The greatest delight the fields and woods minister is the suggestion of an occult relation between man and the vegetable. I am not alone and unacknowledged. They nod to me and I to them.
~Ralph Waldo Emerson
Peterborough has a bustling and thriving Farmers' Market each Saturday morning and it's just a short walk from my apartment. Outdoors May through to November and then indoors for the winter, there is always something of interest to see, hear and sample. Over 60 regular farmers and merchants set up shop each weekend, ensuring an ample display of food, flowers, crafts, music and activities. Here are just a few of those moments captured sometime in August.

When I arrive, the first stall that I see is full of colourful gladiolus blooms. They attract a constant flow of buyers and I imagine that there are many a cheerful table throughout Peterborough each Saturday night.

Another popular blossom at the market is the radiant sunflower. Summer on a stem.

A variety of musical performers are scattered throughout the grounds. Some are regulars and some happen by occasionally such as Nhapitapi who also appeared on stage somewhere in town, that evening.

He's playing the mbira - an ancient Zimbabwean instrument consisting of metal keys played by his thumbs. The outer drum is the resonator. It sounds something like a plucky xylophone.
Have a quick listen.

Others had well-used musical instruments on display.

And the beet goes on... It's the locally grown fresh produce that draws the crowds.

Bumper sticker for a bumper crop.. I'm guessing that she sold a fair number of carrots that day.

It would appear that this handsome pooch and his trusty teddy bear were at least mildly amused.

Colourful hula hoops for the youngsters and young-at-heart to enjoy.

And no shortage of cute kidlets to try them out.

Each stall offers something of interest.

Heading back home past the gladiolus stand - they have pretty much sold out. It makes for kind of beautiful debris.
Thanks for joining me at the market.
I like carrots.
It looks very busy!
What a fabulous post of warm humanity! (and vegetable-hood!)
Farmers markets are wonderful at this time of the year. We walked down to the veggie stand at the corner of the road today for some of their fresh tomatoes and zucchini.
lovin' the bumper sticker!! so cute! neat instrument(s). your photos are always so beautiful. how neat to have a market all year round.
Loved the visit to the market. Thanks.
What vivid photos! I liked hearing the mbira music. You're so lucky to have the market year round. Our local farmers markets have closed until next summer. I think maybe Vail has a street market that continues through October, weather permitting. Those beets!
Hi, Hilary! Thank you for taking us to the Peterborough Farmers' Market. Mrs. Shady and I love to visit farmers' markets, take in the sights, soak up the smells and sounds and hunt for bargains of all kinds. I love your close-up "beauty shots" of the sunflower and the beets. It's nice to see that hula hoops are still popular nearly 60 years after they were first introduced. Enjoy the rest of your weekend, dear friend Hilary!
Your market is very similar to ours. Only the entertainers must apply for a permit beforehand. I enjoyed listening to that instrument; thanks for the video. I always forget I have a video camera! :-)
A pleasant walk through this market...
Thanks a lot !
Best regards from France,
All I can say is, I'd buy her carrots. Great pictures.
Beautiful photos! Sounds like something we have, but it's on May-November, then it's done for season. Always fun. :)
Such interesting music! Love a nice farmer's market, you have a lovely one.
It's great that you have a market like this so close by and what a variety of photo opportunities.. The music was very interesting...I have never heard of that instrument before...The pooch with his bear stole the show for cute....
Farmer's markets provide lots of interesting sights. I see you haven't lost the play on words ability!
Ah, just lovely. This is what I needed, your blog. I have been wishing for something good to read and here it is! Photos always a bonus. Yaaaay for you!
Oh I love farmers markets. We have one somewhere in the area, every day except Thursday. So much to see and appreciate. Thanks for the tour of your local market. Loved it. xoxo Oma Linda
You've captured some beautiful photos here. Particular favorites are "summer on a stem" and the collection of well-used instruments.
Hilary: Brilliant display here of so much life teeming around that area! Bravo! ;)
Another enjoyable collection of photos. I like the brilliant colours of your photographs.
I really enjoyed my virtual walk with you thru the Farmer's Market :)
A lot of the pics didn't open for me, not sure why.
The last photo is my favorite. Your city seems very European to me. I wish this would leak down to our country in its rural markets.
As always, vibrant color and wonderful detail. The instrument inside of the resonator sounds very much like what I refer to as a thumb piano, of which I have one and enjoy making noises with (wow, that is a hideously-constructed sentence, but I'm sure you understand me, so let it stand.)
What a lovely market and a fine place to while away some time. I'm glad you found such a neat town to call home. I'll leave the hula hooping for the kids-never was much good at it.
looks like a great market. wish we had something like that nearby. the closest would be about 40 minutes away. I bought some glads from the grocery store but they were very disappointing. didn't open well before they dried up and keeled over. love the shot of the beets and the musical instruments.
That sounds like a bigger, louder version of my little Kalimba that I can play with my thumbs. Well, I pluck with my thumbs--"play", well that is a bit out of my reach as non-musical as I am--but it still sounds so good even playing random notes with no talent whatsoever. ;)
What a great market! Even if I hadn't a dime I would want to wander through all the sights and sounds. Have a spectacular week!! :)
Brilliant market in your home town, fantastic images Hilary.
I love how you've captured the rich colours and textures of the market, Hilary. You've inspired me to spend more time at the local markets here in London. They're such vibrant community hubs, and they have so many stories to tell!
i am a devoted greenflea goer .. every sunday as long as its not raining or snowing its on in a schoolyard a short walk from my apartment ... seems like your town's like my town :)
such rich colors :)
What fun... In MIchigan, I was within walking distance of a 2x week farmer's market (in season). Now, it is a 14 mile drive :(
Farmer's market should be encouraged! I like the concept. Lovely captures.
Jack and I hit the Farmer's market Saturday but it wasn't as crowded as usual. I think it's done in a few weeks. I need to get my pumpkins asap! Looks like a fun way to spend a morning! We don't have anyone as exotic as your musicians either...just the Amish!
Oh, I need to visit your Farmer's Market.
What delightful goodies in every direction.
Love the beets, and those clever handmade lamps??
Gorgeous flowers too.
Have a good week Hilary.
Looks fabulous. My daughter and I went to the Framers Market in St. John's this past Saturday--always love the sights, sounds and smells.
Our Farmers market runs right up to mid December, which I love because as it gets closer to Christmas, the market gets so very festive.
Everything is so vibrant and ALIVE! Great shots.
Enjoyed that music.
Sad that it was only for half a minute (the video)
Having a great farmer's market nearby is a real treat. I'm surprised there aren't more "good ones" in Los Angeles. We have lots of "carnivals with a few vegetables" but few like yours-- So colorful and fun and full of produce and interesting people.
Thanks for the tour!
xo jj
I enjoyed this tour of the market. I very much like Peterborough so I look forward to reading about your experiences there.
Your farmers market in Peterborough is so much more interesting than the market here. Ours is Thursdays and very few stalls, pathetic really! And no musical performances. But we have the big Saturday market at the sales barn.... I took some pics last week, a future blog post I suppose!
Farmers' Markets. Ah, yes. I remember the ones in Barrie and Orillia, when i used to them.
There is one just a couple of blocks from where we now live. (Yes, we've moved again.) But it is very urbanized — which is what you would think for a city of 250,000.
Blessings and Bear hugs.
Hilary, this is so delightful!!!!!
this looks like a wonderful market!
ours have just ended, the seasons are a changing. Autumn is in full swing here.
Your photos are gorgeous and full love life.
So nice to see you back in blog land.
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