And Speaking of..
Have you ever had Fiddleheads? They're the top, curly, yet unfurled fronds of the Ostrich fern which when snipped and simmered make a delicious side dish - slightly similar to asparagus in flavour and texture.
Here's what you do. Break the heads off of numerous plants, leaving at least ten times as many to continue growing. Rinse them very well and microwave them in a bit of water for a few minutes. Two large handfuls should take about four minutes on high. While those are cooking, heat some olive oil in a pan and add green onions, mushrooms and freshly-ground pepper. By the time the microwave beeps, you can drain the fiddleheads and add them to the pan on medium heat. Add a clove or two of minced garlic and simmer until the moisture evaporates. Add a splash of white wine (or lemon juice if you prefer) and cook long enough to burn off most, but not all of the wine. Transfer them to a serving dish and sprinkle with Parmesan cheese and more fresh pepper. Yum!Note: Not all ferns are edible. Fiddleheads come from the commonly-grown (around here, anyway) Ostrich ferns. You can read more about it here.
And speaking of Fiddleheads, here are some happy ferns which survived the snip this year.
Weeping willow catkins have almost a worm-like appearance when they fall from the trees in early spring. Here they cluster around a small log in the pond below. I wonder if they look like prey to some birds or fish.
And speaking of which, a sharp-eyed gull scans the water in search of its next meal.
And speaking of sharp eyes, what do yours see in this piece of weathered tree?
This is a photo I repeat often. I can't resist snapping shots of this part of my local pond in most seasons, but especially in spring. I just love the way this tree's branch sweeps out over the water, its gnarly roots holding fast to the sloped shore.
And speaking of gnarled wood, this beautiful piece of tree has been battered and beaten by the elements and turned into one gnarly structure.
There's a lot of work going on in my local park. They've dug up all the paths and are widening them to create a bicycle path and walking path. They're also adding 48 lights along the way, which will probably turn the area into a very well-lit park at night. I'm not so keen on that idea. Sure, it's safer for walking at night but I fear it will become less nature-friendly as it might deter some of the animals which like to nest along the shores of the pond, and those who scavenge for food at night. I thought this place was pretty good the way it was. It's difficult to balance human wishes with nature's needs but I don't think that the creatures are the city's first concern.
And speaking of creatures, here's Benny challenging you to a game of "Just Try To Snatch This Ball." Who do you think would win this match?
No, I have never eaten the beautiful works of art that are so much like the the unfurling scrolls on a violin.
And I probably never will. I have just spent hours of work on the fernery in my garden and I can't get over how beautiful they are when the sun's rays slant through them.
I love your pictures and yes, the large-eyed skull was well-spotted.
This carnivore will pass on the fiddleheads seeing as how they are and all.
Never had fiddleheads, but I've heard they're edible. I think I'll pass too. I'd rather look at them than eat them.
In the weathered tree I see a horse's face, with his big eye staring at me.
And, yes, I've played snatch the ball, and I know who always wins!
The "what it is?" shot is obviously a pterodactyl.
What do I win?
Your leaning tree looks like it's fishing -- dangling those limbs over the water, waiting for a nibble. I'm afraid the erosion there will eventually result in the same fate as the apple tree in my creek, though. That would be a shame.
the one that you repeat...keep looks like sure teh peaceful place...
the one of the gull as well is really sharp...
never ate a fiddlehead...
thanks for sharing your fiddlehead recipe. I have never eaten them, but look forward to it some time. Your photo shows their beauty- wow!
My husband had cleared an area for the boat trailer and saved all the ferns. He now has two little fern gardens near the wood pile. Maybe next year we can eat some fiddle heads. Are all ferns edible?
I've not so much as seen, never mind heard of a Fiddlehead before (tho' I do love my asparagus, it has to be said)! Yes, I did a double take at that dinosaur pretending to be a tree, too (smile). Benny is utterly adorable, isn't he? I have no doubts as to who would win "take my ball away"..
Your last question. Benny, hands down. I was going along with the strange recipe for fiddleheads then saw the picture I thought was worms, and said "euuuwwww" out loud. You got me there. :)
I didn't know fiddleheads were eatable. I learn something new everyday online. Your recipe sounds very good and the remaining ferns are beautiful.
I see an animal scull in that driftwood.
I expect Benny would win the ball anytime.
