Tuesday, January 3, 2017

In an Ordinary Place

To me, photography is an art of observation. It's about finding something interesting in an ordinary place... I've found it has little to do with the things you see and everything to do with the way you see them. ~ Elliot Erwitt

Once again, I have an odd collection of items kind of left over on my drive. Some of them are food related (yeah, food leftovers!) and others are just oddities that caught my attention for one reason or another.

Let's start with food - in case you're hungry and are trying to decide what to eat.

This is one of those one minute video recipes you find in Facebook from time to time. When I happen upon one, I usually watch it, think that it sounds good and then promptly forget about it. In this case, I decided to save the page and cook it up. I might have altered the recipe to suit what I had - I definitely left out the cilantro because I'm one of that small percentage of the population who has an aversion to it - that stuff tastes like burnt plastic to me. I kept the avocado out of the cooking process so it would be less mushy. I just added it on top in the end, ground some pepper over it and sprinkled it with fresh lime. Delicious!

fresh eggsMore food in the form of fresh eggs from Carol Anne and Michael's chickens which reside in their back yard. I keep all my suitable fresh food scraps for them and in return, I'll get occasional egg offerings.

fresh eggs4
And they're pretty yummy!

egg muffins
This was a recipe I once got from my favourite namesake over at Crazy as a Loom. Essentially, they're scrambled eggs baked in muffin cups. I have no idea what I've done with that recipe but there are plenty of options available online. They took a little more time and care than standard scrambled eggs do, but they worked out well and were fun to have for company.

What is it
Let's have a bit of fun. No scrolling any further now - what do you think this is?

What it is
Did you guess? This concludes our breakfast theme for today. Grab that cup of hot coffee and enjoy the rest of the post.

This was a fun little shop in the small town of Maynooth, just north of where I had been living for a couple of years.

I was on a small lakefront beach, south of Bancroft when this Hercules jet made one of its semi-regular, fairly low, thundering flyovers in the summer of 2015.

Unintentional Placement
This is a cell phone capture. I was waiting in my doctor's office a couple of years ago when I noticed these two unrelated information flyers clipped to the wall. I was certain that someone with a sense of humour had placed them together like that intentionally but when I pointed it out to the nurse practitioner, she assured me that she had hung them herself and had never noticed how one seemed to reach into the other. Gotta love the unintentional but amusing placement.

Because of the kind of business he's in, my younger son, Alex meets a lot of performers and he very rarely gets starstruck. He has taken meeting some very big musical names in stride. This past July 1, he excitedly texted me from a Canada Day show he was doing with "I just got Fred Penner's AUTOGRAPH!!" For non-Canadians, the only American children's entertainer to whom I could possible compare Fred Penner is another Fred - Mr. Rogers. They have similar philosophies and concern for kids' self-esteem. Plus, he's a singer and songwriter, actor and author. His CBC morning television show through the 1990s, Fred Penner's Place was must-see TV for my boys. And their dad and I made sure that his music was often played in the car during road trips - even after the kids had nodded off to sleep. Anyway, it was no surprise to me that the wonderful Fred Penner had made such a deep and long-lasting impression on my unflappable, heavy metal-loving son. And my other boy was also pleased and impressed that Alex got to meet him. I can't blame them one bit.
Fred Penner signature
 Anyway, this is where Alex happened to collect his autograph - on the back of his cell phone's Otter Box which he now leaves at home so he won't compromise the signature. Never mind that his phone is now vulnerable - the autograph is safe!

Skitty glasses
A few years ago, I uploaded a couple of photos of my cats to order my own cosmetic bag design. I use it all the time. This is my dear, departed Skitty on the front and there's an image of Zephyr on the other side. On this day, I had briefly taken off my glasses for some reason and laid them to rest on the zippered bag. It was only when I looked down to reclaim them that I noticed that it appeared as if Skitty boy was wearing them. He was always a very amusing cat and even though he's gone, he still manages to make me laugh. I deeply miss that sweet boy.

Little Lake Sunset
I'll close with a photo I took with my phone one day a year ago, when walking around Little Lake with Carol Anne. It was one of those rare times that I didn't have my camera but my phone still came through for me.

Happy New Year to everyone. I hope that 2017 is a great year for one and all!


joeh said...

House on a lake taken through a car window?

KarenW said...

Sweet little Maynooth. I still flirt with moving there. The place sure is booming in the summer. (My 4xgreat grandfather was born there, but raised at the south end of Hastings Co)
Love the salsa guacamole photo. I want, I need!

stephen Hayes said...

Always love your photographs and peeking into your take on our world. Take care.

Cloudia said...

