Wednesday, December 14, 2011

It's Beginning to Look a Lot Like... No Posts of the Week

Sorry folks. I just haven't been making the rounds enough this past week in order to bring you a substantial Posts of the Week. I have collected a few and I will include those the next time I publish a POTW but for now, I hope you'll forgive me. Perhaps I can placate you with 1) a few Christmas lights photos and 2) the promise of a Benny post for tomorrow? What? That'll do? Thank you. I kind of thought Benny would save the day.

A couple of weeks back, my next door neighbours Jen and Mark sent out an email to our friendly neighbourhood. Clever people that they are, they came up with a good idea for an evening get together.

They had a fake Christmas tree that they no longer needed, but instead of throwing it out, they asked each of us to stop by with an ornament or two and make an event of decorating the tree. They had lights, tinsel and several ornaments of their own, to which we added ours. And there was hot chocolate, shortbread cookies and a nip of this or that to warm us - which it did but not nearly as much as the camaraderie.

Oh, I should mention that the tree was set up on their front deck for all of us to see each night when we walk by. And what kind of a blogger would I be if I didn't share that sight with you?

The tree was still a work in progress at this point. You can see a couple of our neighbours hanging ornaments.

tree star
A gold star for our efforts.

through car window
Standing back a bit, I snapped this shot a few nights later. I liked the way the some of the fence lights were visible through the car window.

And here's the reflection on the car's body. It's become a photo tradition around here since Frank photographed a similar image a few years back.

Thank you Jen, Mark, son Alex and mom Grace for inviting us to join you. Stay tuned for a Benny post, tomorrow.


Frank Baron said...

Those shots came out very well. I like 'em. :)

Anyes said...

The light reflection at night time is
always bringing surprising treasures :-)

Thank you for sharing Hilary :-)

Dave said...

You all brought new life to that tree Hilary - Dave

Murr Brewster said...

If the neighbors start to complain when I drive up on their lawn, I'm sending them straight to your last photo.

Cloudia said...

oh YEAH! Those lights, so well captured, DO something to the kid in me, Hilary.

And Benny tomorrow? VERY cool.

I'm a happy bloggeeee. . .

Aloha from Waikiki

Comfort Spiral

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ADRIAN said...

Excellent snapping.

Sarah Anne said...

I love Christmas lights! I got to go take pictures with a friend tonight, and it was so much fun! Pure magic. :)

Sueann said...

What a great idea of sharing ornies and fellowship!
Love the photos!'


Pauline said...

How pretty - and what a nice way to share that Christmasy feeling. Thanks for sharing with us!

Like you, I've not been able to make blog rounds for some time. The days seem to slip past me, laughing. When I catch up to myself, I'll catch up on my favorite reads. Your last few posts have been as delightful as always. I looked quickly just now :)

sage said...

I like that last shot--WOW

Ruby said...

very well captured night shots!!

Gary's third pottery blog said...

oh wow, all those lights!

Leah J. Utas said...

Wonderful job of those pics.

Out on the prairie said...

Lovely pics, it is fun to play with the lights a bit

Brian Miller said...

oo la la loving your christmas lights...hope the holidays are treating you well hilary

messymimi said...

At this time of year, do what you can, and it is enough.

Beautiful, and i'm looking forward to Benny.

Anonymous said...

I haven't been making the blog rounds this week as I normally would either. Some weeks are just like that, other things in life take precedence, or we just need a break from blogging, your photos are wonderful enough without a POTW :-)

Daryl said...

They came out VERY well .. I am now hoping to see some lights and get a few shots like these myself. Copycat that I am.

Linda at To Behold The Beauty said...

Great shots, Hilary! In that one where the fence lights are visible through the car's window, I love the way their reflection creates an outline of the cars themselves.

Suldog said...

What a wonderful idea, to invite everybody to contribute a little bit toward the decorating! Thanks for chronicling it, Hilary!

By the way, I have a suggestion for a POTW (or just for a good read for yourself.) Fellow by the name of Stephen Hayes. Very nice Christmas analogy.

DJan said...

I'm so glad you take some time for yourself now and then. But I really AM looking forward to a Benny post, it always lights up my computer screen to look at that great guy.

Dawn said...

I can never seem to take good night light captures. I LOVE that first one- simply beautiful!

TexWisGirl said...

what a great, neighborly idea. love it!

ellen abbott said...

What fun and how nice to see someone using the big colored outdoor lights instead of the ubiquitous small white ones.

Dan said...

Fabulous idea; a great sense of community too!

Denise at Autumn Sky said...

What a nice idea, a neighborhood gathering like that. And pretty photos too. It's delightful!

Ruth Hiebert said...

Great images. That tree will be sure to become a tradition,at least it should be that. What better than a neighbourhood tree trimming party and then all can enjoy it later.

Geraldine said...

It's difficult to capture Christmas lights, you did a great job Hilary!

Javier Guri said...

Fabulous combination of lights and colors.

Bob Bushell said...

Lovely decorations you have, brilliant.

Liz Mays said...

You must love where you live! That is a fun neighborhood, and the tree is gorgeous!

Anonymous said...

What a fantastic idea! It makes me want to live in your neighborhood. Of course, I already kind of did want to live there, on account of YOU. :)

Muñoz Bautista said...

Hello Hilary,
I like so much your blog.
Your photos are fantastic!!!
Congratulations from Spain

Anvilcloud said...

Impressive shots all. The second is most excellent.

beth said...

this time of year, no POTW is perfectly fine. how would you find the time...i know i wouldn't.

shoot away instead :)

Daanish said...

amazing pics :)

Unknown said...

What a lovely idea! Sounds like a lovely evening as well!

Dianne said...

a neighborhood tree
what a great idea
I love their fence lights

a promise of a Benny anything always makes me happy

Slamdunk said...

Creative with the reflection shots Hilary. I like it.

Anonymous said...

Those photos are so wonderfully colourful and uplifting. I like the one of the fence through the car window - very nice!

Kerry said...

Ooooh, pretty lights. I really like to take photos of reflections on cars. That last one is really cool.

Gillian Olson said...

Great shots, I especially like the lights reflected in the star and the car.

Anonymous said...

This beauty is a far cry from my house. I'm a Christmas slacker when it comes to decorations so thanks for posting these.

Anonymous said...

This beauty is a far cry from my house. I'm a Christmas slacker when it comes to decorations so thanks for posting these.

Zuzana said...

Lovely Christmas lights. I tried to photograph some myself recently, but only had a small Nikon with me and the images just were not good enough.;)

Hilary said...

Thank you all for the kind and encouraging comments. I will try to have a POTW for next time, but no promises. Your visits to my posts are always so appreciated. You folks are great! Thank you. :)

Country Girl said...

I like their attitude. And your nighttime photos here.

CiCi said...

Your neighborhood sounds like a great community. Sounds like a fun place to live. The photos are like jewels reflecting holiday cheer.

SandyCarlson said...

These are gorgeous photos! I am glad you are enjoying the season.

Anonymous said...

the lights through the window and the curved reflections ~ yeah!

photowannabe said...

What a great idea and what a great neighborhood.
Love the reflective pictures too.

Barbara said...

What a sweet idea! Love the photos!