Those fiddleheads....... look like ferns but you can't eat the ones that grow in our garden!
Lovely photos as always.
Maggie X
Nuts in May
The weathered tree looks very much like a dinosaur! And I love the idea of walking paths in your park, so peaceful. And I bet your dog will love it too :)
You had me at...add parmesan cheese. HA!
I love the way you take the ordinary and capture its beauty!
I now know what to do with all my fiddleheads. Love your pictures.
No! I have never had them, and I LOVE veges! I wonder if I can buy them at a local farmer's market?
You are a great photog, blogger, person!
Aloha from Spring Time in Waikiki
Comfort Spiral
We know who will win! Lovely photos of the ferns, Hilary. I've never tried these.
What a fun series to peruse. Like many of the others I'll pass on the fiddleheads, but I do like seeing them in your photos. That's quite the fire breathing dragon sticking his head through the bushes there, and maybe he should play snatch the ball with the puppy. I know the puppy would win against me.
I wish we had enough ferns here to get snips. Maybe when I visit Portland at the end of the week. Thanks for the recipe!
Love your pics, as always. I also agree about the lights at the park. When do the critters come first?
Could Benny get any cuter? Seriously?
Your images are always so vivid and one can so easily percieve the way you see nature. I love to look at it through your eyes.;)
That fern recipe is very intriguing.;)
Charming nature shots collection!
I love asparagus, but I've never seen nor heard of fiddleheads.
Likewise, I had never heard the term 'catkins.' I thought they WERE worms in the water!
The photo of the gnarly roots is spectacular - looks almost sinister.
And the tree is either a Pterodactyl or a Brachylophosaurus.
The pic. of that weathered tree was good. Looks like the skeleton of a pre-stone age giant lizard!
My Memere ate fiddleheads but never with garlic and onion and wine. I will have to give them a second try.
Looks like a skeletal horse's head lurking in the woods - an illustration for a scary fairy tale...
Too bad about the park and the lights - human creatures are always more important to city managers than wild creatures. We have pocketbooks with votes in them, don't you know.
schucks to the lights on the path.. I hear you.
fiddleheads were one of those down east things I grew up around but never tried. I forgot about them actually, and since I'm mostly vegetarian I should be trying them . Thanks for the reminder.
love strolling through your images. and landing at Benny. He's adorable.
I think Benny would win, but I wouldn't try to take the ball I'd probably be there to give him more gifts :)
I see deep soulful eyes in the wood creature
some sort of prehistoric gull?
I see a skull, horse-like on one end and snake-like on the other. Love the driftwood. These pics have such character. Well done.
I think I'd eat just about anything with some Parmesan cheese on top, especially if someone told me it would kind of taste like asparagus... :) Now will this work with Swedish fiddlehead, I wonder? Good thing I am such a brave gal... ;) Thank you for the inspiration and for sharing your beuatiful photos with us! /Jo.
Your pictures are just breathtaking. The fiddlehair ferns are fantastic!
Benny can keep the ball--until I can figure out how to distract him and get it for myself.
Too bad about the night lights in the park.
I had no idea you could eat fiddleheads! I want to try squash blossoms before they quit blooming.
Strangely, I've never had fiddleheads, though I've heard tell. And this from someone who will deliberately order bizarre items given the opportunity.
Not many chances to pick them near me, I don't think. I've seen them at the market at outrageous cost. I forget how much, but too much.
Now if you could tell me how to make a nice ragweed salad we could do business.
For some reason, I'm thinking Brokedown Palace today: Going home, going home, by the waterside I will rest my bones. Listen to the river sing sweet songs to rock my soul.
I see a horse's head. And that first photo? It's glorious! I couldn't possibly snip those! Too pretty.
I see a horses head/or a, a horse. And I have ferns too, but are they all edible...could do something nasty to JP's digestion, as you know he will eat ANYTHING. Lovely lovely pictures, Hilary.
My first impression of the tree was to see it as a rather large bird's wing. A further imagining was of a dinosaur's head. Perhaps you were asking for a literal view? Is there an animal of some sort poking from the knot?
The third picture looks like creepy little worms and the fifth looks like a horse's head. :)
I've just added a link to my text about Fiddleheads. Not all ferns are edible, and the Fiddleheads commonly served in Canada and Northeastern U.S. come from the Ostrich fern, a non-toxic plant which commonly grows wild around here. So please make sure you know your plants before eating them!
