This particular one caught my eye. I liked the swirls and breaks, and the more I looked at it, the more I thought it looked like a couple of different animals. Taking in the fuller picture, I thought I could see a dolphin.
Moving in a little closer though, I could see the face of a blue jay. Can you see it?
How about now?
I don't have too many Posts of the Week this week as we've all been pretty busy with the holidays, but few are better than none so I decided to post this small collection rather than skip it until next time.
And now, without further delay, here are the Posts of the Week. The icon below is yours for the taking if if your blog post is named as a POTW.

My Christmas Eve Peeve
by Dianne
at Forks off the Moment
Colorful Dream
by Laura
at Shine the Divine
No Turkey for Christmas
by Hilary
at Crazy as a Loom
An Everyday Occurrence
by Mami
at Unknown Mami
I'll Never See Them Again but...
by Pearl
at Pearl, Why You Little..
Recommended by: Grayquill
Making Christmas Brighter
at Stories From Real Life
Please drop by their blogs for a visit and leave a kind comment if you have the time. Also, please feel free to add your own choices (for any blog except this one) for a specific blog post in the comments section below, where others can see them.
Thank you.
Wonderful Artistic view. Loved the walk with you .
It looks like a seahorse to me. Happy New Year.
Hilary: Your photography inspired a pleasant accident: I managed to film3 seconds of my balcony Christmas light after fumbling outside in the dark with the batteries running low! My photos will never be as cool as yours, but I'm making progress. I see the bird you've described! Hope your Christmas was particularly nice!
I loved the reader's choice post. Thanks for sharing!
How very interesting!
I posted ysterday a picture of an ice creature too! :)
What a beautiful display of natures' creativity and elegance.
The Dolphin was easy to see. I did find the Blue Jay as well. That is great photography.
love the 'blue' jay! :)
oo i see some good ones on there...congrats everyone...and nice pic hilary....
I will now be looking for animals in ice everywhere I walk :) I love the close up of the beautiful blue <3
I saw the dolphin right away
I love being under the heading of wry
thanks so much Hilary
I too saw the dolphin right away, Hilary. I cannot thank you enough for the wonderful comments you leave regularly on my blog. I will be buying a new camera soon and am thinking that I really need to upgrade. I've got all your previous emails with some ideas.
But the eye behind the camera will never be as wonderful as yours. I have learned so much from you, though. :-)
You are so faithful to this listing. Loyal blogger!
My blog friend DJan referred me to your blog a while back, and I have you on my blog list, so I check in occasionally. Djan recommended you for your wonderful photography, and of course I agree. Photography is a particular interest of mine too. And my blog is also meme-free! Why be limited in subject matter?
Anyway, I just thought I'd check in this time and let you know I'm out here in blog land.
Great pics, as usual. I saw the bird first.
Oh yes, I love it too when ice freezes like that!
your ice picture looks like a geode to me.
Like the Blue Jay. One of my favorite birds -- but they are fairly feisty!!
I have not been around for a few months but hope to get back into the swing of things again.
Always enjoy stopping your blog and taking in the beautiful images.
I see a mushroom. I had trouble seeing a dolphin. Right now my imagination is stifled. My artistic side will be coming out of hiding again soon.
You have such a creative eye :-). I hope you are having a wonderful holiday :-)
It was a good choice, the stoies all had a good feel.Lovely frozen finds also.
Thank you. I'm loving the puddles.
Thanks for the extra added treats for my Christmas, Hilary. As you may know, we don't actually exchange gifts until January 6th (Epiphany, or Little Christmas, or Feast of the Three Kings), so it's always a thrill to find more Christmas stuff to see and hear when so much of it shuts down at midnight on the 25th!
I can hear the snap, crackle and pop when one walks across filo layers of ice.
Imaginative photography at its best!
Yes, i can see them, with your eye picking them up and pointing them out.
I have no trouble with the spotting the dolphin..very clever.. but I'm just not seeing the blue jay...but that's OK, I enjoyed the quick walk with you anyway! I want your brain so I can see all the cool things you do in every day life!
Dolphins, bluejays and I see a dinosaur hiding under water with its beady eyes, just waiting to bite somebody. LOL!
Love that icy swirl.
Hilary! I am finally catching up on reading posts. Christmas took longer to recuperate from this year:)
I like your ice capture...did you get the storm they were warning about?
I'm glad that caught your eye! Lovely and I see the dolphin and the bluejay! Thanks for sending us to some great blog-reading!
I do love the thin, crunchy ice. :-)
Thank you, Hillary, so much for making one of my posts POTW. I love when people come by and tell me they've come from you...
As always I am totally intimidated by the vast number of notes on your entries, but I bravely wanted to say....wonderful images.
Beautiful puddles! And thanks for presenting the Posts of the Week. Always good.
Wow Hilary...thank you for including my post this week!!! Love your ice photos too!
I see the bluejay :) Wonderful finding nature's puzzle pieces!
i'm so loving your stunning photography!
thanks for this delightful post!
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