If you receive this post in email, you will probably have to come to my blog to see it.
This photo of frost on a bedroom window was taken last January.
And now, without further delay, here are the Posts of the week. The icon below is yours for the taking if if your blog post is named as a Post of the Week - either as top post or as a runner up.

Optimism, Regarding Being Regarded and Training
by Frank
at Baron It All
I Have Come to the Conclusion...
by Bag Lady
at Blag Lady's Blather
by Michelle
at House of Lime
Ring Around the Light Pole (a really cute video)
by Elizabeth
at One Magical Moment Per Day
by Frank
at Baron It All
I Have Come to the Conclusion...
by Bag Lady
at Blag Lady's Blather
by Michelle
at House of Lime
Ring Around the Light Pole (a really cute video)
by Elizabeth
at One Magical Moment Per Day

by Amy
at She Writes
This Story Has No Point
by Jim
at Suldog
Because She Does
by Deb
at Talk at the Table
I See the Moon
by Maddie at
The World From My Window

The Best Color
by Don
at ffocuss
Cycle of Life
by Kate
at Chronicles of a Country Girl
Thursday in the Hood
by Daryl
at Out and About in New York City
January Fireworks
by Friko
at Friko's World

The Power of a Thought
by Zuzana
by Zuzana
at Life Through Reflections
by Joanna
by Joanna
at The Fifty Factor
Baby Elephant (another really cute video)
by Nancy
at Life in the Second Half
Sun Dogs
by Russell
at Iowa Grasslands
Please drop by their blogs for a visit and leave a kind comment if you have the time. Also, please feel free to add your own choices (for any blog except this one) for a specific blog post in the comments section below, where others can see them.
Thank you.
That is so cool! How did you do that?
Thank you! I'm so glad you liked the baby elephant video, too!
Now off to read some good stuff...
Like your new comment design.;) Perspectives rings so much better.;) And I so enjoy the idea of the puzzle, I will come back and give it a try, way too cool.
I am always impressed by the great work you do with the POTW theme and am very honored to be included in your list today, thank you dear Hilary.
Have a wonderful Wednesday,
Very clever having that jigsaw puzzle on your blog Hilary. It was fun to do - thanks - Dave
This is just the coolest thing ever! I'm too embarrassed to tell you what I scored, just that I got it in the nick of time!
I know some of these writers, but haven't read a single one of these posts. Off to bed and reading later!
Fun to do. Oddly enough I had posted a photo of lichens on my FB page and several people said it would make a good (nightmare) photo because of the complicated colors. Now off to read the POTWs.
Oh! :)
I won!
Fun! After the latest system upgrade my jigsaw puzzle game won't work, so I'm going to this game site right now.
Mary Anne in Kentucky
That is too much fun! How creative:)
That is quite a time waster! Good idea though.
Maggie X
Nuts in May
cool brain game
Thanks, Hilary, for including me in the POTW! That's too kind!
Ha! You knew I'd eat this one up!
Thank you Hilary,
and you know, I was thinking I should makes sure the "she" of this post knows what I wrote.
Cool! I wasn't expecting to show up here for any of my recent stuff, but you liked one enough to include me! Always a thrill, and I thank you!
Oh gosh. I didn't realize it was scoring me until I was almost done...and I took forever. Lol. That was fun. Thank you for the POTW. I'm glad you got a good laugh out of that one! Beautiful photo today. :)
Great puzzle! Really enjoyed it.
I just spent way too much time doing that, but it was worth it, thanks.
Thanks for these great posts! Can't wait to check them out.
The puzzle looks fun too!
congrats to all the potw...and that was fun hilary...
That was fun! The frost patterns are beautiful.
I love the puzzle idea, though I couldn't spend enough time to solve it.
191! So much fun!!! Congrats to all the POTW talent!
You've been a naughty girl again, Clement. ;)
Merci. :)
OK, I sat here waaay to long workin' this puzzle. I did finally do it...while my lunch got cold!!! Heeehehe!!!
Enjoy your day and may it be richly blessed sweeite!!!
Very very good, but puzzling.
I enjoyed reading several of these! I'm so glad I found your blog!
I loved the puzzle, and the picture was gorgeous. Haven't had a chance yet to visit the POTW blogs but looking forward to it.
Congrats to the post-ees.
I love that jigsaw puzzle. Now I want to go buy a big one. :)
Bah! I was getting along when I clicked solve by mistake.
Hi Hilary, The puzzle is very cleaver. I've never seen that before.
A million thanks for the POTW mention. I appreciate it so much. And thank you for always finding interesting blogs to read. It's my favorite reading day of the week.
Cheers, jj
I love the puzzle! And the picture!!! Too. Much. Fun!
I like your collection as always! I LOVE your puzzle. How much fun is that? : )
That was fun - the first puzzle I have put together in a long time. Wonderful picture!
Thank you again for the reading list!
That puzzle was cool. Beautiful photo. Thank you. And thanks for highlighting these posts.
That was fun solving it. :)
How do you do that?
Such a gorgeous photo; it was great fun putting it together (love jigsaw puzzles).
Congratulations to all the POTWs; I've a lot of reading to do...
Loved the jigsaw puzzle idea! Very cool. And lovely photo too. Thanks for all the posts of the week and congrats to all the winners.
Hilary, Thank you for both things, the note and the note (of my piece Impermanence) :). Now I hope to have the heart and time to read!
Now THAT was fun!!!!
And yes, please share - how did you make the puzzle? Cool!!
Thank you so much ...
Thanks for stopping by, everyone. I'm glad many of you enjoyed the puzzle and more importantly, the Posts of the Week. Some asked how the jigsaw puzzle was done. If you follow the link just beneath the puzzle, it will take you to the page where you can create one yourself - or paste this URL into your browser.
They'll give instructions on how to embed it into your blog.
Thank you for always being so supportive. :)
Hillary, I love to suggest http://susan-moment.blogspot.com/2011/01/communication.html for a POTW.
Love that puzzle, great fun figuring it out!
Nice POTW choices too!
i'm so terribly behind but i wanted to come thank you for the honor. the puzzle of your picture was fun too and such a gorgeous, delicate shot of frost.
Thanks for all the great post to read and look at. There are so many talented people out in BlogLand.
Thanks also for the fun puzzle. I had a good time doing it.
That puzzle was FUN! And the resulting photograph is lovely. Now I'm off to read the posts of the week. I'm running so late these days.
score 2161 on hard difficulty! and that is an extremely creative way to post up your pics. One strange thing about this puzzle is that I didn't use the "find the corner and edge pieces" strategy. Most likely because it was easy to guess randomly, because it tells you when your right.
Jigsaw puzzle: SUPER
Photo: Beautiful
Loved the puzzle and the picture!
There's always something delightful here.
And thanks for the POTW shout out. You're the best!
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