The greatest delight the fields and woods minister is the suggestion of an occult relation between man and the vegetable. I am not alone and unacknowledged. They nod to me and I to them.
~Ralph Waldo Emerson
Peterborough has a bustling and thriving Farmers' Market each Saturday morning and it's just a short walk from my apartment. Outdoors May through to November and then indoors for the winter, there is always something of interest to see, hear and sample. Over 60 regular farmers and merchants set up shop each weekend, ensuring an ample display of food, flowers, crafts, music and activities. Here are just a few of those moments captured sometime in August.

When I arrive, the first stall that I see is full of colourful gladiolus blooms. They attract a constant flow of buyers and I imagine that there are many a cheerful table throughout Peterborough each Saturday night.

Another popular blossom at the market is the radiant sunflower. Summer on a stem.

A variety of musical performers are scattered throughout the grounds. Some are regulars and some happen by occasionally such as Nhapitapi who also appeared on stage somewhere in town, that evening.

He's playing the mbira - an ancient Zimbabwean instrument consisting of metal keys played by his thumbs. The outer drum is the resonator. It sounds something like a plucky xylophone.
Have a quick listen.

Others had well-used musical instruments on display.

And the beet goes on... It's the locally grown fresh produce that draws the crowds.

Bumper sticker for a bumper crop.. I'm guessing that she sold a fair number of carrots that day.

It would appear that this handsome pooch and his trusty teddy bear were at least mildly amused.

Colourful hula hoops for the youngsters and young-at-heart to enjoy.

And no shortage of cute kidlets to try them out.

Each stall offers something of interest.

Heading back home past the gladiolus stand - they have pretty much sold out. It makes for kind of beautiful debris.
Thanks for joining me at the market.