The table was set with fine teapots which were waiting to be filled with the steeped beverage of our choice.

For a couple of us, there was no question - Masala chai, please! I don't recall all of the choices but at least one lady selected ginger-orange-peach green tea and one decided on "Mystic Mellon" but the flavour was weak so it must have only had one L in Melon after all. Not quite as groovy as it sounded. ;)

As we waited for our repast, we chatted, laughed and enjoyed the decor. This lovely old dress was hanging nearby. It must be the norm for tea houses because there were similar a-door-nments where we went last year.

Tea was soon served. We each had this adorable mini strainer to catch the tea leaves each time we poured from the pot. After the cup was poured, the strainer was to be placed upon a little metal cup to await the next serving. I can't tell you how many of us would forget to replace the strainer on our cups, resulting in tea leaves sinking to the bottom. Some of us did it multiple times but I'll never tell who that was (it was her!).

Scones were served up with fruit and Devonshire cream. The sandwiches consisted of brie and red pepper spread, cucumber, radish and cream cheese, mango and sundried tomatoes, and turkey with smoked Gouda. There were also slices of smoked salmon to enjoy.

Lisa enjoyed her own vegetarian collection.

Once we were done with lunch, we each had cards for the birthday girl, Pat. She surprised us in return by giving the group a St. Patrick's Day card with a lovely Irish blessing on the front.

But that didn't compare to her sweet message written inside.

And speaking of of sweet, Jazzberry went all out for Pat's birthday cake(s). We each managed to sample a forkful or three from this yummy selection.
It was a lovely afternoon spent in fine company. And I thank you all for joining me in remembering it.
More photos of some sort coming up soon.