Both of them are very loving, gentle and sweet. Their similarities end there.

Zephyr is the grey and white one on the right - he is a fearful cat. The day they both came to live with me, the two little fur balls hid under my bed. Zephyr stayed there for about three days, venturing out only for food, water and trips to the litter box.
Skitty, the tabby, stayed under the bed for a few hours then ventured out to play with my shoelaces.
The one in the middle is my son, Alex. He was nine at the time. These days, at 23, he's furrier than both cats put together.

Zephyr loves food, belly rubs and sleep above all else.
Skitty loves all of the above plus sitting on visitors, checking out the dog, chasing imaginary mice throughout the house and being a part of just about everything we do (within reason).

Zephyr talks to us. He will keep a conversation going for a couple of minutes. For every word or phrase we speak to him, he'll reply with a counter-meow.
Skitty yowls at night - for no apparent reason. The boys have a bit of Siamese in them and that seems to be a common trait for that breed. But if we talk to him, he'll just stare back at us as if to say "You're kidding, right?"

Zephyr is lazy. He rarely seeks us out but is always willing to purr on demand when we go to him.
Skitty is a near-constant companion.

Zephyr is terrified of the vacuum. As soon as he hears it rolling out of the storage closet, he tears down to the basement to hide.
Skitty follows me around watching the attachment move back and forth and has actually allowed me to vacuum him, on occasion.

Zephyr is a survivor. He has food smarts. And escape know how.
Skitty is smart. He gets that a woofing, ear-nibbling JRT is not a threat. An annoyance - but not a threat.

Zephyr hisses at Benny every time he is near.
Skitty engages Benny in play and only hisses at him when he's had enough.

Both of my whiskered boys are beautiful little beings and I'm grateful that they share our home.
I hope every one of you has a wonderful, healthy and Happy New Year.