

Linda at To Behold The Beauty said...

What a fun set of images, and what a dedicated fan you were to sit through a concert in the rain. I'm sure the performers appreciated those who stuck it out. Love the picture of the Basset. You really captured those eyes...and that tongue. And I love the intensity of the Border Collie. My favorite of the images in this post, though, is the second one, with the clearer and wider view of the lake than you usually show. So beautiful.

A Cuban In London said...

Beautiful! :-) What a gorgeous set of photos. Thanks.

Greetings from London.

Indrani said...

I would love to listen to a concert like that sitting under the big blue sky! Great pics from the event.