It would take a treatise to explain all that I found touching, interesting, or spooky-personal about this post. But I will say: yes, we always love our pets waiting at Rainbow Bridge, and thanks for my new fave photography quote. You sure come through in your photos to our love and benefit. Thank You (and good to know about Fred Penner and more about your sons!)

Rita said...

I also think cilantro is bitter and terrible tasting--yuck/1
Shame on me for not recognizing coffee when I see it--LOL!
Great photos and loved Skitty with glasses!
Happy New Year! :)

Ruth Hiebert said...

I did guess that the one picture was a drop of some sort.I rely on my cell phone frequently, as it is always with me.Happy New Year to you.

Barbara said...

Three things I absolutely love in this post: 1. that your boy cherishes the signature from his childhood, especially considering his business. 2. Skitty with glasses, and that you have his image on your bag. (technically 2-in-1, I guess) 3. your dishes! Gorgeous presentation!!
Oh, okay, I also love that you noticed how the two signs went together!

William Kendall said...

That final shot is stunning!

Out on the prairie said...

Very nice collection of photos, having a cup of coffee trying to get warm now

Tabor said...

So many great photos!! Each a work of art. I do so wish I had your eye if not your skill. You see things that I miss. Hope you are having a peaceful and happy New Year.

DJan said...

I laughed at the kitty with glasses, but you got me with the mystery picture. Honey coming out of a perfectly shaped opening? What is it? Love your whimsical sense of humor, Hilary! :-)

L. D. said...

You have a lot of fun photos. The food looks good and the scene outside are great. Happy New Year to you..

messymimi said...

Happy New Year! Yes, i guessed the coffee drip, that's a really neat photo.

Marie Smith said...

Great photo from the Doctor's office. That last photo was beautiful but the kitty stole the post!

Linda at To Behold The Beauty said...

So much to enjoy in this post, but my favorite is the story of Alex and the celebrity from his childhood. Very touching. Phones can be replaced, but autographs can't. He made the right choice.

Red said...

Now a food theme suits my taste!!! Now the old Herc? what an airplane

Daryl said...

happy new year ... what a wonderful post ... the drip shot made me think of our friend David and the photos he took teasing us to tell what the image was ...

Anvilcloud said...

That cat with the glasses one is such fun.

Linda said...

You've got some very clever images! And the sunset is delightful!

Lady Fi said...

Delicious shots! Wishing you a fabulous year ahead.

Pauline said...

I don't get around to read often but when I do I am always impressed with what I see and read. You have a true artist's eye and a gift for words.

yaya said...

Happy New Year Hilary! You do catch the best pics! I laughed at the doctor office catch..good eye! My oldest son hates cilantro too! I never knew that until last summer when I made some salsa from our garden produce. We get fresh eggs from one of Jack's patients and I love cooking with them. They are much richer in flavor. I have an intolerance to eggs (not really an allergy) but occasionally just have to have some! Congrats to your son for meeting a childhood hero. The performers kids have today just don't measure up to the likes of a Mr. Rogers. Have a good weekend. I'm assuming it's as cold up there as it is here in Ohio!

Haddock said...

Like that rustic antique vintage shop. Real cute.

Linda said...

A great collection of pictures, and the last two are my favorites. The bespectacled Skitty is great and the lake is so picturesque. You should have that one enlarged, printed and hang it. Sorry I haven't been around much lately. Trying to get back in gear with the January writing challenge.

Leah J. Utas said...

Dang, you made me hungry.

ellen abbott said...

a nice little assortment of pictures. I especially liked the eggs in the blue bowl.

Jinksy said...

As ever, you provide a feast for the eyes - food photos or not! What an observant lady you are, and such an master (or should I say mistress?!) of composition. ♥

Unknown said...

I love these, especially the amusing juxtapositions. But curse you for the amazing food photos, I'm supposed to head off to the gym but now I'm starving!

Anita said...

Hello Hilary, I'm so excited to be visiting again. Your mini-photojournalism is the best!

Happy New Year to You, too!

sage said...

I'm glad it is lunch time! Enjoyed your photos and the chuckle over your son's phone case (I think my daughter had a tennis star sign hers)

Mage said...

Thank you. I do too.
I'm really enjoying the grab bag of images. Sorry you don't like cilantro. I love the stuff. :)

Karen (formerly kcinnova) said...

Fred Penner! And delicious food, and brilliant colors (the cobalt blue, the deep golden egg yolks), the coffee dripping steadily into a waiting mug (no question in my mind what that liquid gold was) and the gorgeous colors of the sky over your lake... so much beauty.
I was thinking of your Skitty just yesterday as I attempted to take close-ups of Cleopatra. He was truly a beloved cat, and I'm sorry he's no longer with you.