I have a few critter photos to share with you, all taken either on walks or in Frank's back yard.
Of course no creature compilation would be complete without Benny so I might as well include him right from the start.
This robin keeps a wary eye on Benny and me. She might have wee ones nearby.
This one hopped up onto the fence ready for a quick getaway.
This is an odd place for a seagull to land. It's the top of a sawed off tree, standing about ten feet tall. He just perched there for the longest time.
What do you think the chances are of seeing the same gull a few weeks apart, along the same creek but in a totally different spot than before? I'd say they're fairly good because that's exactly what happened. How do I know? Look closely and you'll see that this gull is missing part of its left leg. He's the same bird featured in this post.
This little cutie is a female cowbird. They're different from most birds as they don't build nests in which to lay their eggs. Instead, they invade the nests of other species and allow them to hatch and raise their young for them. This one is getting sustenance, Chez Frank's - probably building up her strength to lay more eggs.
One of the finest singers in the park - the male red-winged blackbird.
The catbird often eludes my camera but this little guy sat and posed nicely for me. They really do sound like cats mewing.
Crows are beautiful and intelligent birds. I don't often see one in the field when I walk there, and this one watched me closely as I passed him by. He took off a few seconds later but without a sound or call. I guess I was just a bit too close for comfort but not to the point of his needing to alert others.
This goose wasn't taking off from me so much as he was heading to the opposite side of the pond where someone was tossing out bread crumbs. It's not a great shot of the bird but I liked his reflection in the water.
That's enough birds but here's one more winged creature. A bee busying himself with a pretty, purple flower.
So is it just me, or does anyone else see the left-facing profile of a baby bunny in this photo. I thought that the patched tar on the sidewalk strongly resembled one. The dark clump of mud would be its eye. You might need to lean back from the monitor a wee bit.

And while I'm showing you weird marks on the sidewalk, do you see a butterfly in this one?

And while I'm showing you weird marks on the sidewalk, do you see a butterfly in this one?
And this brings us to...
The end.
Thanks for joining me. You're always such fine company.
Thanks for joining me. You're always such fine company.