Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Winter Leftovers & Posts of the Week

Spring is finally underway in southern Ontario, and the past couple of days have been lovely and warm. But my hard drive seemed to be clinging to a few leftover images from winter. I thought I'd share those with you today.

mallard through the twigs
A sweet mallard relaxing in the snow as seen through a mess of twigs. Perhaps she's thinking of setting up shop to start the nesting process in the weeks ahead.

duck prints
Where there are ducks and snow, there is sure to be duck prints in the snow.

berries on snow
A sprig of dried out berries lying in the melting snow caught my eye.

elm leaf on snow
Dirty old snow and an even older elm leaf soon to fade away with the coming of spring.

happy hat
And finally, a bit of whimsy on a nearby street sign. The poles were dressed with bows and somebody's lost hat made a colourful addition to the decoration.

I see that I still have some leftovers from last summer and early autumn. I wonder if I'll ever get around to posting those. Probably sooner than later.

And now, without further delay, here are the Posts of the Week. The icon below is yours for the taking if if your blog post is named as a POTW.

Just for the record, I very much wanted to include Suldog's post A Day in Lockdown in Watertown - a firsthand account of the search for the Boston Marathon bombers in his community of Watertown, Massachusetts. It was accepted and published by The Boston Globe on April 22 and no longer appears on their online pages to the non-paying reader. Nor can it be found on Jim/Suldog's blog any longer. Perhaps if you nudge him, he will be able to repost it on his blog for you. If he does, I'll link to it. It's a very good read.



Caught Up
by Tabor
at One Day at a Time

Endurance to Overcome
by Michelle
at House of Lime

The Fill Up

by Stephen
at The Chubby Chatterbox



At the Lake
by Dianne
at Forks Off the Moment

Slaughter at Valley's End
by Ursula
at Friko's World

Thank You, Mohini
by Pauline
at Writing Down the Words

The Slide in White
by Steve
at Out on the Prairie



Never a Truer Word
by Maggie May
at Nuts in May

Toast or Bake?
by Joe
at Cranky Old Man


by Kerry
at Ed and Reub



by Daryl
at Through My Eyes

What are You Looking Forward to, This Weekend?
by Betty
at Cut and Dry

Choose Mother Nature

by Gail
at Louisiana Belle

Upstairs Downstairs
by Daniel
at The Pixel Collective

Vienna in the Time of Lilacs
by Merisi
at Merisi's Vienna for Beginners


Please drop by their blogs for a visit and leave a kind comment if you have the time. Also, please feel free to add your own choices (for any blog except this one) for a specific blog post in the comments section below, where others can see them.

Thank you


Jackie said...

Love the mallard; your photography is splendid, Hilary. What a pleasure to be here.

Cloudia said...

That top shot is ENTRANCING!

from Waikiki
Comfort Spiral
~ > < } } ( ° > <3

Tabor said...

Thanks for your kind POTW as I am so glad others may read it and take it to heart. I really am enjoying the late winter photos above...perhaps because winter is long gone from here ;-)

Leah J. Utas said...

Duck prints in the snow. SO wrong. So promising.

Kerri Farley said...

The duck prints are amazing....and I LOVE that leaf!

DJan said...

I love the prints in the snow... but then again, I always enjoy all of your pictures. Off to visit some new blogs! Where do you find the time to read so much? No matter, I'm glad you do. :-)

Brian Miller said...

cool pictures...the one of the foot prints is really cool...def see the coon and the duck...and great shot of the duck int he first...

TexWisGirl said...

i love the first shot of the duck sandwiched between weeds and blue water. :)

thanks for the great list, again. i recognize a few right off the bat. :)

CiCi said...

The duck prints in the snow are so sweet. Nice picture.

As usual, I like your recommendations. Thanks for taking time to share with us.

ellen abbott said...

I love the two shots of the berries and the leaf on the old snow.

Gail Dixon said...

Thank you! I'm in good company. I am very honored that you chose my post. You are so generous.

Love your leftover winter shots. The first one of the duck is just magical. And the last one is so fun. You let nothing escape your eye. :)

Merisi said...

Thank you so much for the honour, Hilary, such a wonderful surprise! :-)

Such beautiful images, but I am glad that for you too the long days of winter are but memories.

Happy spring,

joeh said...

You and the ducks

Thanks for the POTW!

Daryl said...

thank you ... i wish you were here so i could bring you one of his amazing cappuccinos

Out on the prairie said...

The duck prints are nice. I am headed into a snowstorm today, it just can't quit.Thanks for the POTW!

Maggie May said...

Like the duck photo! You still have ice about!

Thanks for the mention. I'm still worrying about a sudden growth spurt!
Maggie x

Nuts in May

yaya said...

Wonderful pix! Winter, you are beautiful..especially in photos! Just remember to stay there, I'm enjoying warmer weather!

messymimi said...

