One step at a time is good walking.
~ Chinese proverb
~ Chinese proverb
There is some white stuff falling steadily from the sky as I type this but there was a short string of especially warm spring days, last week. I got out to enjoy the weather a few times, and of course, my camera came along for the walk. I couldn't help but notice the many ways there were to get around while out there - walking, cycling, rolling, towing, flying and slithering. Here are some of those and a few more.

This guy kept a wary eye on me until I got a little too close...

And then he turned tail and flew off.

A little one slept in the back while the dad biked around the lake.

There's nary a train in sight but that guy at the curve in the tracks is struggling with a shopping cart.

A couple of boys abandoned their skateboards because they were preoccupied with something they found to be more interesting (coming up soon).

This young cutie's chariot awaits her - whenever her little feet get tired of walking.
The next two photos were from the following day but they fit the theme well enough.

I was out by the lake enjoying a coffee with a friend when we noticed this boat being lowered into the lake. Of course, I wandered over to get a few pics.

The boaters were smiling - as were we. My friend requested "Stairway to Heaven" and the guitarist quickly obliged, evoking a chuckle from all.

Back to the previous day, this woman jogged past me with a thoughtful warning. "Just a heads up - there are snakes back there."
And that brings us to what had distracted the young skateboarders from the earlier photo. I'm giving you the same heads up. If you're not fond of snakes, you can skip the rest of the photos.

Each boy held one of a pair of harmless Ball Pythons which a man brought to the park so that they could enjoy the afternoon sunshine. There's not much more to say about this slithering set so instead, I'll offer up a few quotes to accompany them.

Stop feeding the snake around your neck. One day it will grow strong enough to strangle you. ~ Johanna Georgsson
The snake which cannot cast its skin has to die.
As well, the minds which are prevented from changing their opinions; they cease to be mind. ~ Friedrich Nietzsche
He's the devil in disguise, a snake with blue eyes and he only comes out at night. ~ Carrie Underwood
When I was 16, I worked in a pet store. And they fired me because they had three snakes in there, and one day I braided them.
~ Steven Wright
Were you always such a snake," the child asked, "or did you grow into what you are?" ~ Dean Koontz
A snake can change its skin but not its disposition. ~ Persian Proverb
Truth is as straight as an arrow, while a lie swivels like a snake. ~ Suzy Kassem

Thanks for joining me on my walk while those around us jogged, flew, cycled, rowed and slithered.