Thursday, February 25, 2016

So Long, EG.

I am so saddened to learn about the tragic passing of our lovely and talented photo-blogging buddy, Tina Forrester who blogged over at East Gwillimbury CameraGirl.

She and her husband, Tom were taken in a traffic accident a few days ago. My heart goes out to their family and friends.

This one is for you, Tina.

tulip pinky
 Rest in Peace.


Unknown said...

Oh, this sounds tragic Hilary. I am sorry for the loss of your friends.

William Kendall said...

I found out a short while ago... I'd wondered why there were no posts the last couple of days, and then a comment in Lowell's blog drew me over to her page. A terrible loss.

Lillian said...

I am still in shock , we will all miss Tina and her wonderful photos . My heart and prayers go out to all of their family .

Betsy Brock said...

Oh, so sorry...

Marie Smith said...

So sad! Deepest sympathy to her family and friends.

Maggie May said...

I'm so sorry. That's terrible news.
Hugs......Maggie xxxx

TexWisGirl said...

it is so hard to believe we've lost another great blogging friend.

Bob Bushell said...

And me, loving her blog. RIP Tina.

Eddie Bluelights said...

How sad and such a shock when one of our blogging buddies passes, especially in such sudden tragic circumstances .. . . so sorry . . .

Cloudia said...

I just want to hug each of you!

Susan Kane said...

A true loss! God's blessing to you and her family.

Ann, Chen Jie Xue 陈洁雪 said...

sorry about Tina, thanks for letting us know.

Tabor said...

She touched your heart and I am sorry for your loss.

Out on the prairie said...

Sorry to hear this

sage said...

Tragic and sad. Prayers for their families and friends.

stephen Hayes said...

So sorry to hear about this tragic accident. My condolences to the family.

DJan said...

I didn't follow Tina, but I am so shocked by the sudden death of her and her husband. My heart goes out to all who are grieving. :-(

Ruth Hiebert said...

This news has come as quite a shock.To be it reinforces the fact that life is fleeting and we must tell our loved ones,each day,how much we cherish them.

messymimi said...

Please accept my condolences for the tragic loss of your friend and blogging buddy.

Rose said...

Can you tell me if there is anywhere I can view an on-line obituary? She was one of my first blog friends. I just cannot believe she is gone.

Linda said...

Beautiful image. I cried when I read the news this morning on Facebook. Tragic!

Anvilcloud said...

What?! Oh dear. She was a dedicated blogger.

yaya said...

How condolences to her family and also to you Hilary for your loss of a blog buddy and a wonderful photographer. Your photo today is a fitting tribute. Hugs..

Jackie said...

Lovely tribute, Hilary.
You are truly kind and compassionate.
My sincerest condolences.

Rita said...

Did not know them, but my condolences.

Ingrid said...

I am so sorry to hear these bad news. I knew her through her beautiful photos !

Shammickite said...

Oh no..... I didn't know that. And strangely, I had a phone call from a friend who told me that a very dear couple that she lived near in Mount Albert had both died in a traffic accident this week..... I had no idea it was Tina.
I had often told Tina that we should meet as she lived so close to me. I am so sad.

Daryl said...

oh no .. oh ... i am sitting here hand to mouth shaking my head .. only one 'good' thought is that they were together .. i hope no one suffered ...

Rambling Woods said...

That is a beautiful photo and Tina will be missed.. thank you so much for contacting me...Michelle

DeniseinVA said...

A great loss, such a tragedy.

William Kendall said...

The obituary for Tina and Tom is up at the funeral home's page, as well as copied here at Andy's blog:

Dan said...

Many of us fellow bloggers share in your sorrow.

RIP Tina and Tom

eileeninmd said...

Hello, lovely tribute to Tina! So Sad! We will all be missing Tina!

Andy said...

Nice tribute.

photowannabe said...

Such a tragedy. She will be missed.

Anonymous said...

So tragic and shocking! She will be sorely missed.

Kat said...

Oh, I am so sorry for the loss of your friend. My thoughts and prayers go out to her family and friends and you.

Mage said...

Oh my. How sad I feel for all of us. Thank you for letting us know.

Lisa said...

Hi , I remember so well..

My sorrow is joined in yours and you know its sad to say but they are together. How very terrible.'

and now wondering why Im missing so many blogging where I am.

Beautiful Beautiful flower for them both.

Mandy said...

Such sad news indeed! I week later and I still can't believe it! Condolences to the family.

Linette said...

May she rest in peace now. ♥

Altho I did not know her it would have been a privilege to have known her she's a beautiful photographer.

Beautiful flower shot of a tulip. =0)