©2009 by Rolland G. Smith

©2009 by Rolland G. Smith

I wonder when our lives are done,
If there is something past the Sun?
I feel it in a pod display
And see it in its light array.
If there is something past the Sun?
I feel it in a pod display
And see it in its light array.

The wings of down sustain the life
When endings burst in seeming strife.
There must be more beyond the pod
When usefulness becomes the sod.
When endings burst in seeming strife.
There must be more beyond the pod
When usefulness becomes the sod.

Angelic seeds will take its flight
Upon the breeze of day or night.
And start anew in place supreme
To let the soul expand its dream.
Upon the breeze of day or night.
And start anew in place supreme
To let the soul expand its dream.
Permission to post this poem was kindly granted by Rolland G. Smith.
Please watch this one minute video of him narrating his lovely poem.
You can also visit his website and blog.
You can also visit his website and blog.
Perfect images of a very exciting weed.
Wow, incredible photos Hilary. And a lovely poem to go with it.
This post HAS to be the Post of The Week Hilary - no matter what 'the rules' say! Just glorious photography and the perfect poem.
Beautiful, one of my favorite wild flowers, all because of the seed!
Ab-so-blooming-lutely fantastic. And to think it is simply a weedy pod. Makes one think there might be something after all.
Lyrical images. Some reminded me of whales.
Hilary: you should get into micro photography (using a microsope). I've done a little, but with your good eye you'd come up with some great shots.
Oh... to have such a fabulous voice as he has! Not me.... for my husband of course.
Those milkweed pictures are so beautiful and ethereal, I love the one with little drops of water on it. Oh, they are ALL just beautiful, what am I saying?
Excellent MW pics. Much better than anything I've ever done.
I love milkweed and not just for the butterflies it attracts. Your pictures show the other reason.
Wow - I'm mesmerized by the beautiful words and your stunning shots!
Beautiful words perfectly suited for those dreamy photographs. Thank you :-)
gorgeous images, perfectly matched. :)
You and your camera do give us some wonderful visuals. Great photos!
lovely .. a perfect Thursday post
Milkweed is one of my favorite plants. Seriously. When I was a kid, I loved to find one somewhere and release it's seeds to go floating around where they may.
Thanks for the swell poem by Mr. Smith, and the swell photos to go with it.
I think milkweed looks so cool!!
Loverly. Words and photos. They're amazing subjects, aren't they? You can shoot them from just about any and all angles, in any light and always find something interesting.
They're about as nifty as the Monarchs that depend on them. Well done. :)
milkweed is so cool...there is an old cabin in the woods that has some behind it and we toss it up int he air to watch it fly....
Yesterdays flowers were wonderful, but these are delightful.
Fabulous pictures.
Never has milkweed looked better. These are some stunning photos. A good poem, too.
Delightful poem and images for me to carry around today!
You made the milkweed look so glamorous! Love your style. Beautiful poem.
NICE!!! Really like that last shot.
incredibly amazing images!
love each one of them!
my hat's off to you, my dearest!
beautiful words, too:)
Brilliant photos of the milkweed. You caught it in the nick of time.
Beautiful poem, beautiful images! Thank you so much for sharing these. I truly have milkweed envy!
So blowsy-beautiful! Wowie, Hilary, your gift is just remarkable these days.
One of nature's most beautiful creations - and you - and Mr. Smith have honored it beautifully.
You just reminded me how much I adored that as a child. You captured it beautifully!
B-E-A-U-T-I-F-U-L ! ! !
I can see why Rolland G. Smith was inspired by it.
Thank you for opening my eyes to the Milkweed.
Beautiful shots to illustrate a wonderful poem. Great post!
I don't think I was even aware of milkweed until I saw your stunning photos. Wow!
Gorgeous shots - I don't think we have Milk weed here. I'm gonna have to check into it!!
These photos are exquisite, Hilary, and the poetry is the perfect complement.
I love milkweed and am just delighted when I see it has popped up willy-nilly somewhere else in the gardens. The butterflies are delighted, as well.
Love milkweed. Beautiful shots. As always...and a little risque;) But I guess that's where my mind is....
of immortality-
mind expanding shots!
Warm Aloha from Waikiki
Comfort Spiral
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each shot is amazing
and the last one goes beyond amazing into a realm where I have to find a new word
the poem is lovely
Awesome photos to go along with a great poem. Great work to show the milk weed in all it's beauty.
This is Milk Weed as art, Hilary. Oh, the perfection of nature that you've managed to capture!
How lovely and you have captured the pod so gorgeously!
Amazing pictures. I love the clarity and perfect focus. Awesome!
Beauty in such simplicity. All we need to do is just look very closely and enjoy the show! Beautiful poem to go with those amazing photos!
• Thanks, Adrian. :)
• I'm glad you think so Sage. :)
• Bonnie, rules are rules. ;) But I thank you kindly for the thought. :)
• I'm glad I could accommodate you, Steve. :)
• Moannie, so lovely to see you. There may just be, you know. :)
• Leah, I can see what you mean. Thanks for the visit. :)
