Walking in the morning takes you to beautiful places where light and shade make love.
~ Prof. Mohamed Shareef

You needn't awaken or head out too early to meet the sunrise in winter. It would stay dark until a decent walking hour. This is how the sky looked over the park as we venture out onto the path.

Very few things retain any vivid colour at that time of the year but the hair-covered crimson berries of the Staghorn sumac were brilliant in the winter sunlight.

The lake was only lightly glazed over with ice on this mid-December day. Sun, ice and sleepy mallards combined in such a way that we appear to be looking at headless ducks and their glassy reflections.

The squirrels (see.. we don't only have black ones) at this park are especially bold. A lot of people enjoy feeding them, and so they're not afraid to come very close in hopes of mooching a peanut. This guy was mildly disappointed that I only clicked my tongue to get his attention for a photo, and not to share any goodies.

Thankfully, somebody came along to the rescue with pockets of peanuts, and this little poacher appeared to be pleased with his treat. Next time, I'll be ready with full pockets too.

If you would have looked up a second earlier, you would have seen yet another squirrel peeking through these cedar fronds. Of course, if I had snapped the image a second earlier, you would still be seeing him right now. I like the way the photo turned out, anyway.

As we watched the sunlight twinkling on the water and the breeze blowing through the fluffy tall grass...

...we, in turn, were also being watched. Too bad he was too shy to allow for a scratch behind the ears.

Look up. This here was taken a couple of days after Christmas. What were we doing with green leaves clinging to life this late in the year?

Last but not least, one more evening look skyward revealed a full moon. This was November's celestial treat.
I hope you enjoyed our walk. I'm sure we will do this again sometime soon. Hopefully, it will begin looking like spring.
Real fun ,i laughed real good at the mallard shot.
That sumac shot is amazing. It looks like a animal.
The best for me is the third to last. Very nice!
Lovely captures! So refreshing!
Another fine collection of photos with interesting narrative. Keep on clicking... your camera that is.
Was the car feral? Whenever we go for walks we come across feral cats and they want nothing to do with us.
I enjoy each walk I get to take with you. You see so much detail and beauty and I like that.
Thanks for the walk, I love the three leaves, the colors are beautiful. Nice light in the mornings. The glasses were on a thick plexiglass surface, lite from underneath. The blue light beckoned me and I had to snap a photo.
oh wow...that second pic...the texture in it is so cool...ha...def enjoy seeing a walk through your lens...
Wonderful pictures of what you were doing on the walk, love them Hilary.
Beautiful shots, very nice blog.
the duck photo almost looked 3D! so cool! the squirrel with the nut is absolutely beautiful! little white tufts on its ears! :)
i like 'retro walk'. :)
Artfully done! Loved them all!
Love the headless mallards...
Oh how I wish I could capture the moon like you did.
that mallard shot is really interesting!
I love the shadows on that full moon. Beautiful capture! And of course, I always love tagging along on your walks! That quote at the top is perfect.
Your walks are always full of interesting things that you see and share with us.
It is always a delight to skip alongside of you on your ventures out and about. What a fine eye you have for photography. A little smooch to Bennster.
I had to keep going back to the duck photo. The reflections are so crisp that it's hard to believe they're reflections. Love the squirrel shots, of course. And I'm always a sucker for a good moon shot. Nice work, my friend.
A walk worth the taking!
Lovely photos! Thanks for the walk
Thanks for the visual poetry. Always a joy.
A lovely walk. I can smell the cedars.
Great pics! The shot of the light on the water and the grasses is exceptional!
The orange mallard feet stood out as bright color in the winter landscape.
I do so love squirrels! But they are quick...and greedy little buggers.
Lovely shots!! :)
Arrroooooooo!!!! That's me howling at the moon after our retro walk. Now it's back to the future...where it's still winter. All the more reason to howl! Arrrrooooooooo!!!!
Hilary: With my Canon camera apparently having bitten the dust, it's nice to see these slightly delayed photos! All nicely done and quite enjoyable--as always! :)
Lovely walk dear Hilary - of course all images a treat, but the moon is my favorite.;) It looks so three dimensional on your photo, stunning...
Well, we have had the most fierce winter on record and the last snow fell this past Friday.
But - today spring is finally in the air and it is warm and sunny, therefore we hope winter has truly departed.
Have a great week ahead dear friend,
oh what a lovely series of shots ... i makes me want to get out with the big camera ... gotta find the time ...
It's odd the difference that a few hundreds kms make. When the snow sticks here -- early December this year -- it stays for the winter -- up until about a week ago.
I enjoyed the walk. But I am eagerly awaiting some actual spring walks. We are still covered in snow here. I passed a snowman over the weekend that said Florida or bust. No joke.
the mallard feet really pop!!
Looks like little geometric shapes
A wonderful collection
beautiful light and sweet critters
The mallards and their reflections is an awesome shot. The last image of the moon is quite beautiful. And everything in between!
What wonderful bright light - those ducks are glowing! And a gorgeous moon shot too.
Hello Hilary,
What a very good shots.
Great colors of the sunrise and the squirrel is so amazing with the note. Well done!!
Many greetings,
Hilary, these are stunning!
You have captured such beautiful light in each one, and oh my goodness, that moon!!
What a beautiful walk! Thank you for taking us with you! :)
all of these are stunning!
i love the beautiful light you very capably captured.
this is visual poetry, hilary!
what beautiful sights, too.
I wish I could comment on all, but I'll chose 2. The hair-covered crimson berries are both icky and beautiful. :) And I loved the mallards; my first thought was how much they look like beautiful beads on a necklace. All the shots are pleasant to my senses, as always.
I enjoyed the retro-walk and a glimpse of those squirrels. You do such a beautiful job whenever you take photos.
It was a strange winter, wasn't it? Especially at first the weather was unseasonably warm. The cold is lingering on this end, though. Really nice shot of the moon!
Just lovely. All the colors blending, the quiet sounds seeping through the wind, lovely moments. Thanks. All I have right now are photos of stacks and mountains of things to share. Not very good at all.
Great series of pictures, the sumac is a wonderful colour. The squirrel with the nut is priceless.
WOW! Love the duck reflections...love all them, sigh... :)
beautiful site. I hate to say I have no idea about the first shot and what its about...but I dont!
I am never disappointed by your photographs, Hilary. ♥
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