Every house where love abides
And friendship is a guest,
Is surely home, and home sweet home
For there the heart can rest.
Henry Van Dyke
I've been rather absent from blogging recently. I've had some scheduled posts and I've popped into a few of your blogs here and there but mostly, I've been rather absent from blogging.
Part of what has been keeping me busy is home renovation. I've lived in my house for twenty-nine years, and very little has been done to keep it looking current. As some of you may know, Frank and I have been on the lookout for the past year, for a home on a lake. I hope to eventually sell my home and so I have been getting numerous things done to put it in a more sellable condition.
Another part of what has been occupying my attention is the actual search for a home. We've scoured online ads, followed up on listings sent to us by real estate agents and on a few occasions, gone north to look at a some places.
A couple of weeks ago we went to see a couple of homes. One of them was on a parcel of land which measures a little over an acre. The lake on which it sits, houses several species of fish and has many nooks, crannies, streams and islands - a fisherman's dream. The shore faces east, across the waters of a bay. The immediate vista is that of uninhabited Crown land and a small, hilly island. Sunrises would likely look quite amazing coming up behind that scene.
Upon the property sits a small but impeccably-maintained house. There are currently three rather small bedrooms, an open concept kitchen, living room and dining room, a large rec room in the basment, an attached garage and decks on both sides of the house. The potential for expansion is great, and a fourth, large bedroom, bathroom and additional storage space would be essential. And doable.
The other side of the house is where you'd find most of the property. There is a long driveway alongside a grassy lawn where you'd find some sheltering trees - mostly mature pines. There is also a small garden for growing vegetables and numerous spots around the house where perennial flowers are growing.
The place is twenty-five minutes north of a town with a hospital, grocery stores, banks, several restaurants, two Tim Hortons and a Canadian Tire (these last two might be lost on most non-Canadians). It sits about fifteen minutes south of a smaller town and just a few minutes from an odd little general store.
There are reportedly daily sightings of deer, and occasional glimpses of fox, bald eagles, wild turkeys and moose on the property itself. It's a place where my camera will be busy clicking, where fishing will be a near-daily event and where, come August, Frank and I will refer to as "Home."
I'm very excited, of course but it's going to be difficult to leave my neighbourhood, dear friends, park, pond and twenty-nine years of living and memories. This move will truly be bittersweet. If the new neighbours are half as wonderful as the amazing people I'll leave behind, Frank and I will be very lucky, indeed. And this move will take us much further away from family and friends. This will be especially difficult for me but we'll have a lovely little oasis for our loved ones to visit.
So, my erratic presence in blogging will persist for a while. The Posts of the Week will probably suffer for a couple of months. We will take possession of our new home on the last of July. I won't disappear completely but I will be pretty busy over the next few weeks as I prepare my home for sale, sell it and move. Yikes!
I'll close by offering a few photos of our view-to-be. I'm not comfy posting images of the interior of the house until it belongs to us. But come August, watch out!

A view of the property from about one third of the way down the driveway.

Looking northeast, you can see a bit of the neighbours property beyond the treeline, and lots of Crown land directly ahead.

Some of the many pines on our front lawn.

The walkway which leads to the front door from the driveway and garage.

What you'd see as you approach our front door from the lawn.

The back door and deck as seen from the shoreline.

The view as seen through the spare bedroom window.

With this vista as enjoyed from the deck, I suspect I'll take in many a sunrise, while sipping on coffee with my camera in hand. I look forward to sharing it all with you.
Thanks for your understanding during this time of transition. More photos of some sort or another coming up in a scheduled post soon.