My neighbour's little two year-old daughter, Lily is a delicious little munchkin. Her language skills are beginning to accelerate but her pronunciation is still lacking just a wee bit.
When Lily and her mom were visiting last month, she wandered into my kitchen and started shouting excitedly to her mom. "Boobies, Mommy... BOOBIES. Pwees, boobies?"
She'd long been weaned and has never asked to be nursed since then, so we were all kind of perplexed. We headed into the kitchen. There was Lily - my fridge door was wide open and her little finger was pointing at a small package of boobies.
She just loves her blueberries.
Role reversal: Lily offers her mom a boobie.
Now isn't this face more delicious than any ole blueberry?
And now, without further delay, here are the Posts of the Week. The icon below is yours for the taking if if your blog post is named as a POTW.

Full Circle
by Deb
at Nourish the Soul
by Tabor
at Room Without Walls
by Solarity
at Living With the Sun
Tea Time
by CiCi
at Liquid Mind, Sanguine Soul
Central America
by Daniel
at Daniel's View
by Louciao
at Décolleté Glimpses
by Anyes
at Far Away in the Sunshine
by Reena
at Missing Moments
Small Wonder
by Barb
at One Good Thing
by Christine
at Have A Beauty * Filled Day
by Christine
at Have A Beauty * Filled Day
Brevity is the Soul of Wit
by June
at Aging Gratefully
I Was a Pinterest Pigeon
by Susan
at Wild Life in the Woods
by Susan
at Wild Life in the Woods
by Deborah
at The Caterpillar Uprising
Recommended by: DJan
by Deb
at Catbird Scout
Please drop by their blogs for a visit and leave a kind comment if you have the time. Also, please feel free to add your own choices (for any blog except this one) for a specific blog post in the comments section below, where others can see them.
Thank you.
Awww. Bless her wee heart. The pictures are beautiful. Are you going to give her mom copies? What a nice gift that would make.
Oh my ... that is just too funny! What a sweet sweet face! And thank you for the shout out!
Love me some blueberries!
and POTW!
Warm Aloha Valentines wishes from Waikiki
Comfort Spiral
> < } } ( ° >
Oh, what a face!!! Such a darling. Congratulations to the POTWs.
We just love kids, and this little cutie is no acception Hilary - Dave
Hilarious! The point where the child's mother goes cold... "Say what?" And then the relief when she realises it's all alright...
Oh my! How adorable! And such beautiful photographs!!
I'm just a amateur when comes to this. It's all in the HTML and the or CSS coding. Something is different in these white blocks. I don't know how you add your links to your blog but sometimes, when you copy and paste text from MS Word or any other rich text editors you also copy "rogue coding" that may override the CSS in your template. Suggest you try a plain text editor such as Notepad.
aha! more wonderful blogs to investigate and a sweet lille face to admire - thanks, Hilary :)
Maggie X
Nuts in May
Love the caption "Role Reversal". :-)
she's beautiful
I love her cheeeks and her sweet hands
they are so wonderful adorable!!
That last photo is just amazing! If I were Lily's Mom, I'd blow that up on canvas.
Blogger seems to have a mind of its own!
She is definitely adorable. And I do wonder about those weird white blocks, but Blogger has definitely been acting strangely for a while now. Great pictures, and I'll check out those posts I haven't gotten to yet. :-)
OH! Adorbs!
Lovely light and portraits, but that first word almost set an old man's heart to racing. ;)
LOL! That's a hilarious story. :)
nice...i see quite a few blog friends on the list...congrats everyone...and thanks for the chuckle as well...
she is such a doll.
I like to have boobies in my oatmeal, and I'd love to have Lily as my neighbor.
Hooray for the POTW! Looking forward to reading your wonderful finds.
Boobies is in our country is a form of female breast, that's what she is holding, lol. Beautiful is different, that is the baby girl, and you made it photogenic.
What a lovely little girl. I like boobies also.LOL
she is adorable .. and these are wonderful bogs
Delicious blueberries for delicious visitor. So sweet!
And here i was ready to look at pics of blue-footed boobies (the birds). They are pretty birds, but these pics are more beautiful.;)
She's adorable and so is that story! Thankfully she found the real "boobies" that she wanted, I would hate to think what could have happened next!
Children's pronunciation has influenced all kinds of weird words. My brother was always called Merce because his big brother ""me could say Myrven.
Just love the photos of that precious little face.
Boobies are yummy in any language..I guess that doesn't sound politically correct, does it?
What a cutie!
Beautiful pictures and oh yes, I love boobies too.
Oh my - that is funny about the boobies! Lovely shots too.
Congrats to everyone.. thanks for all the great tips this week.
Thank you for the honour of being a recipient of POTW, Hilary. Truly appreciated!
I'll never be able to look at blue berries the same way. Precious little one.
What an adorable little face, she knows how to eat them blueberries ;-)
Thank you so much for the POTW Hilary, it is a great honour to have made it on your beautiful blog.
Children are so difficult to capture, but you always do a great job.;)
I see now white blocks in your post, but I have trouble with verification words on other blogs; I simply cannot read them, hihi.;)
Have a great rest of the week Hilary,
Well, wouldja look at that?
I got one!
Hey, Hilary, if my pain brings someone else a laugh, then it's worth it all.
DANG: peeling that stuff off my face hurt!!!!
And Oh, my goodness is that baby ADORABLE or what???
Please pass the boobies!!!
(I've been wanting to say that for YEARS. To God. Who might have shortchanged me just a wee bit. Just TWO wee bits. Heh heh.)
So cute! And congrats to the POTW!
That's just lovely, I always used to love when my daughter said things 'differently', we still say the things she said to this day!
... and thank you so much Hillary for having me as one of your potw :o) x
Hi Hilary, the blueberries are even more delicious for young taste buds! I made some buckwheat pancakes this week and added fresh blueberries. When I bit into one a plump juicy blueberry burst and juice stained my new sweatshirt and splattered the screen in front of me. Yikes.
Thank you for the mention in the list of POTW.
Thanks for the smile about the boobies and for the POTW. Been absent from Blogland for a bit so it was a very nice surprise to find the award waiting for me on my fog-filled doorstep.
Always amazing choices for me to check out new bloggers--new to me ay least. Thanks Hilary!
oh now THAT is funny! and she is positively delicious looking, such round cheeks!
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