I have few photo pairs for you - and in one case a trio of images - all which answer the question "And then what happened?"

I photograph this soft, fuzzy branch often. In all seasons. At all times of day. In all kinds of weather. From all angles. It's a young growth of sumac just behind the fence, alongside the walking path at my park. On this day in early May, I noticed that the buds were just about ready to open. And then what happened?

Well.. then I came back and photographed it just four days later. Four sunny, warm summer-like days later. Magic happened.

This hazy image is a reflection of contrails as seen in my local pond.

I looked up to snap a shot of the matching scene in the sky above. I decided to click a second time, from a slightly different position through the willow branches. A loud "GROK!" reached my ears. And then what happened?

A vocal heron in flight filled my viewfinder. His long bill was open in mid-GROK! A lovely surprise.

There have been some changes around my park over the past year. There are new benches, information areas which discuss wildlife and plant life in the area. There is a beautiful tree carving depicting the creatures which grace us with their presence. And there's talk of a couple of other things to come. One day, these bright orange balls appeared in the pond. I wondered about their symmetry and figured out pretty quickly that they were anchored down like that for a reason. I had a vague idea what they were about but I wasn't certain. And then what happened?

Just a few days later there were multiple hexagon-shaped pieces surrounding the place-keeping balls. Eventually, plant life will sprout from these forms and a floating island will be born. That orange glow behind it all was my first snapped sunset of the season. I'll have more from that evening coming up at some point.

On a dull evening, just before dusk, I heard this cardinal atop the tree, singing his heart out for a mate. And then what happened?

He found her. Perhaps. He took such a quick nosedive off of the branch, it couldn't be anything else. Perhaps.

Grape hyacinths are growing randomly in my front yard. I posted a different photo of them in a previous post. For this one, I had to get up good and close to them with the macro lens - they're so pretty. And teeny-tiny. And they look so colourful dotting the otherwise boring grass. And then what happened?

They ended up looking even prettier when my adorable neighbour Lily decided to pick them.
And that's what's been happening around here. More photos in a few days.