• Friko, ferns truly are beautiful in the sunlight - they create such dramatic shadows. I can understand your not wanting to eat the cultivated variety. The ferns used for fiddleheads grow wild around here. Thanks for stopping by. :)
• Travis, you mean.. like.. healthy? ;) Thanks for the visit. :)
• Linda, if fiddlehead pickers don't get too greedy, there's plenty to go around for both eating and growing. I'm glad you know who wins when it comes to ball games. It saves wear and tear on our egos if we know that going in. Thanks for the visit. :)
• Frank, obviously! Your winnings are negotiable. ;)
• Thanks, Brian. It just draws my camera lens time after time. Thanks always for your kind words. :)
• Thanks kindly, Tammie Lee. I hope that when you do try Fiddleheads, that you'll enjoy them. :)
• Tabor, no. Not all ferns are edible. Check to see which kind yours are. The most common Fiddleheads come from the Ostrich fern. Hopefully that's what you have growing and by the time they've multiplied some, you can consider trying some the following spring. Thanks for stopping by. :)
• Shrinky, I think it's pretty much an eastern Canada thing. I first heard of them in our province of Prince Edward Island where they're very popular. I tried them at that time and was iffy on how they tasted. Many years.. decades later, my son cooked them for me on Mother's Day and they were delicious. I've made sure I've had some every May ever since. More recently, we've found them growing wild around Frank's place. You're probably correct about who would win at Benny's game. You could see that in his eyes, couldn't you? :)
• Karen, it's a good thing I didn't have a recipe for the worm-like catkins, eh? ;)
• Steviewren, once again, I should say that only some fern/fiddleheads are edible. Those of the Ostrich fern but of course if you see them sold in the veggie section of the grocery store (at quite an expense) they're the ones. Thanks for the visit. :)
• Maggie, I see it as a skull too.. horse for me. You're right about Benny. I wouldn't consider eating ferns out of a garden.. yours, mine or otherwise. The only fiddleheads I've ever picked were growing wild. Thanks always for the kind words, my friend. :)
• Gary, WooF! :)
• Joanne, the walking paths have always been there - they're just repaving them for walking AND biking and creating more lighting. I'm not too keen on it as I think it will deter the animals from hanging around as much as they have. But I have no choice and will wait it out before I decide exactly how I feel about it. Thanks so much for the visit. :)
• Kristin, garlic did it for me. ;)
• Lady Fi, thanks very kindly. Much appreciated. :)
• Lakeviewer, thank you. Make sure your fiddleheads are from the Ostrich fern first, please! Thanks for the visit. :)
• Amy, you might be able to find fresh fiddleheads but it would have to be within the next week or so - they're very short-lived. Look for frozen too. They're sometimes sold the way spinach is.. in those little boxes. If you find them, please let me know what you think of them. :)
• Cloudia, thank you so much.. such kind words. :)
• Kate, you're right about who would win. I can tell you've played that game with George. :)
• Scott, I suspect that Benny would win against the fire-breathing dragon too. It's all a matter of tenacity. Thanks so much for your kind words. They're very much appreciated. :)
• Nancy, keep in mind that not all ferns are edible. Look for Ostrich ferns. The locals will be able to let you know if they make good Fiddleheads or not. And I ask myself the same question about critters coming first. We've been so lucky with the creatures that opt to share our space. I think all this lighting and construction will diminish that greatly. I hope I'm wrong. Thanks always for you kind words. :)
• Zuzana, thank you so much, my friend. I always enjoy sharing my space with you.. across the miles. Thanks always for stopping by. :)
• Andrey, thank you so kindly. :)
• EthelMae, the catkins are simply the "flower" that some trees have just before the leaves begin to grow - in this case, it's the weeping willow. But yes, they sure do look like worms in the water. They have that same look on the ground after a rainfall and when I was a kid, I believed that they were. Thanks for stopping by to comment. Your visits are always very much appreciated. :)
• Ekanthapadhikan, welcome and thanks so much for stopping by to comment. :)
• Pauline, Fiddleheads done right are so good. I'd be curious to know how it was that your Memere prepared them. The skeletal horse does indeed look like it could figure prominently in a fairy tale. And you're so right about city management not taking animal welfare into adequate consideration. Thanks for commiserating . :)
