Come up with an amusing caption, or several for the image below.

Please use the "share your thoughts" (comments) section to send in your caption(s) for the above image.
You are encouraged to send in as many as you like - as often as you like.
The deadline is Thursday, March 6 at midnight, EST.
Moderation will be on, so nobody will see any of the answers until they're posted after the deadline.
Once all captions are in, I'll compile them in random order and display them in a new post so that you can vote for your favourite caption.
Good luck. Have fun!
thinking. thinking. thinking. i'll send something as soon as i think of something.
Ok Katy.. we'll wait for you.. as long as you're here by midnight tomorrow. ;)
Is there something wrong with my computer? I see no image.
Hmm, try refreshing the page, Kate. Failing that, you can find the image here.
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