Dogs are the magicians of the universe.
~ Clarissa Pinkola Estes
The dog days of summer are here!
Like any great community, Peterborough has no shortage of canines. I encounter these sweeties daily, particularly down by the lake. It's the perfect spot for a rest in the grass or for a cooling dip in the water. I've posted several different dog photos before so some of these creatures might seem familiar to you. Some of the subject have appeared on the blog before but each of these images are new. I hope you enjoy them.

A dog can't think that much about what he's doing, he just does what feels right. ~ Barbara Kingsolver
This exuberant pooch and his sister are down by the pier most evenings in summer. Their person flings two green tennis balls far out into the lake and these curly-haired beauties spend the next five minutes swimming out to retrieve them, They return them to shore for the next toss. This one in particular takes a running leap...
I wonder if other dogs think poodles are members of a weird religious cult. ~ Rita Rudner
And seems to smile as he sails through the air.
Stop a minute, right where you are. Relax your shoulders, shake your head and spine like a dog shaking off cold water. Tell that imperious voice in your head to be still. ~ Barbara Kingsolver
That curly coat holds a lot of water. I thought he looked more like a bear in this photo.
DOG: A kind of additional or subsidiary Deity designed to catch the overflow or surplus of the world's worship. ~ Ambrose Bierce
You've seen this guy before too - he's the roof pooch I see on my way to the park. He has his own window through which he comes and goes as he pleases.
Dogs feel very strongly that they should always go with you in the car, in case the need should arise for them to bark violently at nothing right in your ear. ~ Dave Barry
I guess this guy makes sure that he gets the window seat on his trips around town. I've seen him a couple of times now.
Don't accept your dog's admiration as conclusive evidence that you are wonderful. ~ Ann Landers
This little cutie (a Papillon, methinks) worked the crowd which gathered alongside the lakeside patio at Holiday Inn. There was a live blues band performing that evening and several boats had pulled up and docked to enjoy the music. She wandered all around her people's boat, getting treats from those who came equipped, and pats from the rest of us.
What counts is not necessarily the size of the dog in the fight; it's the size of the fight in the dog. ~ Dwight D. Eisenhower
I watched this dog from a long way off as I approached. He wrestled with that branch for the longest time, bound and determined to drag it up out of the water.
The truth I do not stretch or shove
When I state the dog is full of love.
I've also proved, by actual test,
A wet dog is the lovingest.
~ Ogden Nash
Until his people called him for some love and attention. He wasted no time reuniting with them.
The world would be a nicer place if everyone had the ability to love as unconditionally as a dog. ~ M.K. Clinton
His sister was not a water dog. She waited patiently for his return. What a sweet girl!
The only creatures that are evolved enough to convey pure love are dogs and infants. ~ Johnny Depp
These two, little strangers to one another, greeted each other with such loving enthusiasm. An abundance of kisses was had by both.
Dogs are often happier than men simply because the simplest things are the greatest things for them!
~ Mehmet Murat ildan
Last, and most definitely least, I saw this porch puppy on my way home.I'll have more photos for you any day now... closer to seven, in dog years.
They sure do look happy! I'm all smiles myself, now. :-)
Always a winning subject matter in my mind and those beautiful pics just make it all the more enjoyable. That is indeed a Papillon, (butterfly) and looking at those wonderful ears it's not hard to see how the breed got the name. They're very smart and she obviously knows how to work a crowd! Now was that a little Jack doling out the baby kisses? Great life vest. Thanks Hilary, you made my morning!
Oh thanks! I laughed and teared up too!
Such a fun post. All your photos are top notch, but I especially loved the one of the dog returning to its people after a failed mission to land that log. Love the Ann Landers quote. I may have to use that sometime.
Somedays the only ones I talk to. The newest made 10 chickens dissappear, giving him a new name Lucky Luigia.Bad dog
Love posts about dogs and this is a great one. The action shots are fabulous! 🙂
Great dogs! The one with the tiny child is so touching.
Love the pics and the quotes, as usual. I wonder about the porch dog. He really does have an interesting life perched up there taking in the world from above. He doesn't look like he appreciates actually being noticed, though, as if he prefers to be the invisible observer. Of course, he's guarding that open window. ;) Great post, Hilary!! :)
Such sweet doggies, and appropriate quotes!
Such a happy post to wake up to! The photo of the dog shaking out the water is brilliant!
Dogs and water eh? My border collie hated water for the longest time, that is, until he decided to jump out of the boat! At that point he figured out what he was missing and how to deal with it.
We might take him for a swim in the lake later this afternoon.
loved all the quotes. loved all the pups. the roof pooch is just so cool. loved the stubborn golden best. reminded me of my big baron who has done the same. :)
Dogs are the best. What great photos.
My dad used to have a Lab that would gather the firewood. He would gather huge logs that my dad would cut up and add to the pile. No log was ever to big!
I do like roof pooch!
Dogs are just plain wonderful!
You picked quotes from some of my favorite writers. Ogden Nash, Ambrose Bierce. It's surprising their interest and love of dogs.
You've definitely captured the essence of the canine experience.
ha ha ... lovely shots. Enjoyed
Gotta love dogs and their relationship with mankind!
What a lovely doggy post and photos are excellent. Loved the leaping dogs! Very well caught!
Maggie x
This was a dog-gone happy post. I love seeing the sights around your town, most especially the animal ones. We are definitely in dog days here. It is in the mid 90s with triple digit heat index most days. Your weather looks a little more temperate than ours. :)
full joy and fun at the beach is very beautiful ... a dog's best friend.
greetings Frank
This is doggone fine.
What fun shots! I love the happiness that just radiates from all the pooches! We sure are loving our dog. He's been with us 8mo now and has been a lot of fun. I saw a sign that said "We were rescued by our shelter dog" So true! Have a good week and I'll look forward to more amazing photos!
What fabulous shots of dogs! Love the first ones of the dog jumping and shaking.
Haha, the funny little one on the boat, tee hee!
What fun. I'm so happy to see these critters and their enthusiasms. Just delightful fun.
They are all lovely dogs. The first pic is just like TessaDog when she jumps off the dock! You live in the perfect place to wander down to the waterfront and document all that is going on. Saw P'boro on the news recently, people chasing Pokemon Go images and cleaning up litter at the same time, brilliant idea.
Delightful quotes Hilary. They match the photos perfectly.
I love the determination of the Setter pulling in that huge branch.
I wonder if that one pups name is actually Bear?
Great capture.
I love coming here and just enjoying your adventures.
You have such an amazing eye! Well done.
(ツ) from Cottage Country Ontario , ON, Canada!
Dogs truly are loving and forgiving of many faults in their people. I'm often amazed at how little our dog asks of me and how grateful he is of any attention he is given.
What a wonderful collection! They all made me smile... and as always, perfect quotes for each one!
An all-dog post! Of course I love this. You've really captured some great moments. The cloud of water drops around that dog is awesome.
oh yeah lots of dog love ... and the curly fella shaking it off? he reminds me of a dog i saw in Amsterdam who had the best time fetching balls from a lake and then .. yup .. shaking it off
Loved the quotes and the pooch pics. The little girl is adorable. Our dog does not like rides in the truck..he gets car sick..:(
dogs are the most amazing creatures.
Beautiful photos, made me smile.
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