As different as a moonbeam from lightning, or frost from fire.
~ Emily Bronte
It has been a cold, frosty winter for the most part. One downside is that it's been too cold to wander about comfortably with camera in hand. Another is that my apartment windows are so heavily covered in frost, that I have a hard time seeing outside of them. The upside however, is that it makes for some interesting macro photography. Frosty windows with minimal tweaking are below.

Winter is a glorious spectacle of glittering fractals complete with a soundscape and atmosphere entirely its own. ~ Anders Swanson
The sun sent its first light over the horizon and sprinkled her golden glitter on my window pane.
It is the life of the crystal, the architect of the flake, the fire of the frost, the soul of the sunbeam. This crisp winter air is full of it.
~ John Burroughs
Just when I thought it couldn't sparkle any brighter.. it did.
What miracle of weird transforming
Is this wild work of frost and light,
This glimpse of glory infinite?
~ John Greenleaf Whittier
The day began to take on peachy hues.
How beautiful thy frosty morn,
When brilliants gem each feathery thorn!
~ Bernard Barton
Peach blended with pink and mauve light turned icy panes into a bejeweled mountainous landscape.
What a severe yet master artist old Winter is. No longer the canvas and the pigments, but the marble and the chisel.
~ John Burroughs
As the day grew lighter, so did the colours reflected in the glass.
The frost performs its secret ministry,
Unhelped by any wind.
~ Samuel Taylor Coleridge
I just kept seeing little worlds within this tiny frozen space.
In winter we behold the charms of solemn majesty and naked grandeur.
~ James Ellis
I love how depending on the time of day and the colour of the sky, various shades appear to soften the icy etchings.
Nothing burns like the cold.
~ George R.R. Martin
Silvery blue crystals with aqua hues in the sky beyond.
A lot of people like snow. I find it to be an unnecessary freezing of water.
~ Carl Reiner
Some of these photos are from last spring like this one taken in March of 2017.
I watch the springs, the summers, the autumns;
And when comes the winter snow monotonous,
I shut all the doors and shutters
To build in the night my fairy palace.
~ Charles Baudelaire
As was this frosty feather.
Winter is nature's way of saying, "Up yours.
~ Robert Byrne
Also from last year, I turned up the contrast and vibrance on this and the next image, and found that these sparse bits of frost looked like unusual bugs crawling around on the glass.
Melancholy were the sounds on a winter's night.
~ Virginia Woolf
This pattern should come with its own sound effects.
Winter came down to our home one night
Quietly pirouetting in on silvery-toed slippers of snow,
And we, we were children once again.
~ Bill Morgan, Jr.
A nighttime shot with enough light from behind to silver-paint the window.
It is said that in a certain faraway land the cold is so intense that words freeze as soon as they are uttered, and after some time thaw and become audible, so that words spoken in winter go unheard until the next summer. ~ Author Unknown
Layer upon layer of sparkling frost, and what appears to be a silver leaf a little left of center. I might not be able to see out my windows but they do entertain me.
The gaunt limbs, and stark, rigid, death-like whiteness of winter.
~ Bret Harte
And later in the night, city street lights help illuminate the window's canvas so that Jack Frost can do his work.
There is a grandeur in winter, stern and wild it may be, but a grandeur which speaks to the soul.
~ C. J. Peterson
On New Year's Eve, the moon was nearly full - and it rose early. You might have to pull back a bit to see the curve of that lovely orb in the background.
The winter frowned its icy eyebrows
~ Florenin Smarandache
Or I could just give you a more distant perspective instead.
I hide myself in the quiet white of Winter and
nestle in her comforting folds of cold oblivion.
~ Terri Guillemets
And here we are further still - the near-full moon smiling contentedly at Jack Frost's work.
Moonlight drowns out all but the brightest stars.
~ J.R.R. Tolkien
And on New Years Day, the full Wolf Moon appeared bright and beautiful in the eastern sky.
Don't tell me the moon is shining; show me the glint of light on broken glass.
~ Anton Chekhov
A bit late in the wishing but Happy New Year, everyone.
A bit late in the wishing but Happy New Year, everyone.
Beautiful frosty images!
Well the frosted windows were certainly a gift. You pulled out some very interesting patterns.
WOW! These images almost make me sorry that I had the windows in my house replaced. I used to see decorations like that.I kind of miss them, but I also know that my house is likely better for the new windows.Thanks for sharing these beauties.
Great photos capturing Natures art.
Wow, these are wonderful!
Nature’s art beautifully captured!
Fab idea for a theme.
You do have an eye for beauty and the unique
i always like the patterns, think it brings the kid out in us to enjoy them
Wow! I have been seeing frost quite differently ever since you started showing me what's there. This post is filled with wonder and hidden worlds. Thank you, Hilary. :-)
These are gorgeous! Doug thought the "bugs" looked like bullet holes. ;)
the frost is amazing but glad it's your windows and not mine.
Brings back memories of my childhood home. Thankyou for sharing this beauty.
Nature's artistry at work! Beautiful!
Oh, I love-love-loved this post! I am a fan of frost and these were just gorgeous! Yes, if you can't see out the window then the frost is there to delight. Happy New Year! :)
Super WOW. You really need to send some of your photos to a local art studio for display! I would buy one or two for sure.
You have been missed. This was worth waiting for!
These are amazing!
I hear you about the cold. I go in and out, feeding birds, etc., and the lens fogs up. Most frustrating!
The moon is the best!
(ツ) from Cottage Country Ontario , ON, Canada!
You've been spending far too much time cavorting with Jack.... er, I mean Mr Frost. But you two have definitely been having lots of fun. I love the photos and the captions and your elegant descriptions!
These are amazing, Hilary. I see so many different things in these frosty pics, from a pine forest to a swamp with alligators, birds in flight, palm trees and feathers. Even the bugs! :)
What a delight! These photos are amazing and the last one should be framed...I'll look at the cold out my window a bit more closely! I hope all is well with you and a very happy new year to you too! Happy February..a bit closer to Spring!!
a few weeks ago it was cold enough for our windows to get some frost ..nothing this pretty or interesting ...
Haven't been here for a while. Interesting to see the closeups. Been doing that a while 'meself' - well, with a microscope - fun stuff.
Absolute artistry - both the subject matter and the photography! If i stay off Facebook, give the news a deaf ear now and then, and simply observe life around me, I become a much better person. Thanks for contributing to that better me.
"Just when I thought it couldn't sparkle any brighter.. it did."
I love this!
You haven't posted for quite a while.... hope you're OK, I'll email you!
Morning! great to see you here! Well I'm back and i'm redecorating at blog HQ and my url will change over next 48 hours, so please check any links you may have.
saz x
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