To see in color is a delight for the eye
but to see in black and white is a delight for the soul.
~ Andri Cauldwell
My longtime blogger buddy, Kaye of The Bucksnort Chronicles recently created a black and white photography challenge on Facebook. I tend to shy away from memes and challenges for the most part but every now and then, one catches my attention - especially if the rules are relaxed enough. They were plenty casual in this case - simply post black and white images throughout the month of February, as often or infrequently as the urge strikes. It struck a few times and those efforts are below.
Of course, I have to admit that I never shoot in monochrome. My personal challenge was just finding subjects which I thought could look better in black and white than in colour. All of these images were photographed in full colour and turned into black and white photos for the event. Most have probably been posted on my blog at some point through the years. I hope you enjoy them.

This tiny hand belongs to my past-neighbour Lilly. Remember her? That sweet little munchkin has recently celebrated her sixth birthday. Time sure flies, doesn't it?

She's always been utterly delicious from tip to toe. Thankfully, I get to read about her brother's and her antics on FB, occasionally.

The protective arms and helping hands of a patient father teaching his child how to fish off of the dock.

Same dock, different day. I was out for a walk when I spotted his quartet fishing. I stopped for a quick shot and then hurried along.

A macro view of a teeny-tiny seed which landed on a narrow railing of a different dock.

And still another dock, at night, shortly after the moon rose in the hazy sky.

From hazy night to misty morning. This was the view across the bay.

Late day sunlight presents the shadow of a planter as it falls across a back wall and door.

Just a couple of bar chairs which caught my eye while waiting for lunch one day, a few years back.

And since we're talking about chairs and lunch, I had a decent meal at a little restaurant near my place, one day. For some reason I was intrigued with getting a shot of the boots under the table. I grabbed this one on the sly - without use of the viewfinder. I just lowered the camera, took my chances and clicked blindly.

It's not every day you see a bearded dragon out for a walk in the park. Especially when he and his person are wearing matching leather vests.

My neighbour, Carol kindly gave me a few old books for which she no longer had room. Among them was a 75 year old copy of Treasure Island, a 1917 copy of The Merchant of Venice, Black Beauty from the 1930s and a couple of copies of Tom Sawyer - one from 1949 and this opened one which is undated.

Zephyr's little black and white, heart-shaped nose which is magically dark grey and pink in true colour.
I hope you enjoyed these. Full colour and I will return before too long.
47 comments: are so good at this. Such lovely and touching art. I learn from you.
The cat's my favourite of these!
There is a certain dram with a black and white photo that is lost in the coloured ones. These are all great.
I can't decide which one I like the most but I think the tiny pocket on the bearded dragon's leather vest is so darn cute! Maybe he keeps bugs in there for later?
I love the moodiness of black and white photography and these are exceptional.
Hello Hillary...thank you for your comments especially about the goose. Many rescues don't have a happy ending, but an end to suffering.And you know if you can get an animal it is usually because they are very sick.. On a lighter note, I have two orange tabby cats and one is sitting with me now. ..Michelle
With the lack of sun I have had a few that appear B&W. I always got a roll every winter when I shot film and had a good time with it.I like the last light of the day and the fishing foursome,classic hats.
Love the photos. Each a gem and much to observe. Great job.
I enjoyed these on Facebook and again here. That stunning hazy tree reflection is my favorite, but that kitty nose comes close! :-)
These are simply powerful. Such beauty and power leave us all delighted, I'm sure.
Blue books: They have all been in the sun for many years. The sun fades the red and yellow in time leaving only the blue on the spines.
Black and white really makes the details pop! I love the photos you chose...wonderful!
Soulful selection indeed. Kitty is my favorite though
i love the four for fishing. sending you love from texas, dear hilary. :)
Beautiful. You can say so much more in black and white.
Not hard to tell that you've had a little experience with black and white.
These all make lovely black and whites. I loved the fishing quartet in color, and I love it in black and white, too. The misty morning shot is another favorite. Great post.
Hello Hillary, I loved all your black and white images. It is very hard to pick a favorite. All of them are superb.
Those are a feast! Thank you.
Oh what a collection : Treasure Island, The Merchant of Venice, Black Beauty & Tom Sawyer.
Black Beauty & Tom Sawyer are my fav.
Out of all the pics I liked the fishing one the best ( teaching his child how to fish off of the dock)
Gorgeous shots in black and white!
Beautiful black/white photography, they are all excellent images Hilary.
Nothing concentrates your focus like black and white and you've given us such beautiful images to focus and feel. Thank you Hilary! PS: My favorite, the moonlit dock and that sweet little heart-shaped nose.
very nice collection of shots.
I remember several of these and they are just as stunning in black and white. hard to choose a favorite in this group.
Very beautiful selection of pictures !
Awesome mono shots and that Bearded Dragon with the matching vest is just way too cute, love it. =0)
You are so good at seeing the shot Hilary, and monochrome is such an interesting medium. Lovely photos!
You did this challenge so well. I, like you, don't do B & W much. Maybe one day! The world is so white right now!!!
CHeers! Hope you are well!
I do love B&W though I rarely use them myself. I could stare at that reflected trees one all day. I'm a sucker for mist! I just love how that seed pops. The quartet of fisher people makes me smile. Fun to look at your B&W's, Hilary.
I'm old enough to remember black and white films and photographs. We have lost something with color, perhaps an instinct to focus carefully on the detail at hand. I know I react more emotionally to a black and white photo than to a color one.
OMGosh! These are magical!
I had an iguana for seven years, but he never had a leather jacket. ;)
Pure artistry Hilary.
Love the subject matter and the compositions.
I may have to putter around with a few of mine and see what I can come up with.
Love, Love, Love...
Well done, Hilary. I love black and white. It offers textures and shadows and truth that colour hides.
Excellent pictures! I had no idea that dragons liked to dress up.
super choices ...
Color or black and white, you know how to capture a shot! But somehow the B&W shots have so much feeling in them. Just simple pics that turn into a moment that takes your breath the baby shots..and the fishing folks...and of course when I saw Zephyr's pic I immediately thought of Squeak and got just a little teary eyed..super cool and fun post!
Black and white photos have a sharpness that color never seems to capture.
Thanks for stopping by at my blog!
I am amazed at the bearded dragon with the matching vest with the owner. I bet that dragon feels great going out for walkies like that!
B&W is interesting because we don't see it much these days. I had a professional photographer friend (sadly deceased now) who only shot B&W and I have some of his work framed.... beautiful.
Bom dia, as fotos a preto e branco na minha opinião e gosto, tem mais beleza, as fotos que aqui apresenta são belíssimas com qualidade.
Excellent! I Love Black and White photos.
Thursday evening....
You are an incredible photographer. Your photos capture such beautiful moments.
What a gift you have, Hilary. I repeat myself each time I visit here, but I assure you my thoughts are from my heart.
Beautiful artist with a camera you are!
And.... in my humble opinion, you are one of the kindest souls that I know.
Thank you for being you.
I don't shoot in b&w but sometimes convert. There is a certain magic to your collection here.
These are all awesomely amazing..I really love the sweet babe and the fishermen. Each one has it's own mood, which I know color shots would not have shown. Have a wonderful weekend!~
Great collection, Hilary. I've always enjoyed b/w photos... These are exceptional.
xo jj
Not all photos translate well into black and white, but some truly pop more than they do in color. And of course you have an eye for it. Beautiful!
You have such wonderful sensibilities with the camera in oth B&W and Color, Hilary. I enjoyed each photo!
Of course, you must know I consider yours to be the best photos in the entire challenge. :)
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