I'm certain that I've written about my wonderful neighbours in the past. Good friends who also happen to live on our street.

Mark is one of those really nice guys, and he is relatively new to the area. Jen has lived next door to me for about a dozen years now. She met Mark a few years back and he's become part of the gang since he decided to share Jen's home a few years ago.
Typically, on a Friday summer evening, Frank and I will be outside on my front deck. I might have a glass of wine or a cooler and Frank will be enjoying a shot of tequila along with an ice cold beer. Mark will pull up from a long day of driving his limousine, peek over the fence and know that within seconds, Frank will be waving him over to join us. Like all good neighbours, he rarely even hesitates.
I mentioned that he drives a limousine but actually, it's his own business and he has a fleet of cars which see some pretty famous passengers seated within. One of the perks of his work, is that he has seasons tickets to the Canadian Football League Toronto Argonauts' home games. On several occasions, Mark has kindly offered us tickets whenever we'd like and we finally took him up on that when we had plans to meet some friends for the very first time.

Enter Laura and Stephen.
A bit of back story: Frank and I initially met when I wandered into an Internet Relay Chat (IRC) trivia room. I'd played in other rooms before but as characters come and go, the mood of the room and ensuing chat changes. I had grown disenchanted with the last room I'd joined and was looking for something new. That something new happened to be where both Frank and Stephen played trivia - and very well, I might add. Of course the best part of the trivia chat room is the people (much like the best part of blogging) and that particular group was an intelligent, funny and interesting bunch. I stayed for few years and got to know the people pretty well. Once Frank and I crossed the line into real life, we spent less time playing trivia, as did others. The room evolved into less of a draw for all of us and eventually it just faded away. But through the years, Frank and I have kept in occasional touch with a fair number of the regular gang, and among those is Stephen - a bloke from England.

When Stephen and Laura traveled to Toronto early in September, Frank and I had been generously gifted with four tickets to the Hamilton/Toronto game and our guests were eager sports fans.

The Rogers Centre is located close to the world famous C.N. Tower.

We connected with the pair while we were walking, and were soon greeted by a band upon our arrival. Of course they weren't really playing just for us but you already knew that.

The Rogers Centre is also home to baseball's Toronto Blue Jays, as these banners along the building will attest. Evidently, they read better from the other direction.

We had a great view of the field from our seats.

But we had more fun in one of the booths where we could order snacks and drinks while watching the game.

A glance to my right revealed the bar and some of the many cocktails we could have (but didn't) order.

And to my left, was a small section of the crowd.

Of course, some of you would probably be more interested in the game or even the cheerleaders than in the various other surroundings. Go figure.

The crowd and pyrotechnics went wild any time the Argos scored (Arrrrgoooooos), which was often. They beat the rivaling Hamilton Tiger Cats that day.
After the game, we parted ways with our lovely visitors but I know
they'll be back some day, and I look forward to spending more time with
the two of them.

Frank and I headed back to Union Station to catch the train home. Public transit is great but if you ever want to ride through Toronto and the surrounding areas in style, you couldn't go wrong with Mark and his amazing fleet of limos at
Cameron Limousine.
In a few days I'll post some photos taken on the train ride and subsequent drive home from the station.