• Deb, I hope you do try the Fiddleheads soon... it would have to be soon! Please let me know what you think of them if you do. Thanks always for joining me on my strolls. Your company is always appreciated. :)
• Dianne, ding, ding, ding! You've discovered the one way to win at Benny's game. Bring him something new and he promptly forgets about what he's protecting so fiercely. He'd SO love you! Thanks so much for stopping by. Your visits are always fun. :)
• Thanks so much, Leah. I had no doubt you'd be seeing a number of characters in that wood - after all, bringing characters to life is what you do so well. Thanks so much for your always-kind words. :)
• Jo, I'm glad you like the idea of trying fiddleheads. I don't know if you have Ostrich ferns in Sweden, but if you do, it will definitely work for you. Be brave, but be careful too... some ferns are toxic. Thanks always for stopping by. :)
• Betty, thank you so much for the kind compliment. It's so appreciated. If you want to beat Benny at his game, you have to see what Dianne said ahead of you. She's got it figured out. Thanks for the visit. :)
• Ellen, I've always heard that squash blossoms are edible but have never tried them. I hope that you do and will let us know how they are. Thanks for stopping by. :)
• Cricket, I hope you get the opportunity to try fiddleheads sometime soon. Yes, they're ridiculously expensive at the grocery store - about $5 a pound. We didn't pick any this year and ended up buying about a half pound.. just enough for two. I'd send you a recipe for ragweed salad but I'm afraid it would taste a pollen. ;) Thanks for another fine musical choice. :)
• TSannie, thank you. But you could snip them if there were tens of thousands more.. and there are. :) Thanks always for the kind words. :)
• Moannie, as long as you're sure that it's a horse! ;) I see the horse too, actually. No, not all ferns are edible so proceed with caution. Only the Ostrich fern is made into fiddleheads, so keep the others away from JP's appetite! Thank you always for such kindness, my friend. :)
• Suldog, most folks are seeing the dinosaur or horse's head too. I wasn't being literal.. unless YOU see some real animal, I don't think there was anything like that. I was just trying to appeal to your collective imaginations. Thanks always for stopping by. :)
• Anita, so true.. they both do. Thanks for the visit. :)
One thing leads to another...
You ate ferns? I don't think I'm brave enough to guess which ones are edible. Maybe someday in a restaurant...
I don't understand, either, why all parks need to be developed. Sometimes it is about access for everyone, or safety, but sometimes I fear it is just because developing a park makes the municipality look good in someone else's eyes.
PS: I agree with Frank -- it's definitely a pterodactyl!
Thanks for the recipe; someday I will find a way to try it, it sounds delightful.
I agree that your park was probably fine as it was -- I'm glad no one is wanting bike and walking trails around the creek here.
Beautiful photos!! And I will take Benny up on his challenge! Would be great fun!!
Velociraptor! Frozen in time, ravenous, crafty expressed permanently affixed to his face. Only a million years or so have saved you, Hilary. A narrow escape.
Ah well, people must be kept safe, I suppose. I don't walk in parks at night, which is how I manage that aspect of my safety, but long ago and far away, I was a camp counselor (I know, I know, I really don't seem the woodsy type, do I?).
At night we used to prowl around the woods of Medford Lakes, being slowly eaten alive by insects, frequently stepping in things best not seen anyway, as we made our way to and fro about the cabins.
You know what I remember? It was always easier to get the creeps if you had a flashlight or lantern with you. Then the darkness seemed to be rather sinister, pressing in, trying to get to you. Barely held at bay by the flimsy wall of light created. The light was the very thing that created the sense that something lurked at the perimeter.
When we sallied forth in relative darkness, we just felt a part of the woods. Had fewer bugs munch on us, and still stepped in as many gross things regardless.
But then we were just trying to evade the Jersey Devil, as opposed to the lurking threat of other humans.
I love the way you serve up a main course story about something or someone else, and then throw in a picture of Benny as "dessert"! Works for me! :)
Dearest Hilary...
Well, since I am a HUGE fan of asparagus, you've got me on this one! I'm going to have to try this! Sounds fantastic! And as usual, your photos are sublime...
I see a Pteradactyl in the photo of the gnarled tree...I think you have turned an everyday bulldozer into a piece of art! That photo with the sunset is absolutely exquisite...I completely "get" your fascination with the pond and the artistic...and Benny gives me a big smile!!!
