Benny is Frank's dog. The two of them visit me pretty much every weekend, much to my cats' dismay. Benny is a very high-energy Jack Russell Terror who is used to two long walks a day, and several instances of tug-o-war and fetch throughout the course of the day. When he's here, he's also used to a few games of Chase the Cat. Skittles is the more energetic of my two cats, and more often than not, opts to engage Benny in these games. Skitty gets the chance to hiss, spit and growl - activities that he doesn't usually pursue during his everyday life. It gives him a chance to explore his feline roots.
This past weekend, both of the critters were outside. Skitty had wandered over to my neighbour's front yard and was happily munching on some grass - an activity he loves nearly as much as throwing said grass back up on my carpet hours later. Benny decided that a happy cat was fair target for torment. He started running circles around Skitty, each one brought him close enough to give him a little nip or lick as he made contact on the fly. Occasionally, Skitty would get a good swipe in at Benny.
The following series of photographs were taken just seconds apart - one shot for each time that Benny zoomed around and past Skitty.
Can we say "pest?"

I see trouble coming...

Don't even think about hiding. I can see you! (Whap!)

Brace yourself, old boy! (Mrrrow!)

Neener, neener! (Thwap!)

Wheeeeeeee! (Hisssss!)

Touchdown! (Grrrrowl!)

A change of location. (Maybe he won't find me.)


Back in hiding.
If you'd like to read about more of Benny's antics you can find some past blog posts
here and
If you'd like to see him and Skitty in action, you can take a look at this little video
We'll be heading up to Frank's family's cottage for a few days this week, where Benny will most likely participate in another one of his favourite games -
Bite the Waves.
See you next week!