But first, a few photos.
"Do you hear the snow against the window-panes, Kitty? How nice and soft it sounds! Just as if some one was kissing the window all over outside. I wonder if the snow loves the trees and fields, that it kisses them so gently? And then it covers them up snug, you know, with a white quilt; and perhaps it says, "Go to sleep, darlings, till the summer comes again." And when they wake up in the summer, Kitty, they dress themselves all in green, and dance about -- whenever the wind blows -- oh, that's very pretty!...And I do so wish it was true! I'm sure the woods look sleepy in the autumn, when the leaves are getting brown." Through the Looking-glass ~Lewis Carroll
We have big, nearly picture type windows at our new place and I tend to snap shots through the glass fairly often. Interestingly enough, despite the beautiful scenery around me, I tend to leave my camera behind when I go for my morning walks with Benny. Not always, but usually. That's mostly because the road where I walk him is a main one and too busy to safely take him off leash. Keeping control of Benny and a camera isn't always easy. Of course the first time I'll spot something photo-worthy and find myself without the camera will probably be the last time I'll go out without it.
In the mean time, I hope you'll enjoy the following images, all taken through glass of some sort or another.

This was snapped through the windshield of my son's car. We were on our way out of Mississauga and heading up to my new place, cats in the back seat.

Much as the opening quote would suggest, this fluffy snowfall was taken through the window pane. It kept up for a little while, collected and eventually melted again. We have since had a more significant snowfall and are currently blanketed in white.

A moody, foggy mid-October morn.

Late November, the boat was removed from the right of the dock - rescued from a layer of ice.

The next day it was time to bring in the dock.

Another view through a car window. This was taken on our way back from a day trip to a nearby town. I liked the little island with tamarack or larch trees. This autumn was the first time I have ever noticed coniferous trees which actually turned yellow and lost their needles. They were new to me.

And one more sunrise because who can resist when the world is bathed in October gold?
And now, without further delay, here are the Posts of the Week. The icon below is yours for the taking if if your blog post is named as a POTW.

The following is the story of my own paternal grandparents and was written by my cousin.
Let Me Call You Sweetheart: A Love Story
by Phyllis
at Prompt Prose
by Betty
at Bossy Betty
Cannon Beach Sunset
by Karen
at What Karen Sees
No Fighting
by Scott
at Just Used Pixels
Attitude Adjustment
by Barb
at One Good Thing
A Thousand Dark Birds
by Kerry
at Ed and Reub
Happy Thanksgivukkah
by Lime
at House of Lime
Just Following the Road to Nowhere
by Sandi
at Holding Patterns
Happy Thanksgiving
by Cedar
at Cedarflame
Recommended by: Jackie
by Abe Lincoln
at oldmanlincoln
Recommended by: Tabor
November Lullaby
by Aisling
at The Quiet Country House
Please drop by their blogs for a visit and leave a kind comment if you have the time. Also, please feel free to add your own choices (for any blog except this one) for a specific blog post in the comments section below, where others can see them.
Thank you