Not I.
Some of these faces belong to my young neighbours. Others drew me in with my camera as they passed by, walking with a parent. Still others were caught from a distance while they were at play. I hope you enjoy them. All were taken last summer and autumn.
My lovely little neighbour, Jailyn lives across the street. I love this pensive look on her face.
Handsome little Alex lives right next door.
Another good looking guy - Riley. He always has mischief in his eyes.
This little darling was plunked down on the walking path by her mom who was trying to snap a portrait of her. Frank and I were approaching from her side and she kept focusing on us instead, so of course I focused my camera on her. Isn't she a cutie?
These kids were having fun jumping around outside of a church situated along the path where I walk.
Father and son walking through the park. Gotta love those boots on the little guy.
Mother and daughters walking along the dock. There's something endearing about the little girl holding her stuffed animal under her arm, with the dress strap slipping off her little shoulder.
Father and daughter enjoying their stroll. You'll have to trust me when I tell you that she had a huge grin on her face as they passed me by.
I hope you found my kidlet collection entertaining. More photos coming up soon.
Hi Cuzzie,
What a sweet way to end my Valentine's day. Love the front teeth on Riley, too.
This is more than amusing, or beautiful, it is an authentic document of childhood, North America, 2013
Wishing YOU
a happy weekend, with Aloha from Honolulu
Comfort Spiral
~ > < } } ( ° > <3
A marvelous serie...
Very good shots,
Best regards from France,
Did you ask permission to put those children on your blog and out in the net?
These are all gorgeous! :-)
Those face close ups put a really big smile on my face. Thank you Hilary.
great leave me feeling younger so i like to hang with them...smiles.
Great pictures, as the rear shots....sneaky, aren't you? They didn't even know they were shot!
So well done. Loved the sweet faces that fill the frame and the shots from behind, especially the father carrying his daughter on his shoulders.
Great photos of some really beautiful children! Love the walking photos!
what an adorable post, hilary!!
omg, such beautiful little faces!
love your portrait photos.
hope you've had a fabulous valentine's day!
You do need some grandkids. I can feel your breathless wait from here. I do so hope you are rewarded, and if it is not in the cards, looks like you can adopt a grandchild or two nearby!
A happy post!
What great shots! They make me smile, every last one of them, so that's a lot of smiles! :-)
You go some super head shots in there.
You have the most amazing talent for these portraits!
What a smile-inducing post!! Happy Friday :)
Of course that little girl on her daddy's shoulders is smiling: as far as she's concerned she's on top of the world. Great pictures.
You certainly caught more than pretty faces but some of what was going on in their heads. The last one is an activity enjoyed by both children and parents.
my favorite was the little guy in his wellies. so cute.
They are darling. :)
adorable all
Like Stephen, I smiled all the way through this. You've captured some wonderful candid shots. I hope you took the name of the mother of the little girl so you could send her a copy. I'm sure her photo didn't turn out nearly as lovely as yours. Love the action shot at the church, with the airborne girl and her flying hair. And the little one on her daddy's sweet.
You almost make me wish mine were small again. Almost.;)
It's always nice to see pictures of kids. You are game taking them. I would be afraid that the parents might be offended - Dave
My favourite ones are the pictures taken from behind as they were all going on their way. Somehow or other, it makes me want to follow them!
Maggie x
Nuts in May
I love your attention to detail.
Very nice. Colour me biased but I particularly like the shots of the dads with their kids.
love your portraits of children.
Magical captures.
I love these! Do you ever feel funny photographing these kids? I do sometimes - but shoot anyway. :)
What a wonderful collection of adorable shots.
You have captured them well.
Hard to believe that one day they will grow up and lead their own lives and the whole cycle will repeat itself. Beautiful photos. Many thanks.
Greetings from London.
What a beautiful series of portraits this is, Hilary!
I hope you've had a wonderful weekend.
Not much more endearing than the youngest of us. I read once that babies are as cute as they are because something in an adult responds well to that cuteness, thus ensuring we are moved to take care of them. I would take care of ALL of them if I could!
Not much more endearing than the youngest of us. I read once that babies are as cute as they are because something in an adult responds well to that cuteness, thus ensuring we are moved to take care of them. I would take care of ALL of them if I could!
And it my absolute favorite way to enjoy children's sweet faces... from far, far, far away.
Oh, I love your kidlets.
They are sweet and the closeups are beautiful.
I really like photos from behind showing the relationships.
My favorite shots of my own kids are often taken from behind them while they walk. And you don't have to worry, I trust that the kidlet on Dad's shoulders is having a grand time. :)
Love, love, love, this post! There is something about taking shots of people from the back. I can't quite put my finger on it. They look innocent, unaware that they are being photographed. Natural.
Your portraits are so refreshing! The close-ups are so clear and capture the emotion of each child.
Yes, Cutie-Pie sitting on the path is the Star!
Dear Hilary, you are such a great photographer, kids are very difficult to capture. I am in Italy, and on a very slow connection, so only a few of your images loaded, but those that did are superb.;)
Hope all is well my dear friend, I am sorry for my infrequent visits, but life has been pretty hectic lately, can not wait for my usual routines to resume.;)
Have a great week ahead,
What a celebration of life depicted here! Great photos, Hilary!! :)
you are every bit as gifted at taking lovely portraits as you are at capturing birds and other animals. such wonderful shots of such dear little ones.
You've got some really sweet neighbors!
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