I'm way behind on creating posts right now but this one (among others) has been sitting in my drafts folder for quite a while so now is as good a time as any to share it.
Last year I went fishing with Salvador Dali. He was using a dotted line. He caught every other fish.
~ Steven Wright
Before the last of my belongings and cats were packed up and I moved out here, I spent a few days visiting - during which time we went fishing. It was late October.
The day was cool and crisp but sunny. The fishing spot was about a 15 minute boat ride from the dock - and somehow, it was against the wind in both directions! It was a lovely hour or so spent trying to catch some walleye but not succeeding.
Grab a life jacket and hop on the boat to join us.

Pulling away from the dock, you can see our house on the right with the addition (still in the process of being built) on its left.

Oranges and yellows blend to create the perfect autumn backdrop as we pass through a channel.

Our lines searched for those elusive walleye while we continued to enjoy the view.

Frank pointed out this seemingly abandoned cottage which he had seen on previous and more successful fishing expeditions. It sits on a point, surrounded by water - prime property. There is no sign of anyone having lived there for a long time - nor does it seem to be available for sale. One of the lake's little mysteries.

The scenery is just as beautiful on the way back.

This tree, leaning out on the edge of the shore is a landmark which tells me that we're not too far from home.

Dusk came softly in pretty pastels.

And the full moon rose up to greet us.

And shared her enchanting light.
A nice break from the reality of a snowy winter and frozen lake. More photos coming up soonish.