... And a Little Bit of Benny, Just for Fun
Here's the deal.I've been moderately absent from blogging, sketchy with blog visits and incredibly far behind with my photography. Oh, I'm still taking photos every chance I get but it seems that I'm only home long enough to upload them onto my computer and weed through those I want to keep. And it ends there.
Since early in July, I've probably spent a total of three weeks at home. Why? Well, most of the time is spent at Frank's place, a little over an hour away. Much of that time, has seen us scouring the online real estate ads and trekking off to see one area or another, in hopes of finding a place that we can both love. Until we find that place, make it ours and move into it, my blogging is going to continue to suffer. So there may be long silences around here or you might see a flurry of activity if I can get to some of the images which reside on my computer at home. I'm just not sure.
I'll continue to visit when I can, and you might just see me posting more than I anticipate in the next little while, but I'm not holding my breath and I suspect you're not either. ;)
For now, and until I post again, here are a few previously aired photos of our favourite Jack Russell Terrier, Benny. He's always good for a smile.

Did you know that he has been taking doggie dirty dancing lessons?

Or that he holds the record for highest bubble-chasing freestyle jump?

They say that water rolls off of a duck's back but it pours right through Benny.

Sometimes, Benny just gets tired of my Paparazzi gig and he just refuses to look at the camera.
And now, without further delay, here are the Posts of the Week. The icon below is yours for the taking if if your blog post is named as a POTW.

Well, What?!
by Rashni
at Big A little a
Where Meds Never Expire
by Dianne
at Do You See What I See?
I Must Be Getting Old
by Joeh
at Cranky Old Man
Sex and the Senile Girl
by Stephen
at The Chubby Chatterbox
Beauty in the Sky
by Ruth
at Ruth's Photo Blog
by Linda
at To Behold the Beauty
September Morning Walks
by Steve
at Out on the Prairie
by Ruth
at Ruth's Photo Blog
by Linda
at To Behold the Beauty
September Morning Walks
by Steve
at Out on the Prairie
Checking Your Metaphorical Back Seat
by Pearl
at Pearl, Why You Little...
Born Again
by Amy
at She Writes
A Few Moments With Zim and Gem
by TexWisGirl
at The Run*A*Round Ranch Report
Memory, Movies
by Cloudia
at Comfort Spiral
The Mixtape is Dead
by Carmi
at Written Inc.
Recommended by: Dianne
Bridge of Gold
by Rebecca
at The Art of Capturing the Moment
Recommended by: Hilary
Still Ambulatory, Thank You
by Murr
at Murrmurrs
Please drop by their blogs for a visit and leave a kind comment if you have the time. Also, please feel free to add your own choices (for any blog except this one) for a specific blog post in the comments section below, where others can see them.