Your posts are so fantastic! I love them! Love, Janine XO
There's Benny to make my day! Thanks for the fern recipe. I always wondered about that.
I love fiddleheads so much!! And I love all your pictures! And Benny......
I love fiddleheads, but we can only get them frozen here in Vancouver. But I was recently in Nova Scotia and had them a couple of times.
Beautiful photos of your park.
I noticed fiddleheads for sale in my local supermarket this week, but I didn't buy any. I planted some ferns in my back yard about 5 years ago and I have quite a large crop now, but some of them insist on growing in the lawn.... a dangerous place to be when I fly by with the lawn mower. I love the way the new shoots unfurl as they grow.
Benny wins!! Paws down!! ;o)
I'll have to tell my mom about those fiddlethings. She has some in her backyard - just might have to try out that receipe!
Great recipe on Fiddleheads. :)
Your park is definitely going to look good, the transition phase is a little difficult though.
The shots are terrific, to me the shot of the withered tree looks like a dinosaur head.
Fiddleheads?!?!?! Who knew. This sounds really interesting. I'm going on the hunt to find some and give this a try.
Great pictures - eating ferns? Hmmm...I would never of thunk.
Of course my favorite was the wormy catkins. Nice.
Great post Hilary! I never knew you could eat those ferns. I do love how they look all curled up like that. Most of our parks close at dusk ~ so no need for lighting ~ and many of them have paved trails which is great for walking.
LOVE LOVE LOVE the Benny shot!
I have often read about the fiddleheads but I think you have convinced me this year to try some. You provide very clear instructions.
Lovely images all!
I simply love fiddleheads: I love they way they look, that is. Never picked one to eat. I collect fiddlehead coffee spoons. Trust me, coffee tastes so much better if stirred with a fiddlehead spoon!
Talking about seeing things, the fiddleheads look like a couple in an embrace, two heads and the leaves are arms.
Then the gnarled wood looks like a female torso on her back, with her arm over her face... I have to stop the meds, I'm seeing things!
Never ever heard of fiddleheads. I could adapt your recipe to the tops of beets and to other greens too. I don't think there are fiddleheads around here. Diddleheads yes, but not fiddleheads!
Never heard of Fiddleheads either, but sounds delicious as described.
Wonderful photos, as always. Great shot, capturing the keen eyes of the gull.
i had no idea the ferns were edible at all1 how interesting.
i LOVE the weathered wood with an eye. it looks like a dinosaur peeking out of the bushes.
I love Fiddleheads, I get them at the Farmer's/Green Market .. sometimes I eat them as I wander ... so they often dont make it home into salads ... yum.........and the DOF on that shot is sooooo wonderful.
• KC, yes. I ate (unfurled) ferns and no, you shouldn't guess.. you'd need to know for sure. My park WAS already developed. The paths were paved and though they were not in perfect condition, they were certainly good enough - to me, anyway. I share and agree with your view about their looking good. I just wish they understood how GREAT it looks with our residing creatures. Hopefully the critters won't mind the changes. Thanks so much for stopping by. :)
• Messymimi, I hope you'll let me know if and when you try the fiddleheads. I'd like to know what you think of them. I know of only one person who wants the widened trails here. Sigh! Thanks for the visit. :)
• SueAnn, thanks.. and good luck with the Benny challenge! You'll need it. ;)
• Shimp, whew! I'm glad I escaped the Velociraptor of your vivid imagination. You're so right about how a light at night emphasizes the shadows and the possible evils which lurk there. And there's no quicker way to look positively maniacal than to hold the flashlight upward under your chin. ;) I don't walk alone at night here either. I wait until Frank is here on the weekends but I still don't relish the idea of a super bright park. Not to mention that it's not all that far from my bedroom window.. just the houses across the street separate me from the park. I hope it won't appear too bright at this distance. Anyway, not a thing I can do about it but get used to it. Thanks for your always interesting comments. Each and every one of them would make a great blog post on their own. You have a gift, my friend. Thanks for sharing it. :)
• Thank you, Sandra. A little hot dog for dessert.. who'd a thunk it? ;)
• Janine, thank you kindly. I hope you do try fiddleheads and that you'll let me know what you think when you do. I'm glad you enjoyed so many of the photos in this post. Thank you so much for letting me know. :)
