Do you see that out there? The strange, unfamiliar light? It's called the sun. Let's go get us a little."
~ Nora Roberts
As has long been the case, on and off, these days, I'm finding myself falling behind with blog reading. The weather is nice. The house is still in a stage of unready and I'm an expert procrastinator. But I will be around for a visit before too much longer, I hope.
I have lots of spring images to share with you but they're all still in the camera right now. The photos below are from that transitional stage between late winter and early spring. If you just squint and ignore the ice on the lake, you'll never know the difference. At the end of the photos, I'll post a short video that tells us once and for all that the spring season has arrived.

Glancing through the kitchen window (yes, it's spotty and in need of a good cleaning), the sun was making its subtle presence known on a very grey day.

I took a walk down to the public boat launch, one afternoon when the ice had just begun to pull away from the shoreline. There was a colourful world of discarded nature just above and below its surface.

Same spot as the water reflects the low-lying branches of a nearby tree.

A short distance up the road, there's a small cottage and trailer rental spot. This was their mailbox which had fallen of its post sometime during the winter.

I posted a photo of this road recently. This is just another view of Paradise Landing - the one through the windshield.

Late day sunlight gave some much needed colour to the landscape across the bay. There was still ice on the lake but the colour bounced off of the clouds and onto the watery patches close to shore. The lake has been pure liquid for the past couple of weeks now.

Here's a close up of the point. Take note of that spot - it will appear in the video below.

And here is a better look at Blueberry Island with just a few remaining patches of icy snow on its beautiful rock face.

Let's zoom in just a little bit closer still. Imagine the view from up there? Some folks do climb it. I bet my adventurous blogging pal, DJan would tackle it in a heartbeat. Oh I know she's a hiker and not a rock climber but she's jumped out of planes, for goodness sake! Lots of them.

On a cool, clear night, early in April, this is how the moon appeared. All crisp and cold and deeply into the serious task of becoming full.

