May their joys be as bright as the morning, and their sorrows but shadows that fade in the sunlight of love.
~ Minna Thomas Antrim
~ Minna Thomas Antrim
June is the traditional month for weddings. I've had this post in my drafts for a couple of years and since June has come around once again, I thought it would be time to dust it off and present it - although this wedding took place just a tad later in the summer.
Back in July of 2014, we attended a wedding. The groom was the handsome Brodie and his bride was the lovely Andrée. It was an outdoor venue - a ranch in Bethany, Ontario. And it was a beautiful, semi-casual/semi-formal and totally-charming event.

It was just off of Highway 7A in southern Ontario, which is not to be confused with Highway 7 in southern Ontario. And yet we did confuse the two which is why we arrived late - but just in time to see the couple pronounced married. Just a few seats over from the right, you can see Lisa (aunt to the groom) turning back to snap a photo of the latecomers.

The happy newlyweds Andrée and Brodie.

While the wedding party was off having photos taken by the professional, it was time for the rest of us to sit back and enjoy a drink. We were each assigned our own Mason jar mugs to keep through the day, and from which to drink our beer, wine or other.

Folks explored the barn where we found sweet, thoughtful and endearing touches everywhere. These tree saplings were gifts from the couple to their guests. Along with their names, it bore the message "Plant a tree and watch our love grow."*

Nearby was a decorative vintage claw foot tub. As far as I know, nobody made use of it that day.

And the place cards for table settings hung with clothespins above the word LOVE - created with branches and tree trunk rings.

Isn't this a thoughtful gesture? A basket filled with just about anything you might need at an outdoor venue - bug spray, insect bite treatment, gum, hand cream, deodorant, toothpicks, nail files, antihistamines, pain killers, calamine lotion, tissues, sunscreen, tampons and even flip flops in case your feet got tired from walking around in fancier shoes. The bride and groom were looking out for their guests.

We were eventually seated at long tables in the barn's loft, ready to await the bride and groom. The table settings were simple and elegant. The wedding party arrived dancing, one couple at a time but the lighting was low and I wasn't able to photograph anything but smiling blurs.

Flowers set in mason jars and wrapped in canvas, ribbon and lace (just as the invitations were). I loved all of the creative details.

Soft, subtle and sweetly scented.

Just the view of the entrance way from the loft. There's a tree which had grown the full height of the second floor and the staircase kind of winds around it.

I couldn't resist snapping this pair of flashy, shocking pink socks. I'd say that he had happy feet.

May this be the one and only rocky road that this sweet woman and her husband must ever travel.

One of the outdoor decorative touches.

There was a rustic, covered bridge on the property.

Here's the barn - the reception took place upstairs.

As night began to fall, the mosquitoes came out in full force which signaled the end of the evening and the beginning of scratching.
Thank you for having such an enchanting wedding, Brodie and Andrée. May you live happily ever after.
*As for the cards which stated "Plant a tree and watch our love grow," their love has indeed grown. It's now two years later and the bride and groom are expecting their first child a little later this summer.
True love is wonderful!
True love is wonderful!
What a beautiful wedding, and congratulations to the expecting couple.
Such a pretty wedding. Love is wonderful!
Lovely to see the beautiful pictures, again.(I haven't had any weddings; it's been a few years since I did that, but, hey — I'm a more mature Rev. Bear now).
And those highways. You've really got to watch those numbers. Because number 7 has replaced the old number 7, which is now 7eh?
Blessings and Bear hugs, Hilary!
Very nice affair to be part of.
It looks like a wonderful setting for a wedding!
The best weddings aren't the ridiculously showy ones of celebrities, but the beautiful celebrations like this one.
Once again your photography has captured the essence of an event. You truly can reach the emotion of an experience with such lovely lighting and contrasts. Congrats!
What a beautiful bride! He dress and veil are stunning. And congratulations to them as they welcome their first baby to their family.
Wow! That's quite the barn!
A beautiful place and an impressive wedding. My niece had mason jars at her wedding too, for ice tea or beer or wine.
That must have been a beautiful and unique wedding.I love all the special little touches.
How simply wonderful. I love all the touches that made this wedding unique and special. And congratulations to the happy expectant parents! :-)
Perfect post for this special wedding month. You should have been their photographer! What a great venue. Barn wedding/receptions are very popular around here and there are plenty to choose from in a farming community...and where the clever figured out a way to make some change renting them out! I think it would be great to have a barn here at the Pines and have weddings...Jack's not so enthusiastic!
Beautiful in every respect. :)
Beautiful and love-filled shots.
Beautiful couple, beautiful day, beautiful venue! Your photos make us feel as if we were there with you. Love the basket of items for the guests to use as needed and the flowers in the nicely decorated mason jars. Someone's creativity was in full swing when this wedding was planned. And that barn! Spectacular. Love your final photo. The lighting is perfect.
Sweet pictures! I guess the bath tub was not used because the bride gets a bridal shower. (Sorry. Can't help myself.)
WHAT a barn :)
I always enjoy your photos Hilary. You see things that other people miss. Well done on the wedding!
Just lovely all around. Venue, couple and of course, new arrivals.
A beautiful post, Hilary! Wedding are so hopeful. My 1st marriage fell apart, the photos were ruined in a heating failure by the photographer (as sign, methinks!) The 2nd was outdoors, as was this one, which is another sign of hope! It poured rain in the morning!
People are doing weddings so well in this era.
You take fabulous photos!
What gorgeous place to celebrate a wedding! You captured the spirit beautifully!
so sweet and simple, much better than the totally overdone formal weddings.
Wonderfully lovely! Nice shots, dear
Such a wonderful venue for a wedding. I loved all the special touches.
truly worth sharing these shots 2 years later. :) beautiful. and happy for them.
Oh, I certainly hope they do. Thank you so much for sharing the charm and beauty with all of us. You are in my thoughts every day.
How perfectly lovely in so very many ways.
Congrats to the couple. I hope they are still as happy as they were back then. :)
Hilary, finding this post brought tears to my eyes. Brodie and I want to thank you for writing this about our wedding. It really touched us!!
Also, you have no idea how grateful I am for the picture of the tree saplings! My photographer didn't take one...and I had been trying to find someone who had.
Thank you for being a part of our special day. We are so excited to start our family this summer!
Your words mean so much to us, xoxoxo
You took some great photos and I particularly like the bride walking on that wall and the word *love* made of twigs and junk!
Hoping things are going well with you.
Maggie x
If you put all your fabulous posts in a coffee table book, you'd have customers galore!
What a great wedding, such a lovely setting and the bride and groom look so happy. The barn looks like a mansion, not a barn. I particularly like the groom's getup.... whoever said you can't wear a checkered shirt and suspenders to a wedding? Did you plant your tree? Now I want to be invited to a wedding, haven't been to a wedding for ages.
I think it should be mandatory to wear pink socks to a wedding.
Someone sure is creative! Love the decorations and all the little extra sweet! These are great shots, Hilary!
Lovely - very very lovely!!
Hope you are well!!
love love love how creative they were ... i wish them many happy years
What a delightful wedding.
It was so simple but elegant.
I like the crafty touches.
What a gorgeous wedding. I love all the little touches and thoughtful ideas. Congrats to them on expecting their first child!
That is GORGEOUS! My kind of wedding. Rustic chic? Shabby chic? Anyway, very chic! I love all the personal touches. We were guests at a similar wedding (in a beautifully restored barn) a few years ago. So much fun.
Great photos! Thank you for sharing! And congrats to the handsome couple!
p.s. I LOVE the bride's dress!
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