• Sandy, Benny has a way of doing that. Now you need wonder no more about the fiddleheads - especially if you try them sometime. ;)
• MPM, finally someone who has tried fiddleheads! And who agrees with me that they're good. :) Thanks so much for your always kind words. :)
• Welcome, Voyager. And thanks for the kind words. Frozen fiddleheads are certainly better than none but fresh.. oh yum! Thanks for stopping by.. I hope you'll return again soon. :)
• Shammie, ferns truly are lovely to have in the garden. It would be a treat to have your own fiddlehead farm. Thanks for the visit. :)
• SD, Benny almost always does. As for the fiddleheads, just make sure you're clipping them from the unfurled Ostrich fern. Thanks for stopping by. :)
• Indrani, our park was already paved and I'm not sure how I feel about this "improvement." Well, yes I do. I'd rather they left it alone and continue to encourage nature to thrive as it did. Thanks so much for stopping by and taking a stab at that tree creature. :)
• Joanna, they're a wonderful food. I don't know how far away they'd be exported to, but check out your specialty markets and/or possibly the frozen veggie sections. If you find them growing wild, just make sure you know it's the Ostrich fern. Good luck. :)
• Grayquill, if the two concepts were introduced to me for the first time ever, I think I'd be choosing the fern over a fish. Now, I'd know that they go great together. ;) Thanks for the visit. :)
• Thanks so much, Kerri. I would really dislike if my parks closed at dusk. Full moon nights are just begging to be photographed in a setting with the pond. Thanks always for your kind words. They're so appreciated. :)
• Paul, I hope you find some in your supermarket (or some unfurled Ostrich ferns growing wild) and if you do, please let me know what you think. :)
• Merisi, thank you. Your interest in fiddleheads is intriguingly different than what I posted about. I believe you about coffee tasting better with a fiddlehead spoon. I know I MUST have certain glassware for certain drinks in order for them to taste right. No doubt it's the same for the stirrer. :)
• Steve, you have an artistic eye.. and a guy's mind. Yes, I can see those images now that you pointed them out. Very creative of you. :)
• TechnoBabe, diddleheads are pretty much everywhere you look. No amount of garlic and wine can make much of a difference there. The ingredients I use for the fiddleheads would work with an number of veggies and greens. Thanks for stopping by. :)
• Christopher, they are indeed delicious. Thanks for the kind words. I'm glad you enjoyed the gull shot. :)
• Lime, I thought you'd be far enough east to have some inkling about fiddleheads. They're probably quite popular further north in Maine though. It does indeed look like a dinosaur. Thanks so much for stopping by. :)
• Daryl, another fiddlehead winner! They're wonderful, aren't they? Thanks kindly for the compliment on the photo. The depth of field just kind of happened. The shot was taken from a fair distance with the zoom lens. Thanks always for the visit. :)
I've never tasted fiddleheads before but with garlic and wine they must be devine. Its the perfect combination.
Love all the pictures posted and I'm always amazed by the tree hanging on over the pond.
I see a pteridactyl too. Sorry for the butchered spelling.
We had fiddleheads for dinner las week! Yummy in my books, but my girls were not convinced. So you just have to make sure you do not take too many off of one plant, and then you are good to go? Good to know. Thanks. Lovely photos BTW.
He would, of course. :)
As usual, your entry takes my breath away. Nope, I never thought of eating them. Yes, I can do that to asparagus tho. :) I like roasted asparagus. Yes, I agree about the lights. Here we have a seal colony that has taken over a small man-made beach for small children. The seals have won now, and I wonder where small children can safely wade in the ocean now.
• Sue, they're so yummy. Do try them if you ever get the chance. Thanks so much for your always kind words. They mean so much to me. :)
• Welcome, kkrige and thank for the warm comment. Each fern frond yields one fiddlehead which is actually the unfurled frond. So you need to make sure that you leave lots of untouched ferns if you find them growing wild - so that there'll be lots more for next year. Or you can just find them at Loblaws. ;) Thanks so much for stopping by. I hope you'll be back again soon. :)
• Maggie, he would indeed. I love asparagus too and yes, it would probably work just as well with them. That's so unusual about the seals and kind of a shame if it makes the beach unsafe. I guess they gave your beach the seal of approval. ;) Thanks for the kind words. They're very much appreciated. :)
beautiful :)
Thank you, Kazia. :)
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