She turned to the sunlight
And shook her yellow head,
And whispered to her neighbor:
"Winter is dead."
~ A.A. Milne
Winter is dead.
How do I know this? Well, I don't really but everywhere around me, there are sure signs of spring.

Signs like the ubiquitous robin and other warmer weather birds heard singing for their mates. I snapped this image with a short lens, through all sorts of twigs which were partly obscuring a branch fairly high above me. I couldn't resist the robin's cheery song. Yup, I should have put the camera in video mode but alas, I did not.

It's March. In Canada, that means that we're never sure whether we'll need the shovel or the rake, so why not keep both handy?

The kids don't care about the above dilemma. They're gung ho to dig in the snow or in the earth. I suspect these toys might come out at any time during the year. They were at the same house as the rake and shovel.

Another sign of spring is when the mallards become rather possessive of their mates, fending off other potential suitors. Of course, an even clearer sign is that there is open water in which to do that.

It's March and that means that St. Patrick's Day is just around the corner. And on the Sunday before the 17th, Peterborough gives the GREEN light for the St. Paddy's Day Parade. I became aware of the event with plenty of time to plan attending. The route takes it to within a couple of blocks of my place. Judging by the recent Santa Clause parade, I estimated how long it should have taken to make its way here. And I was way off. I missed most of it but caught the tail end.

Its few remaining minutes (about 15) still brought some interesting characters my way. These guys were from the nearby town of Hastings where they run an educational theme park called Blades of Glory.

Cars and drivers, big and small were all decked out with the greenery of the day.

These are the pipers and drummers from The Rogues of Northumberland.

This girl did her own personal version of an Irish jig. I wonder if she kept it up throughout the whole parade route.

And this adorable fashionista stopped to pose for me, and throw some sloppy doggie kisses my way. Smooch!
That's it for now. I've spent the last couple of weeks totally flattened by a nasty flu bug but I'm very much on the mend now, and have been getting out for walks more often. This means more photos coming up before too long. Until then, I hope you've enjoyed this emergence of spring.
You poor thing!
Happy you are well enough to post. I love your photos. You are very good!
I'm one who needs to be reminded of St. Patrick's day and all the fun. Thanks for the photos.
We have a few things sprouting from the ground that hint of spring, too! And the weather is slightly warmer...won't be long, now!
Our little town doesn't have a St. Paddy's parade. I'd suggest one, but I'd probably have to organize it, so forget that. So thank you for sharing yours!
Great to see spring! St. Patrick's Day is a great time to remind the grandkids of their part Irish heritage. We are going to celebrate with Irish stew and soda bread.
Hilary, All I could think of was "Winter is Dead. Long Live Winter!" Of course this proclamation was made using King instead of winter. Methinks it's been an extra long day. Beautiful fun pics though, thank you.
Yes,here too we are seeing signs of spring,but I sure don't want to put those snow shovels away too quickly.Great spring like pictures.
Adorable signs of spring!
Oh glad you are better! These wonderful photos make me want to be a better photographer, and give me a lot of pleasure.
A most enjoyable parade. Do you have green beer on Paddy's Day?
Wow! So much life in these photos. Love seeing the kids having fun!
Love that first shot!!
The parade nearest me was postponed to the day after, there is a big college basketball tournament ending. I laughed and wondered if they realized that would be St. Josephs Day and one is suppose to drink red beer.
Hooray for signs of spring! What an adorable Pup!!!
Sorry you got the flu, but i'm glad you are better and got to see some of the fun sights!
I have been way too lucky not being ill for over three years. When some new bug hits me I will be totally unprepared. Sorry you missed a bunch of the parade, but there is always next year. I love the girl with her flying hair!
I love the picture of the sparring ducks. In the spring a young man's.... er I mean duck's... fancy turns to, well, you know what.
And the doggie wearing green is a hoot. I usually take part in a St patrick's Day lunch but this year it's on a thursday and our Art Group has a whole day portrait workshop planned. Oh well, I'll just have to wear green and paint with green paint!
I'm so glad you're getting over the bug and have ventured out with your camera. I love the parade, doesn't everybody? :-)
The bulldog made me smile. Great shot. Love the mallards, too. So colorful. I'm glad to hear you're gaining strength. I've managed to avoid the flu this year. So far. :)
Those parade shots are my favourites- especially that bulldog!
Our St. Patrick's parade is this coming Saturday, oddly enough.
Hope you are feeling better!
I'm still hunkered down up here in the Valley. Looking at snow. Looking at ice drip, drip, dripping. I'm aching to get down to the Patch to see you all!!
Great to see you out and about again. I love the photo of the rake and shovel!
Love parades, and that last one of the bulldog fashionista really made my morning.
i hope your version of that nasty bug does not have the never ending cough ... of course i especially love that fashionista doggy
Oh that bulldog!
I was affected by that flu too - it took me 3 weeks to recover! I love this batch of photos, especially the girl doing the jig. Enjoy your new adventures!
love the photo of the girl dancing her jig and if those bare arms aren't a sign of spring I don't know what it. glad you are on the mend.
The warmer weather has been a treat, but we're headed back to colder (normal) temps for a little while at least later this week. I've been hearing the Canadian geese going overhead and that is a sure sign of spring here. Any snow or sleet that may come still will not last long and that is good to know.
I love the pics from the parade!! Sorry to hear you've been down with the flu, but glad to hear you are coming to the end of it. Look forward to see your walking pics. :)
Glad you're on the mend! The parade looks fun!
Winter is dead? May it rest in peace. Get well soon! P.S...I don't think the pooch was sending a smooch, I think he was pleading for someone to get him out of that outfit!
Your spring looks like it's sprung! I love the action shots, esp the duck chasing away the competitor. That dog's tongue reminds me of a shamrock. Glad you're feeling better.
cute paraders. glad you're feeling better!
The juxtaposition of the rake and shovel is perfect for this time of year. I am almost certain that the shovel will get one more workout. Maybe not though; it's been a weird year.
I enjoyed it. Always an uplifting time, the spring. Seems to arrive just in time, too.
Love 'em, all green, and the dog, he knows you know.
Glad to hear you are on the mend from the flu. Dreadfully debilitating. Great photos of the parade and paraders. Loved the last shot particularly.
I'm thinking I should learn this Irish jig- if it keeps one as slim as she is! LOL!
It looks like a fun parade. Some were wearing clothes that showed that it really was a cold day.
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