A Lucky Mom
I'm a lucky mom. I've got two loving, intelligent, funny sons and both of them happen to be home with me for Mother's Day for the first time in four years. Jeffrey will have to head back to RMC in Kingston later today but he had an unexpected leave to come home this weekend, and so he did. I'm going to sit back and enjoy my time with my boys. I hope you enjoy the Mother's Day flowers in the photos below. Happy Mother's Day!
"Some mothers are kissing mothers and some are scolding mothers, but it is love just the same, and most mothers kiss and scold together." ~ Pearl S. Buck
"You don't raise heroes, you raise sons. And if you treat them like sons, they'll turn out to be heroes, even if it's just in your own eyes." ~ Walter M. Schirra Sr.
"The moment a child is born, the mother is also born. She never existed before. The woman existed, but the mother, never. A mother is something absolutely new." ~Rajneesh
"Whatever else is unsure in this stinking dunghill of a world a mother's love is not." ~ James Joyce
"Youth fades, love droops, the leaves of friendship fall; a mother's secret hope outlives them all."~ Oliver Wendell Holmes
"A woman has two smiles that an angel might envy, the smile that accepts a lover before words are uttered, and the smile that lights on the first born babe, and assures it of a mother's love."~ Thomas C. Haliburton
"If you bungle raising your children, I don't think whatever else you do well matters very much." ~Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis
"Making a decision to have a child--it's momentous. It is to decide forever to have your heart go walking around outside your body. " ~ Elizabeth Stone
"A mother is not a person to lean on, but a person to make leaning unnecessary." ~ Dorothy Canfield Fisher
"My son, when you were born, you brought me happiness, as you grew, you made me laugh and brought me joy, now you are a man, and you make me proud!" ~ Catherine Pulsifer
Lovely photos and great quotes to match. Happy Mother's Day and hug the boys for me.
you got some beauties there...i hope you have a great mothers day!
Oh, stunning in colours an shapes, beautiful flowers of the world, treasures of nature.
Happy Mothers Day dear Hilary and enjoy the time with your sons,
Have a beautiful Mother's Day.What an awesome post of photos and quotes to celebrate the day.
Fabulous photos Hilary!!! And what a loving tribute to the joys of being a mother. Happy Mother's Day!
I'm happy for you Hilary. My son is coming down this afternoon for a visit and I went to Toronto yesterday and had my mother's day visit with my daughter. It will be like having two mother's days.
Those flowers are absolutely gorgeous! Thanks for sharing! It's wonderful that you get to spend Mother's Day with both of your sons this year. Happy Mother's Day!
All beautiful words to match those images. Lord I do hope I have lived up to the former.
Have a wonderful day.
Happy Mother's Day Hilary. Hope you have a great one.
Enjoy your wonderful say! Beautiful post. As always....
What beautiful photographs. Stunning flowers. Thoughtful sons.
It is a privilege to be mother to sons, is it not?
Thank you for sharing some of your time with them. :0)
You need to put this post up with the POTW this week! The photos are award winners! Happy Mothers Day.
What a lovely post! The photos are just so, so beautiful...stunning, really. And the quotes are just perfect. Your sons are blessed.
Happy Mother's Day Hilary. Luck you. And thanks for the gorgeous flowers.
Beautiful quotes! Have a Great Day.
I'm so happy for you to have your sons with you today - I pray you have a very special day!!
Happy Mother's Day!
Lovely images and thought-provoking quotes. I especially like the shot of the trees with their blossoms (and I'll tell you why later). ;)
I miss my Mom.
you and your boys are all lucky - to have each other!
such lovely photos!
Thank you so much for the flowers and quotes!!!! Happy Mother's Day!
LOVE those bluebells .. I didnt know Canada celebrated Mother's Day and on the same day as we do ....Happy Mother's Day!
Lucky you. Happy Mother's Day.
Gorgeous photos of gorgeous blooms, all your own already?
Loved your tribute to this day designed to honor mothers. Such beautiful photographs, especially loved the tulips.
And Jackie Onassis' quote.
Your photos are so great!!! Enjoy those boys and laugh and love. It is good to get to see them.
Happy mother's day! I may not be a mom, but I know about being a daughter. My mom was wonderful, and I miss her every day.
All gorgeous, but that second picture took my breath away.
Happy Mother's Day Hilary.
Hilary, those photos captured my eyes and the quotes, my soul. Beautiful! I'm so glad both your sons were able to be home for today. Happy Mother's Day.
really! I'm so happy you got to have boy your babies to love on.
Your photos are gasp worthy as always. We've had such a cold front and nasty winds, I'm scared to look at what the blooms are looking like.
So beautiful Hilary! The quotes are fabulous...the photos extraordinary...a wonderful pairing for Mother's Day...I always know I'll find food for the soul here! Love the Pearl S. Buck quote...too true...LOL...Happy Mother's Day! Love, Janine XO
Both the pictures and the quotes are great!
Happy Mother's Day !