• Nick, thank you kindly but I think I have enough lenses available to me for now. Thanks for your visit. :)
• Diane, that would be a plus, wouldn't it? ;)
• DJan, thank you kindly. You're much too kind. :)
• Thank you, AC. I had the use of a fine little macro lens for these. :)
• Ellen, it sure is a lovely flower. And those butterflies think so, too. :)
• LadyFi, thank you so much. :)
• Thanks, Anyes. It's a lovely poem, isn't it?
• Tex, thank you. :)
• Thanks very much, Larry. :)
• Thank you, Daryl. :)
• Suldog, thank you so much. I can imagine that milkweed would be intriguing for a child - especially on a windy day. :)
• Kristina, I'm inclined to agree. :)
• Frank, that's what I found to be true for sure. I was out there for close to an hour that day and focused mostly on the milkweed. Thanks. :)
• Brian, I'll bet your kidlets quite enjoy watching the seeds drift away. And maybe their dad does, too. ;)
• Thanks very much, Mage. :)
• Gillian, thank you. :)
• Linda, you're too kind. Thank you for that. :)
• I'm glad to hear it, Don. Thanks. :)
• Gail, I thank you kindly and I suspect that Mr. Smith does too. :)
• Thanks very much, Teri. :)
• Thank you so kindly, Betty. Very much appreciated. :)
• Bob, thank you. I did.. just before the next windy day. :)
• Thanks, MessyMimi. :)
• Barbara, no need to be envious with all your beautiful images and words. Thanks for such kind thoughts. :)
• Jo! So good to see you back in blogging circulation. You've been missed. :)
• TSannie, thank you so much. I hope Mr. Smith will be by to see all of these kind comments. :)
• BlueViolet, thanks so much. I'm glad it evoked a fond memory. :)
• Anita, T-H-A-N-K Y-O-U ! ! ! I'm glad you enjoyed it. :)
• Thanks, Scot. I hope my photos lived up to his beautiful poem. :)
• Crabby, I'm sure you can find it somewhere between your east and west coast homes. Probably. Thanks for your visit. :)
• SD, thank you. Please let me know. :)
• Cheryl, thanks so much. Yes, the butterflies just love it. Thanks for stopping by. :)
• MPM, the pod is an interesting shape for sure. :)
• Thanks so much, Cloudia. I'm glad you enjoyed it. :)
• Thank you, Dianne. I almost didn't include that shot. I'm so glad you like it. :)
• Red, thank you so kindly. Much appreciated. :)
• Barb, thanks very much. You're too kind. :)
• Reena, thank you. I'm glad you think so. :)
• Thank you, Ruth. Your kind words are very much appreciated. :)
• Thanks so much, Yaya. I'm glad you enjoyed the post.
Lovely shots. Milkweed seeds are so intresting. They have such intricate detail.
Hilary, you have really brought out the beauty in these milkweed photos. Well done. Is milkweed what the monarch butterfly caterpillars eat? - Dave
Hilary, these are absolutely stunning images, the details show how intricate these lovely seedy parachutes are, a true miracle created by the artist that is nature.
Have a grand weekend dear friend,
Very nice details!
It is so amazing how beautiful mother nature is...but then, since God made it all, including her...maybe not so amazing...
Beautiful images and words!!
So serene
I've always loved the milkweed, and when our first child was born, for the announcement, I drew a milkweed pod. It's one of the most special things I can think of, and I really miss seeing them here on the west coast.
Just beautiful!
Stunning Hilary.
These are true prize winners.
So lovely -photos and words! I agree with Bonnie - you deserve a POTW!
Outstanding! Such a warm and wistful poem, too. You amaze me.
Touching moments of milkweed. I love soft, delicate touch like silk with power in its core and shimmering radiance of them. Weed pod is like a universe itself. Thank you for sharing.
Wow. I just wish "going to seed" looked as good on humans.
• VM, they sure do. Each one a little different from the others. Thanks so much for your kind words. :)
• Dave, thank you kindly. Yes the flowers attract the Monarch and other butterflies through the summer. :)
• Zuzana, that was a very poetic description. I'm glad you enjoyed the photos. Thanks very much. :)
• Photoioannina, thank you. :)
• Sandi, I agree. Nature never fails to amaze. Thanks for your visit. :)
• Thank you, SueAnn. I'm glad you enjoyed it. :)
• Kerry, that had to be a lovely announcement.. and very fitting for sure. Thank you for stopping by. :)
• Thank you, Reb. :)
• Sue, thank you kindly. :)
• Pauline, thank you for that. :)
• Sandy, the poem belongs to Rolland Smith and I agree that it's a beauty. I'm very pleased that he allowed me to use it here on this post. :)
• Stardust, that's a beautiful description of the milkweed seeds and pods. Thank you for stopping by. :)
• Louciao, ha! I agree. It would be nice. ;)
LOVELY! All captured so well.
Fragile amd beautiful. Lovely post.
Thanks very much Indrani and Elizabeth.
Wow. As always, your photographs are incredible, but it is a special treat to have a video of the poem's author as well. He has a wonderful voice.
Great macro and details. Lovely bokeh.
• Thanks, Karen, and he certainly does. I was very grateful that he allowed me to use his beautiful words. :)
• Thanks very kindly, Javier Guri. :)
Lovely shots, great post.
The canoes & feather made brilliant pictures but the unusual seed was hard to beat.
Maggie X
Nuts in May
• Welcome, Bengts and thank you kindly. :)
• Maggie May, I'm glad you enjoyed them. Thanks always for stopping by. :)
How intriguing! Like you can reach out and touch them...I think I need to sneeze now ;)
Thank you, Lailani.. have a tissue! :)
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