She came in through the bathroom window a few nights later wearing nothing but the branches of still-bare trees. Apologies and thanks to the Beatles.
We watched these two Common Loons take chase across the lake from our far left point of view to the right. Every now and then the one who was in pursuit would change direction briefly and then so would the chaser. They'd quickly return to the business of running away and following. We weren't sure if they were a male and female in a mating ritual or if it was a territorial issue between one of our established bay watchers from last year and a newcomer. Google confirmed the latter. They sure can be goofy birds and I'd have to say that they come by their name honestly. But they're also incredibly beautiful birds and they serenade us with their haunting songs every night.
More photos coming up soonish.
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And now, without further delay, here are the Posts of the Week. The icon below is yours for the taking if your blog post is named as a POTW.
Look Up
by Hilary
at Crazy as a Loom
The Centre of the Universe
by Leah
at the Goat's Lunch Pail
Foxy Lady
by Stephen
at Chubby Chatterbox
The Fad
by Joe
at Cranky Old Man
by Gail
at Louisiana Belle
Look Up. Look Down
by Daryl
at Out and About in New York City
Foxy Lady
by Daniel
at The Pixel Collective
High-Rise Country Living
by Theresa
at The Run*A*Round Ranch Report
Let's All Shout for Trout
by Crabby
at Cranky Fitness
The Hairy Eyeball
by Yaya
at Whispering Pines
What Your Flower Delivery Person Wishes You Knew
by MessyMimi
at Messymimi's Meaderings
When a Photo Becomes the Canvas
by Karen
at What Karen Sees
Recommended by: Tabor
In Defence of Nothing
by Leah
at The Goat's Lunch Pail
Please drop by their blogs for a visit and leave a kind comment if you have the time. Also, please feel free to add your own choices (for any blog except this one) for a specific blog post in the comments section below, where others can see them.
Thank you
Your pictures are so crisp, and the light so amber. Real nice to join you on a walk. . . .
ALOHA from Honolulu
Hi Hilary, I've never seen Loons acting so loony! The pattern they swam was weird and wonderful (and fast). I'm glad your lake ice is melting and spring is there to stay. I think your goal should be to climb that mountain this summer - think of all the great photos from up high!
Beautiful spring colours or fall colours in spring.
Nice have a very deep voice Hilary.
Another fine collection photos and video Hilary. Keep them coming.
Your observations always brighten my day. And thanks for pointing our more good reads!
Wonderful golden light in some of these shots - just lovely.
I love the reflection shots and that golden colour on the landscape. Beauty is everywhere and you do a great job at seeing it.
I just love the call of loons. Those guys were definitely not happy with each other. And as usual I love your pictures, Hilary. Thank you so much for the advice you left on my blog about camera stuff. I'll be playing around with what I've already got before heading off to the store to buy anything. :-)
that little floating bark shaving is is the moon through the looks like you are looking through a peephole...
Now I know why we use the expression, "Crazy loon."
Hilary, you sweet thing! Thanks for the POTW shout-out! I love how you always find beauty in the every day...that's a talent. I laughed at the loons and I'm so glad Spring has found you. I know more wonderful photos will appear as the seasons progress. I'm betting your lake will be the spot to enjoy this Summer. Have a great weekend!
awww! thanks, dear hilary! i've been visiting around the links. some really great pieces and posts. thanks for including my silly one! :)
I was wearing a light coat while catching walleye yesterday. Most of my garden is planted, but we are having some cold nights still.
I really like the photos with the sunlight brightening things up in small areas and the clouds shading others. I guess what I'm saying is nice contrast.
Your wonderful pictures make me want to paint landscapes. Thanks so much for including me in Posts of the Week. I always appreciate it. Take care and have a fun weekend.
I enjoyed hearing the loons in your video! I've never heard them in person before, although I've seen one once. Your photos are absolutely brilliant...I'm hard-pressed to pick a favorite. But I do appreciate you picking Leucy for a POTW! Honored, really. Thank you so much. Hope you have a wonderful weekend. Look forward to more beautiful photos. :)
You have such an eye!
Such a beautiful transition time! Thanks for spreading the word, too!
thank you for the honor and the extra R in my name!
Lovely pictures as the sunlight plays upon the landscape. Isn't that a piece of birch bark floating in the water?
Fantastic light in the pictures. They will make good greeting cards.
Great selection of posts.
Love-love-love all your pics!!
Sure doesn't care for new neighbors, does he? LOL!
I love the sounds of loons across the lake. :)
Wow those loons sure do travel fast ... yes, most likely one chasing off another from his territory. Enjoy the weekend.
I, too, have been lazy in my reading habits. I should always mike time to come here, however, because you never disappoint. The shot with the birch bark looks like some sort of freshwater cousin of a jellyfish; living and breathing.
These are all excellent but the first and the last one are beautiful.
Beautiful scenery and the vdeo, love that.
Oh my, that hill on Blueberry Mtn :)
What wonderful pictures! Ontario in amber light with Loons. Wish I were there.
Blessings and Bear hugs!
Hilary, I absolutely LOVE "She Came in Through the Bathroom Window!!" Beautiful image.
Wishing you a wonderful weekend!
It's always so pleasant to see your collection of casual and relaxing nature images. Of course the video of the loons made me tired watching them expend so much energy. Nice selection of POTW.
Beautiful shots. Yes, this is the time of year to get outside with that camera, rather than being cooped up inside reading blogs! I did my outside time earlier today and now I'm snuggled with my laptop and Twilight Zone Season 4!
Seeing your photos with less and less ice is great in my opinion. The water shots certainly are picturesque.
Those loons have me exhausted…
Off to read some of your POTW.
As usual, LOVE the beautiful photos! And thank you so much for the trout POTW! I was going to link right back to you in todays post (since it calls for a link to a REAL photo blog with nature pics) but that seemed too "fishy." But you know I am hooked on your photos and love to catch them whenever I can!
Here yesterday. Gone today. Sun, sun come out and play.
I wanted to walk down the little road surrounded by tall trees and look round the corner.
The bend in the road looked quite tantalising.
Maggie x
Nuts in May
Nice post. Well formatted with amazing photographs though.
I always like photos of paths and roads, which make me feel that I am walking along it. I also like your low-lying branches, which seem like a canopy. And of course, the branches in the circle of light is awesome.
Fun video!
I hope to view a couple post of the week today. Always good to be introduced to new bloggers.
I sit here smiling as I read. That's the best blog gift of all.
Kay's musings have taken us to the far east/ twenty posts. They are worth the read.
Here's the first:
What a gorgeous set of photos! I especially like the late afternoon ones over the bay. I know what you mean about catching up with blogs. Earlier in the year, work seemed to consume me and I fell drastically far behind first with reading and then with writing new posts. Thankfully, bloggy friends are fabulous. They were all there when I was ready to return!
As usual, very enjoyable photos -- love the moon and bare branches --and an amusing video.
I enjoyed the video, Hilary and it reminded me of the film "On Golden Pond".
I'm still under the effect of that first photo. Marvellous.
Greetings from London.
That is hilarious! I know they cannot take off on land, but this seems a bit ridiculous!!!!
I love walks with you.
Hi Hilary.... I've been away from blogging for a while, no excuses, just needed a rest, so now I'm back to enjoy more of your beautiful photos. Loved the loons, silly things!
As always, Hilary, your blog is a place to savour images and words. Great evocation of The Beatles' lyrics. Best wishes to you and Frank.
David McMahon
Great captures Hilary..... that video was absolutely awesome! I LOVE watching the behavior of birds and ducks!
Beautiful! The birch bark on the water is my favorite. Gorgeous!
Now I know where the saying "crazier than a loon" comes from. Ha! What a sight. Those two guys were really moving fast!
Love, love, love the lake you live on. It's truly gorgeous!
Thanks for the blogs to check out. As always, I really appreciate it.
Happy weekend, xo jj
Hilary, come and have a dance with me at my new ballroom to some beautiful music!
Hugs ~ Eddie
How funny that the chaser doesn't seem intent on injury, just chasing! But I guess the chas-ee wasn't too sure of that. Glorious photos, but the one of the moon coming in the bathroom window is my favorite, along with your description. Congrats to the POTW!
That golden light framed by the clouds on the hills--beautiful. Your early spring is gorgeous Hilary. The birch bark on the water...made my day.
hi my fiend, thank you for this beauty. your pictures always put a smile on my face. i really love the beautiful lighting. and the composition. and the details.
i'm always in awe of your exquisite photography.
i love walks with you.
and thanks for the fun video!
happy sunday!
big hugs~
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