Funny how i love looking at snow pictures in summer and summer pictures when it's cold out -- these were wonderful!

stephen Hayes said...

It's beyond me how you and your camera can get so much out of an old leaf. Great pics. And thanks for the shout out. It's always a special moment for me when I see my name on your list. And I'll be sure to check out the other blogs. Take care.

Ruth Hiebert said...

Even though I am tired of winter,these pictures still brought a smile. I love seeing your world through your eyes.

Suldog said...

Thank you for the kind words, Hilary. Since you requested it, and since it is now past the two-day "non compete" part of my agreement with The Globe, I'll re-post the piece. Please check tomorrow morning (Thursday) as I already posted something else today.

Friko said...

The final morsels, gone and soon forgotten.

Thanks for my POTW, Hilary. Accepted with great pleasure.

Rita said...

I especially love all the duck footprints in the snow! :) :)

Linda at To Behold The Beauty said...

That mallard shot is magical, my friend.

Gary's third pottery blog said...

oh, the duck prints in the snow = !!!!!!

Red said...

You can take some pretty crummy stuff and make it into a thoughtful photo...for example dirty snow and leaf.

Wendy said...

What is it about ducks and snow? Just seems inconsistent, somehow. I associate ducks with warm lake water, spring and summer and fall - not snow and winter. But...... here they are. Thumbing their noses (okay bills) at the snow and saying "ha- spring really is here, time to build a nest!"

Cute duck prints. Love them!

We're into full blown summer here! 25 degrees today!!!!!

Betty Manousos said...

aw! dear hilary, thank you so much! i am honoured and appreciate it very much! such a wonderful surprise.

amazing shots!
i adore all of your photos. excellently composed and very nice texture and processing technique.

big hugs~

Dan said...

Thank you, thank you and thank you for the honour/honor.

Now image #2 tells so many stories. Please give that duck a compass.

Rob-bear said...

The photos, especially the first and second were "just ducky."

Blessings and Bear hugs!
Bears Noting
Life in the Urban Forest (poetry)

Anonymous said...

Once again, I'm grateful to you for pointing out the posts I need to read, since I'm still behind!! Love those duck prints!

Bob Bushell said...

Snowy images Hilary, beautiful.

Indrani said...

Excellent shots Hilary! You take them so well.

Anonymous said...

What lovely shots - the first one is adorable!

Barb said...

Well you know I'm always here to enjoy snow photos, Hilary - esp when I'm on vacation and not in it! Cold here in Bryce Canyon but no snow!

Reena said...

I like that ..."images still clinging to your harddrive!" You've left us some fine blogs to go visit! Have a great weekend Hilary!

Laura Delegal - Leroy Photography said...

I don't know that I ever tire of snow photos. Loving your perspectives.

Tammie Lee said...

wonderful to see your snowy images ~
thank you for sharing your blog friends with us~

Mage said...

Thank you!

Nancy said...

Like the others, I never tire of seeing your beautiful photographs. These are awesome....

Thanks too for sharing blogs that belong to some very special people....

Dianne said...

thanks for the POTW :)
you always make me smile

love the duck prints, everything they do amuses me

the little boy in yellow is Hope's best friend that is not a school friend, that's how she describes it. His mom and Hope's mom have been friends since school days

SandyCarlson said...

Thanks for these recommendations and the treat of your own excellent photography.

Kerry said...

Thank you Hilary, I am so honored.

As the weather heats up I am pleased to see duck tracks in snow. Adorable.

sage said...

Great photos and good recommendations. Too bad about the Watertown post, but glad that he's got it published.

lime said...

love the duck prints. it's kind of whimsical to me. thanks for the POTW you're too kind.

and thanks for the comment over at my place. you GET how the game is played! ;)

Betty Manousos said...

happy weekend!

p.s. i linked to you today!

Sharon Wagner said...

I love the swirly background on the Mallard shot. It is snowing here right now! Sigh.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

totally awesome left overs... love the last one

A Cuban In London said...

Love the combination of snow and spring sunshine. I bet it's nippy in the mornings and it gets warmer during the day. Many thanks.

Greetings from London.

Lynne with an e said...

Well, I'm glad you got that out of your system! Last vestiges of winter are good to see when you know that they are now well and truly history. I know what you mean about having backed up photos from previous seasons. And yet we keep on gathering more...

Unknown said...

I agree with Cloudia about the top photo! So nice and looking forward to seeing other posts here! :)

larkswing said...

I can take spring and snow together - they are great together! Love the duck prints!

Karen (formerly kcinnova) said...

Those hard drives do cling to photographs. Sometimes I wish they wouldn't... but I'm glad you published yours for our enjoyment. They bring me joy today. ♥

Anita said...

I like the street name, Cheega Court. It gives me a little chuckle. :)

Thanks for your POTW entries. Along with Suldog's, I was able to read Tabor's and Chubby Chatterbox's posts.

SandyCarlson said...

The best leftovers ever!