Despite how the pictures below appear, he really doesn't mind being in his crate. He gets inside of it quite readily and is happy just to know that wherever we're headed, he's going with us. It's the long drive which gets him antsy. He's fine when we're zooming along the highway - he'll sleep most of the way, but as soon as he senses that we're getting closer to making a few stops (to get worms, to buy groceries and to acquire our usual goodies from the liquor store), he starts getting restless. He has a full repertoire of sounds which range from soft whimpers, vocal pants and bird-like chirps which change in range before your very ears, from very high-pitched to deep low growly sounds. It's quite the symphony of canine sounds.
Of course, while he's entertaining us with his vocal prowess, he's not just sitting or lying still. He's often facing forward, imploring us with his eyes, to understand that he can not wait a moment longer and must be at the cottage right now lest he implode.
One day, I'll record Benny's symphony of sounds but for now, the following three photos will give you an idea of his sense of urgency.
Are we just about there yet?
Please! Can't somebody help me?
For the love of dog, please stop this car.
And now, without further delay, here are the Posts of the Week. The icon below is yours for the taking if if your blog post is named as a POTW.

A Good Read
I'm Britney?
by Gary
at Follow Your Bliss
Empty Hands
by Fiona
at Lady Fi
The Prune One
by Moannie
at The View From This End
I Can't See That From Over Here
by Christopher
at Christopher's Views
Funny Stuff
Would You Rather...
by Michelle
at House of Lime
Hurricanes: How to Prepare (or Not)
by Crabby
at Cranky Fitness
by Michelle
at House of Lime
Hurricanes: How to Prepare (or Not)
by Crabby
at Cranky Fitness
Photographic Gems
Sunset Sunday
by Scott
at Just Used Pixels
Monarch Butterfly - Egg Laying - Ovipositing
by Kerri
at A Little Piece of Me
by Scott
at Just Used Pixels
Monarch Butterfly - Egg Laying - Ovipositing
by Kerri
at A Little Piece of Me
Please drop by their blogs for a visit and leave a kind comment if you have the time. Also, please feel free to add your own choices (for any blog except this one) for a specific blog post in the comments section below, where others can see them.
Thank you.