And now, without further delay, here are the Posts of the Week. The icon below is yours for the taking if if your blog post is named as a POTW.

All is Calm, All is Bright.. Or IS IT?
by Susan
at Wild Life in the Woods
Where You Put Your Hands
by Brian
at WayStationOne
The Gift
by Jim
at Suldog
Two Coats
by Cricket
at Cricket and Porcupine
How to be Right, While Dead Wrong
by Cloudia
at Comfort Spiral
Getting the Bird...
by Reena
at Missing Moments
'Tis the Season
by DJan
at DJan-ity
Christmas Story
by Lisa
at Where Peaceful Moments Flow
Silent Saturday
by SueAnn
at SueAnn's Journey
Thanks for Di for pointing out this very clever video. Women will probably appreciate it more than the men.
Thank you Mage for sharing this Canuckian high school kid's unique rendition of a Christmas classic.
Thank you to Dianne for pointing out this fun Hanukkah tune by the Yeshiva Boys Choir
Thank you to Lime for sharing this very funny, and hopefully only mildly offensive video.
Thank you to Beth for sharing this fun video.
Patsy and Mickey are back in a Sucker Bet
by Daryl's Ray
at Out and About in New York City
Recommended by: Suldog
The Running of the Grunions
by Stephen
at The Chubby Chatterbox
Please drop by their blogs for a visit and leave a kind comment if you have the time. Also, please feel free to add your own choices (for any blog except this one) for a specific blog post in the comments section below, where others can see them.
Thank you.
A very Merry Christmas to you. Here is hoping for a brilliant New Year.
It does the heart and spirit good to see light shining through the dark days of winter, in people's homes, in ceremonies, or in festive decorations, as well as from blogs near and far. Truly deLIGTHful.
That's a nice picture Hilary - Dave
Chappy Chanukkah to you as well.
chappy chanukkah!
here's hoping that you and your loved ones enjoy a happy and peaceful holiday season!
wonderful photo btw.
Chappy Chanukkah to you!
A neat picture Hilary.
Thanks for some great posts you shared!
Have a happy Wednesday.
Happy Hanukkah Hilary (three H;))
Enjoy your festival dear friend and thank you for bringing our attention to these talented people.;))
yay...thank you ma'am a perfect little christmas gift for me to see my name there...among good company too...hope you have a marvelous christmas!
Having had no exposure to synagogues before, I was at a festival last week in one, and oh wow! What an absolute and total blast! Klezmer music, singing, dancing :)
As always Mickey & Patsy thank you .. Ray & Andrew thank you .. and I thank you ... Chappy Channukkahhhhhhh
Comfort Spiral's post is SO TRUE! Very good choice.
And that ob video? Priceless! I've sent it to all my gal pals. We can all drea...
Hope your Festival of Lights is just wonderful, my friend.
May your light shine forever, Hilary! Thank you, and Happy Hanukkah!
The Jewish festival looks fascinating. Love the candles and little figures.
Happy Channukkah!
Maggie X
Nuts in May
thank you for sharing these. as always, they open my heart and my eyes. :)
Oh, YAY! Thanks for picking mine!
The moniker you gave me?
Stephen King in the Boonies?
LOL! Very clevah!
Happy Hanukkah! :)
Happy Hanukkah to you as well my dear. And a Happy New Year if I don't get back this way.
Chappy Chanukkah! Beautiful photo and congrats to the POTW and videos. Can't wait to check them out. :)
I like your menorah! Have a wonderful Chanukkah!
Hilary, you are always one of my favorites to visit! I'm honored to be mentioned with these other talented folks! Thanks Hilary and Chappy Chanukkah to you, dear friend!
I love your Chanukah pun
you're like the 3 kings of comedy ;)
I'm so pleased that you shared the Yeshiva Boys Choir video
they're wonderful!!
Happy Everything Lady
and hugs to Benny
I wanna know how you got that little feather instead of the blogger logo.
Happy Hanukkah!
May the light last all through the dark days!
Happy Hanukkah!
As you celebrate this season I wish you Many Many Blessings.
Thank You so very much for you kindness. It will not be forgotten.
Lisa xo
Happy Hanukkah, my friend! I hope your holiday is happy indeed.
Happy Chanukkah, Hilary! What a beautiful holiday. God bless.
Happy Hanukkah to you and your family. Your photo catches the rich tones of the menorah.
Happy Hanukkah, Hilary! Your menorah is beautiful.
Thank You Doubles!
Aloha from Honolulu
Comfort Spiral
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Merry Christmas and Happy Hanukkah to you!
I love that menorah! And congrats to the POTW. I'm off to catch up on my reading...
Happy Chanukkah, Hilary.
Like many of the others, I love the Menorah. Very ornate, strong, and pretty, too. :)
Enjoy the week!
We lit the candles tonight too, Hilary. Happy Chanukkah to you and your family.
And as always, thanks for the great blogs. There are always a few I'm not familiar with to check out.
xoxo jj
Thanks for all you do! Chappy Chanukkah to you!
Thanks for the good wishes everyone. You never fail to make me smile. :)
Ellen, I sent you an email explaining how to change it.
a very happy holiday to you, it has been a lovely year to have shared
Oh, excellent choices!
A very happy Hanukkah to you and yours, Hilary.
Wishing you a lovely holiday with plenty of good light for taking photos and masses of joy and laughter.
And a happy Hanukkah to you too. What a really lovely menorah. :)
What, no link to klezmer music? I love that stuff.
Sometimes I wonder how you can find the time to visit so many of us. You give us a lovely gift every time you notice something we have done.
Thank you so much Hilary!! What an honor!!
Hugging you and Merry Christmas!
i love your menorah and how it tells part of the story. just beautiful.
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