Perhaps the truth depends on a walk around the lake. ~Wallace Stevens
So now that winter is officially here, I'm going to draw you back into Autumn with a few photos from this past October. My dear friend Carol Anne and I met up halfway between (one of) her place(s) and mine. After lunch we found a lovely spot for a hike - Silent Lake Provincial Park.
It was indeed particularly silent, being off-season and all. Due to a bit of flooding, we weren't able to make the full circuit and had to turn around and retrace our return path, making for a longer than expected walk. Still it was a beautiful day with good company and beautiful sights to see. Here are just a few of them.

Our first view of this pretty body of water provided us with this peaceful little island sight.

Some of the walking areas were swampy and awkward. There was plenty of room to get around this log though.

Another peek at Silent Lake through the trees.

It was becoming more dense with trees. Which path do we take?

On our left, a moss-covered tree stump showing off its textures and colours in the sunlight.

Not to be outdone, a cluster of fungi vies for our attention.

But we opted to take the path on our right - the one that follows the lake. See how she sparkles like diamonds in the afternoon sun?

Here's what the path looked like behind us. Or rather, ahead of us because by now, we had reached an impasse and had turned around to retrace our steps.

The lake is now off to our left.

Oak leaves had collected in a mini bay along the shore. They were still in the height of autumn gold.

At the end of our walk, we still had time before we had to go our separate ways, once again. We sat alongside this babbling brook for a while and I played with the shutter speed setting of my camera, trying to get a bit of a creamy effect from the water.
In all, it was a perfect day.
Like many of you, my visiting and posting schedule has slowed down some during the holidays but I do hope to stop by your blogs before too much longer. See you soon!