Gorgeous photos. Happy Mother's Day!
Just beautiful! The words and the photos.
Hope your day was marvelous, Hilary. Great photos - all of them.
hope that you enjoyed the special day,
lovely photo shots!
• Thank you so much, Tabor. I will indeed. And back at you! :)
• Thank you, Brian. I did. :)
• Zuzana, thanks very much. I had a great day, my friend. :)
• Steve, thank you so much. :)
• Thanks, Bonnie. Very much appreciated. :)
• Thank you, NJ. I'm happy for you too. Two Mother's Days is a wonderful thing. :)
• Thank you, Kevin. It was a great day. :)
• Moannie, I have no doubt you live up to those words and so much more. Thanks kindly. :)
• Thanks very much, Travis. It was indeed. :)
• MPM thank you so much. Happy MD! :)
• Thumbelina, thank you very kindly. You are so right.. it's a great privilege. But I suspect it's the same for mothers of daughters. ;) Thanks for your always-warm words, my friend. Thinking of YOU and yours today. :)
• TechnoBabe, thanks so much for the kind comment. I so appreciate it. Happy MD, right back at you. :)
• Cheryl, thanks very kindly. I'm a lucky Mom. :)
• Thanks very much, Ellen and back at you. :)
• Lakeviewer thank you. And to you too. :)
• Stacey Dawn, thank you so much for that. I had a wonderful time with my boys. :)
• Thank you, Frank. I miss mine, too. And no doubt, your boys miss theirs. Thanks for being a part of my Mother's Day this morning. :)
• Pauline, I'm very lucky to have my boys and I believe that they feel the same way about me.. most of the time. ;) Thanks very much for the kind words. :)
• Bossy Betty, thanks very much. And right back at you. :)
• Daryl, Thank you. The U.S. and Canada have pretty much the same holidays except for those which represent something historical, I suppose. :)
• Friko, all my own except the for the budding tree and the pink tulips. The former was in the park and the latter at a neighbour of Frank's. Thanks so much for the kind words. :)
• Kate, thanks so much. I'm glad you enjoyed the post and I hope you had a wonderful MD. :)
• Larry, thank you very much. You're so right.. it was wonderful to have both of my boys here with me today. I treasure it. Thanks for stopping by. :)
• Linda, thank you. I know what you mean, I'm miss mine too and I'm sorry that you're missing yours today. Thanks so much for the visit. :)
• Thank you kindly, Joanna. And right back at you. :)
• Karen, I'm glad you enjoyed the post Thank you so much for your very kind words. and Happy MD to you, too. :)
• Deb, thank you so much. We've been getting some cold, windy weather around here too. Frost warnings for tonight. I might not see tulips after today but I hope my lilacs make it. Thanks for your warm words. :)
• Janine, I'm glad you enjoyed the photos and quotes and that you walked away with a bit of a laugh. That Pearl S. Buck was a clever one. Thanks so much for the visit and Happy MD to you too. :)
• Thanks kindly, Grayquill. Very much appreciated. :)
• VM, thank you so much. :)
• Lady Fi, thank you kindly. :)
• Baggie, it was indeed - thank you, my friend. :)
• Thank you very much, Jingle. I sure did. :)
Beautiful photos and wonderful words Hilary. Happy mothers Day to you. - Dave
Lovely photos and quotes... :)
One almost feels afraid to post photos of flowers now, having seen yours... Gorgeous! I guess I'll have to stick with fruit... ;)
Happy Mother's Day! Love/ Jo.
Amazing images! Fabulous quotes! I am so very happy that your boys were able to be with you for Mommy's Day!!
Wonderful pics and quotes.
it's wonderful that they were both home
how perfect!
I love the dandelion, they're like little clouds that have been grounded
Sounds like you had a lovely Mother's Day, Hilary! What a nice surprise that your older son was there too :-)
Lovely photos, thank you for them :-)
Hilary: Happy Mother's Day to you. These were beautiful captures of the flowers.
Wonderful collection of quotes, and (as usual) fine photography. Never anything less than a joy coming here.
Happy Belated Mothers Day! How wonderful to have your sons home with you, if only for a brief visit. Love all the Spring flowers in your pics. Ours have been bloomin strong down here in VA, with more to come! :) Have a great week!!
Beautiful pictures, beautiful quotations. A belated Happy Mother's Day to you.
Cuzzie P
Such beautiful photographs and quotes. Every time I picked a favorite, a new one whispered, "Pick me!"
I'm glad you were able to spend Mother's Day with both of your sons.
Have you read the book, "I love you the Purplest"?
nice post. nice pix. hope you had a wonderful day. and am sure you did.
What a feast, Hilary. A really gorgeous post. I am glad you had your sons home with you. That is really super. It's nice to share your joy.
Oh Hilary. Those beautiful pictures to go along with those beautiful words is enough to make me weep!
I hope your Mother's Day was fabulous!
