Christmas Eve was spent with Frank's beautiful family. My sons drove out to be with us at Frank's sister's home. It was a lovely evening and the first time my younger son, Alex got together with any of Frank's relatives. Jeffrey had met Frank's sister and his oldest son once before when we were on a raccoon run! Thank you, Theresa and Evan for including my boys and me.
On Christmas Day, we had dinner with cousins closer to home. Amanda and Collin belong to my sons' dad, Don's side of the family, and they graciously include me every year despite Don and I having gone our separate (but friendly) ways years ago. Don and his girlfriend, Linda stopped by my place for a hurried gift exchange with our sons before heading out to the family dinner.

Patience is bitter, but it bears sweet fruit. ~ Turkish Proverb
The table was decorated in that festive way that our hosts do so well. Many of you commented on how lovely the Christmas tree was in the previous post. The first tree belongs to Frank and was decorated by his sons, this year. The tree at the end of the post belonged to Collin and Amanda a couple of years back.
Gratitude is the sweetest thing in a seeker's life- in all human life. If there is gratitude in your heart, then there will be tremendous sweetness in your eyes. ~ Sri Chinmoy
This is my son, Jeffrey. Since the Air Force got a hold of him, I just don't see him enough. I'm very grateful for the time I have with him this holiday season.
When you came my way. You brightened every day. With your sweet smile. ~ Sade
My boy, Alex is a tough (not really) metal rocker when he's not busy setting up venues for various performances. But when he needs to, he can clean up pretty well.It's difficult to tell my two guys apart, isn't it? Ha!

The love of learning, the sequestered nooks, And all the sweet serenity of books (or iPhones).
~ Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
This is Elliot, aged nine and the oldest of three kidlets. He spent much of the evening engrossed in a game on Alex's phone.~ Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

Nothing but sweetness can remain when hearts are full of their own sweetness. ~ William Butler Yeats
The middle child is six-year-old Lily, aka Hello Kitty. She's every bit as sweet and bright as that smile reveals.
Sometimes I'm so sweet even I can't stand it. ~ Julie Andrews
This little two-year-old angel is Maeve. One only needs to watch her for a couple of moments to know that there's a lot going on behind those darling eyes.
Let us celebrate the occasion with wine and sweet words. ~ Plautus
The wine was flowing before, during and after the meal.
Chocolate is not cheating! After a salty meal, you need a little bit of sweet. This is living, not cheating.
~ Ali Landry
Dinner was delicious as it always is, and if there was an ounce of room left in our bellies, it was filled with several kinds of amazing desserts.~ Ali Landry

Heard melodies are sweet, but those unheard are sweeter. ~ John Keats
After dinner, my son played our host's guitar and I couldn't help but notice the tree lights reflecting in its shiny surface.It was a wonderful evening with music and dance (Highland dancing by Lily and a fine imitation by baby Maeve), laughter and warmth. It sure is nice to be with little ones during the holidays. And especially nice to be with family - my sons - and my two extended families through Frank and Don.
Sweet, indeed.
I wish all my dear blogging friends a wonderful, safe and Happy New Year!