Wishing all my American friends a very Happy Thanksgiving!
While walking with Benny, one day last month I came upon this sign at the edge of the park, near a parking lot.
It's a clever and timely placement since it was during the peak of the salmon run in the creek, which means a number of salmon carcasses along the banks. Not much is more inviting to a dog like Benny than following his nose to a rotting salmon and sharing its scent by rolling in it. Clever dog wash people. And good boy Benny for not doing the doggie stop, drop and roll so far, this year.
Another sign, seen on the highway between Frank's place and mine.
A weathered sticker on the back of a truck offered a reasonable suggestion.
Also seen on the highway a bit closer to home.
This is actually a piece of artwork which only makes a bit more sense when you pass it by.
Although stationary the word changes as you drive along.
A bit of a play on words to find artwork which simply states "still life." You can read more about it here.
And now, without further delay, here are the Posts of the Week. The icon below is yours for the taking if if your blog post is named as a POTW.

Oh, the Things You Can Blog!
by Mami
at Unknown Mami
S is for... (Sex)
by Ellen at Stuff
from Ellen's Head
Beware What the Cook Won't Eat
by Pauline
at Writing Down the Words
Lanner Falcon
by Bob
at Birds and Nature in the Forest of Dean
Tree Varmint
by TexWisGirl
at The Run-A-Rounds Ranch Report
Enter at Own Risk
by The Bag Lady
at Bag Lady's Blather
It's the Little Things
by Dawn
at Just One Life
Mother Nature is My Muse
by Christine
at Have a Beauty Filled Day
Because It's Worth It...
by Beth
at Be Yourself
I'm Not A Torke! And Other Terms from the Word Verification Dictionary
by Lisa
at Two Bears Farm
Recommended by: TexWisGirl
The Babysitters Flub #1
by Kady
at A Lady Reveals Nothing
Recommended by: Kerry
Please drop by their blogs for a visit and leave a kind comment if you have the time. Also, please feel free to add your own choices (for any blog except this one) for a specific blog post in the comments section below, where others can see them.
Thank you.
Great post !
Best regards from France,
The doggie wash sign made me laugh!! And the art sign was very cool!
Happy Thanksgiving
Brilliant pictures, and ta very much for "good photograph".
Love those signs, I like how you manged to get that snap shot of *still* just when it was on the truck.;)
Congratulation to all those very talented people.;))
ha do you ever get the feeling that life is passing you by? perhaps if you speed up you can pass it and see what it feels like...lol...
congrats to all the POTW!
and thanks for the happy thanksgiving as well...hope you have a wonderful rest of the week yourself...
Wonderful selection as always and I do love signs like those .. happy thanksgiving!
I like how your one photo got the truck's cargo framing the billboard!
thank you, dear hilary! what a nice surprise to see my silly tree varmint listed! and especially thank you for including Lisa's post! :)
My favorite sign was outside the "Old Folks Home" a few years back...It pictured a screw turned on it's end with the words"the Golden Years" just after...I always wanted to do it in cross stitch! lol
Can't wait to visit the honorees!!!
Love the "Don't hit me!" request. Watching for fun road signs is the best part of the trip.
I love the signs you found
don't hit me made me laugh
Thanks, Hilary, for the POTW for my rant! :)
Ah, thank you once again Hilary. I've had such a delightful time this morning (as the Thanksgiving pies baked) discovering new favorite blogs!
What a clever place to advertise a dog wash! Genius! :)
The still life photos are brilliant ~ did that take forever or do trucks like that pass by often?? This is such a clever post :) Thanks so much for POTW, and your lovely comment today ♥
Love the collections of signs - especially the Still Life. Cool, and good catch!
Congrats to the POTW! I'm off to read before fighting the crowds at the grocery store...
Oh wow, thanks for including my post! I'm honored! :-)
Your signs are great - I'm glad I don't have a dog wash like that around here!
Love those signs, especially "Don't hit me".
Loved all the wonderful signs you found for us.. and thanks once again for the reading tips.
The dog sign really has nerve as it's self serve just like you would do at home!
Interesting signs and photos.
On the STILL photo if you look in the distance on the left you see what looks like a huge concrete sculpture piece. Is this and art piece or part of a building?
I love me a good sign!
"Don't Hit Me"! I want that for my car during this Canadian winter driving!:))
Thanks Hilary.
What a lovely, eclectic series of photos.
Cheers from snowy Cottage Country!
some great finds
I like the "still" all on its own. Still. Telling me to be still.
Thank you for the acknowledgement.
Here's a point of interest for your blog buddies.
Going westbound, it's "STILL LIFE".
Coming back east it says "LIFE STILL"...
Thought provoking, isn't it?
Like all good art ...
Keep on provoking our thoughts, Hil!
: )
Carol Anne
and fine whimsey it is too!
Aloha from Honolulu
Comfort Spiral
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Thanks for the kind words, everyone. Always a pleasure to see you drop by.. especially my "real life" friend, Carol Anne.
Thanks for supporting the POTW. :)
That guy in the black Honda...Is that you Uncle Joe? Did you know the FBI is after you?
That's an unusual"Still Life" sign Hilary. Was the truck really a part of the sign? - Dave
A big hearty Congrats to all the POTW winners!!
I often wonder why, when stumbling upon a god-awful scent, a dog will always go to great lengths to immerse every strand of fur. So weird!
Love all those signs. Great captures.
Thanks for taking the time to read and share so many bloggers and such a clear visualization of his drop and roll.
Those signs are great. I will read more about still life. You have piqued my interest.
How cool! When I was moving to Arizona 4 years ago, I remember many trucks like this one decorated with Christmas lights!
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