Wonderful way to pay tribute to Mother's Day! Glad you got to spend time with your boys, that's what it's all about. As always fantastic photos and wise words!
Beautiful, Hilary. What a treat of quotes as well. I particularly liked the ones from Joyce and Rajneesh..
Wow! Thank you for the stunning photos and the amazing words that accompanied them. Happy Mother's Day to you!
Beautiful colors! Love it!
Feeling of spring
Great shots and I love the final quote - I hope you had a fab day with your boys :0)
I loved the fourth and fifth picture!
Happy mothers day! x
I am so impressed with their timing. What a perfect gift. :) Then you gift us with flowers....thank you.
I love Mother's Day. I had dinner at Swiss Chalet (yum!) with the 2 sons, the 2 lovely DILs, the 2 gorgeous grandsons, and the other Grandma... and I had a beautiful hanging basket and a bottle of something delightfully smelly to put in the bath as gifts.... and I gave my 2 DILs flowers as they are the mummys of my g'sons... oh, we had a fine old time, loved it!
Your flower pix are exquisite, as always!
Happy Mother's day, somewhet belated, but I know you had a good time with your two handsome young men.
• Thanks very much, Dave. :)
• Jo, thank you kindly, but that's nonsense! You have wonderful photos on your blog.. fruit, scenes or otherwise. Yeah, you post great otherwise! ;) Thanks always for stopping by. :)
• Kerri, than you so much. I was thrilled to have them both here with me too. :)
• Thank you, Leah. :)
• Dianne, it was indeed perfect. I won't quickly forget this Mother's Day. I love your description of the dandelion. You never fail to make me smile. Thanks for that. :)
• Shimp, thank you so kindly, my friend. It was a great day and I hope that yours was as well. :)
• Fishing Guy, thank you very much. :)
• Suldog, thanks so much for that. :)
• Lulda, thank you. It's certainly been a great spring so far.. expect for a few wayward frigid days this past weekend. Thanks for stopping by. It's always nice to see you. :)
• Cuzzie, thank you so much. I just heard that you were in town this past weekend. Nice for your mother to have you here for MD! :)
• KC, thanks very much. I have not read "I Love You the Purplest" but I'm familiar with the sentiment behind it. It's been a long time since I've read kidlet books.. sigh! Thanks so much for your always sweet comments. :)
• Clowncar, you're absolutely correct. I did. Thanks for the kind words. :)
• Sandy, thank you. You are so sweet and thoughtful. :)
• Kat, thank you so much. I trust you had a great one too.. times FOUR! :)
• Thank you kindly, Maggie Gem. It was a great day. I hope yours was likewise. :)
• Gaelikaa, good to see you. Thank you for the kind words. I'm glad you enjoyed the post. :)
• Kelly, thanks very much. And right back at you! :)
• Andrey, thanks kindly. I'm glad you like them. :)
• ED, thank you. I did indeed. That last quote expresses my sentiments well. :)
• MelRoXx, thanks very much. I'm glad to hear it. :)
• Maggie, my pleasure. I'm pleased to know that you enjoyed them. Thanks for the kind words. :)
• Shammie, it sounds like you had a perfect Mother's Day yourself. So thoughtful of you to get flowers for your DILs. Most grandmothers don't consider that. Your DILs must just adore you. Thanks always for your kind words. :)
How totally lovely. Gorgeous photos and words. Well done sweet Hilary.
Can't add anything that someone else has not already said!
I sure enjoyed all the flowers and accompanying quotes. I liked Jackie Kennedy's quote the best and I like the yellow and red tulip (last image) best.
Glad to hear both of your sons were home for Mother's Day. Good for them!! Sounds like you raised them right!
I simply loved these quotes, and the flowers are STUNNING! Glad you were able to hold both your boys close on Mother's Day.
All I can say Hilary is Ahhh. Beautiful flowers and wonderful quotes.
How great to have your boys home together. I hope you enjoyed every miinute of it. Now that was silly to even write that, of course you did....
Perfect assortment of beautiful flowers. I never tire of your macro shots. The dandelion is fantastic!
Excellent selection of flowers and wonderful quotes.
I hope you had a wonderful Mother's day. Thank you for all your kind words, Hilary.
• Reasons, thank you so much. You're too kind. :)
• Russell, good to see you, my friend. Your visits never fail to bring a smile and your warm words always mean a lot to me. Thanks for dropping by. :)
• Shrinky, thanks very much. I was so happy to have them both here with me. :)
• Sue, thank you. I did indeed enjoy every minute of Mother's Day. It was such a treat. Thanks so much for the visit. :)
• Thank you, Ethelmae. Your warm words are so welcomed. It's good to see you. :)
• JarieLyn, thank you. It's good to have you visit. Thanks so much for stopping by. :)
Say, I think I posted a grape hyacinth without knowing it's name (today). Synchronicity!
Wonderful as always, Hillary
Aloha from Spring in Waikiki!
Comfort Spiral
Very cool, Cloudia! Thanks for stopping by. :)
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